The key to dry skin is....exfoliation,as well as moisturisation....a dry skin is a "sluggish" skin,meaning,it needs to be stimulated as often as possible....moisturisation is fine as long as fresh new skin cells have come to the top aided by exfoliation,otherwise it is pointless,and you are just moisturising dead skin cells,and will not penetrate properly.
Kim,the wax queen is also right in recommending regular waxing,as this will alleviate the situation,i was always advocating this treatment for dry skin to clients,even if they were skeptical,it does the trick.
The first port of call should be the doctor or pharmacist,as they would be able to evaluate the situation,but using a salon brand moisturiser and exfoliant should not cause any harm,and can work alongside any other topical application cream:hug:
If sensitivity is occurring,as well as the dryness this must be treated first with desensitizing creams that can be purchased from the pharmacist.....if it is all over the body as well as the legs it could be with too harsh a cleansing product,but as it sounds localized it could be something seeing a doctor would be the first place to seek help....i hope something works out for you xxx