'It's gone patchy can you re do it'


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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
West Midlands
I spray tanned a lady last night at a pamper event, it looked great.

Though after I sprayed her I realised a few months back I black listed her for cancelling last min twice then on the 3rd go not turning up at all. And at this event she was 5 mins late and I watched her talking away to someone and I was back to back with people...

Just got a text saying its gone patchy down my arm, I got my top a little wet last night (she was going to the pub after the event) and my baby threw up on me, I don't know if this helped it. Can you re do it friday please?!

So is she suggesting I do this for free. Plus she would have showered by then and when I spray over the patches its gonna look even patchier?!?

Aww really don't wanna deal with this as I don't know how?! :(
I spray tanned a lady last night at a pamper event, it looked great.

Though after I sprayed her I realised a few months back I black listed her for cancelling last min twice then on the 3rd go not turning up at all. And at this event she was 5 mins late and I watched her talking away to someone and I was back to back with people...

Just got a text saying its gone patchy down my arm, I got my top a little wet last night (she was going to the pub after the event) and my baby threw up on me, I don't know if this helped it. Can you re do it friday please?!

So is she suggesting I do this for free. Plus she would have showered by then and when I spray over the patches its gonna look even patchier?!?

Aww really don't wanna deal with this as I don't know how?! :(

Well she's quite clearly said its her fault so perhaps tell her the price of a half body tan, or just tell her your fully booked this weekend if you dont want to do it.
Please don't do it for free. She has already messed you around with apps. It is her own fault that her arm had gone patchy. You did your job correctly left her with aftercare advice,if she has ruined her tan it's her problem not yours.

Why do clients always think you are going to give away your services for free? Drives me mad.

If you know you did a fab Job then either say you are fully booked or tell her the price. Hth x x
If you decide to do it then reply with the price, do not do this for free. If you don't want to do it advise her that your not willing to do it as it will make it more patchy (worth telling her this anyway).

She might not be looking for a freebie, she has admitted in around about way that this is her fault. Then again she might just be after a free tan for next weekend! Just stand firm and don't be manipulated by this woman, she clearly doesn't respect your or your business. Just keep your professional head on and don't let your personal opinion get in the way.
Im coming across like im standing my ground but Im in tears :(

She's now saying her back is patchy (where she didn't get it wet) so therefore saying it's my fault. She knows im at another pamper party tomorrow and said she will come down, I stated that I can't fix something I havent seen so she must take photos and she said she will send them later.

She also said she will book with me in a few weeks...if I made her patchy why would she want another one with me?! So she's gonna take pics to send me later and scrub off the tan now to start a fresh tomorrow. But if theres no pics theyll be a confrontation. If I think the pics arent legite theyl be confrontation. Im saving her number as black list now. I don't need this!
Im coming across like im standing my ground but Im in tears :(

She's now saying her back is patchy (where she didn't get it wet) so therefore saying it's my fault. She knows im at another pamper party tomorrow and said she will come down, I stated that I can't fix something I havent seen so she must take photos and she said she will send them later.

She also said she will book with me in a few weeks...if I made her patchy why would she want another one with me?! So she's gonna take pics to send me later and scrub off the tan now to start a fresh tomorrow. But if theres no pics theyll be a confrontation. If I think the pics arent legite theyl be confrontation. Im saving her number as black list now. I don't need this!

Oh honey don't get upset she's not worth it!

Did she follow your pre-care advice? She may have gone patchy due to not exfoliating beforehand. If she's saying she got water on her then how can she be sure some didn't go on her back.

You definitely need to see it, and make your decision from there. Do not do another spray for free though!

Good luck.
Rhiannon x
She sounds a nightmare. Prob best to rectify her tan and advise her that she should use another technician in future if she is not happy with your service. If its only her arm and back just do 1/2 body spray.

Don't let her get to you, hard as it seems you can use this as a positive experience. You will be better prepared for future problematic clients!

Sending geek hugs!
She was going out the the pub after so she must have spilled something down her then as she text me early so no she can't have followed aftercare. Nor before care as it was a pamper night but when shes booked in before ive sent her before care advice so she knows the drill...

Once I see the pics I can make my mind up. Im hoping she just leaves it but if she wants respraying tomorrow shes gonna have a job getting all the tan off by then. Shes quite bolshy and im so small and timid and really want to stand my ground with this! But knowing what shes like theyl be something up with the pics or no pics at all then there will be a problem...

I would just spray over the patchy bits if there is any, but if she wants spraying all over again then let her know you will have to charge her. Ull be fine hun dont let her take the micky! X

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She said she will take pictures and scrub it all of now so her getting a respray is subject to the pictures and ive told her that. It was only arms and face so atleast its not the whole body! It's so easy to just say yeah il respray you but shes already taken me for a mug and to be honest I really wouldn't book her in after all of this! Thanks for the advice geeks, is easily said than done but im gonna hold it out, I'll be able to tell what shes done through the pics and if they are no pics then no free respray. I can do it!
Good luck. Let us know how u get on x
I think the fact that she said she will send pics then scrub it all off is a bit of a sly way of her to get a complete free tan personally! .. If she intends on scrubbing it all off then she will probably scrub parts of her back, then take the pics to send you, then scrub the lot off.
It's Friday night tomo-her tan will be perfect for Saturday night which is just typical!
Personally I would tell her not to scrub it all off and tell her that you will just 'touch it up'! .. She may not be keen to scrub off a perfectly fine tan then!!
Good luck Hun, stand your ground. I know it can be tough at times but show her who's boss!
Let us know how you get on
Xx hugs xx
Her patches are her fault, no fixing it for free, if you touch up then charge for your time & solution, if your fully respraying her then charge full price.

This is not your fault so don't take responsibility for it by doing anything for free. IF and that is a big if, you thought this might have been caused by something you did then fine, redo/fix for free, but as you did nothing wrong why are you even considering doing anything more for her for FREE. NO WAY. She wants it sorted, then she pays.

Be strong and business like, this is all her doing not yours so why should you put yourself out and use anymore of your products on this person?
Reading your comments has really drummed it into me how I should go about this.

She hasn't text me all day today even though yesturday morning she told me she would send pictures later, so Im hoping she thinks whats the point...

But tonights the night she might turn up! Fingers crossed she doesn't bother coming! She's probably tried scrubbing it off by now but it's not easy to scrub a new tan in 2 days is it?! Wish me luck and will update if she makes an appearance!

Thankyou Geeks! You're knowledge is sooo appreciated!!
If she does turn up tonight and she has managed to scrub it all off I still wouldn't spray her for free. Unless you have seen it yourself , there is no proof. State clearly beforehand that you will be charging her full rate and that's that. If she is not happy then don't spray her. Be polite but stand your ground. Stay calm and don't let her intimidate you . Good luck Hun xx
She didn't even turn up! Panicked for nothing, obviously wasn't sucha problem after all! But I was prepared what to do and say, thankyou everyone! If she ever text me again I might just be busy! Time is money in this industry and shes wasted alot of my time! xx

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