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jenny mosley

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Private Facial Aesthetic Clinic's, Warks, Staffs &
Hello Geeks,

My best mate lives in Dorking, Surrey, she is married to wealthy man.
His parents own a pub in Surrey near Guilford, it's a country pub with a canel running through it's gardens, real fires burning, nice food and a warm cosy feel to it.

We met up for Christmas his parents are due to retire. My friends hubby want's to buy it and want's hubby and I to run it. we will have live in accomadation etc, it's set in a small posh village in surrey.

What would you do?

This is a big move from the West Midlands to London etc

Hubby is very keen, no bills etc

I need some geek advise, would i give up beauty?

Jenny - wow - what a big step to take and I wish you the best of luck with what ever you decide.

Just a few questions for you - what experience do you have in the pub industry and do you feel ready to give your life in the Beauty Industry up?
wow...what an offer.

Offers like this done come up to often....i think i would be tempted to say yes, close my eyes, hold on tight and roll with it.....whats the worse thing that could happen...??

Do either of you have any experience in pubs/clubs....will there be help...?

Do you have kids...?

i think it sounds really exciting.............i am a big believer in destiny, if somethings suppose to work out then it will, things happen for a reason and maybe this is suppose to could just be your destiny...

i am well excited for you...:lol: x
Dorking is only about 15 minutes from me and a beautiful part of the world. It does sound like a great opportunity

Dorking is a fab place, my pals live in Wallace Wood.
The pub is in send marsh, guilford.

I have worked in a night club in B'ham city centre many many years ago.
The accomadation ontop of the pub is available now, his parents don't live on the premises.

They would train us both up for a couple of months to get us use to all the in's and out's of it, the book work is done by my pals hubby anyway so no pobs there.(they have an accountant for the rest of it)

thay want to update the place.. they will update the kitchen, extend if for party's/functions and large food dining etc.

It's a gamble
What do i do?????????

do you own your house you live in now...?...if so you could rent it out..that way you can come home IF it doesn't work out, and your mortgage is still be paid. Once your off the property ladder its hard to get back on so i wouldn't sell up.

whats does your hubby do for a living now..?
wow what a great offer

i wish you all the best of luck in whatever you choose to do

i would take the plunge and give it a go!
i agree with what everyone is saying....its hard when people put up threads...."what would you do"!!!!...

you have to do what you want hun....its a fab chance to take and i would go for it .....why???? like angie says....these chances dont come along alot so when they do go with the flow!!!

good luck in what ever you decide xxx

Me and my friend have been pals for 40yrs, we were born 3 days apart, our family go back 2 generations of friendship. I love her to bits, we have shared boyfriends, secrets, and everything thing you share with your best girlfriend. Nothing has ever caused us to fall out, we are in this forever.

My husband retired as a firefighter 2yrs ago, he works part time for his best mate as a builder(and a very good one). He also works part time for the NEC as security.

We sold our house last year and with the profit decided to buy a hoilday home in Las Vegas, which we are just wrapping up as we speak.
(so if any of you geeks are interested in a holiday in vegas, keep in touch)
We have rented for the las year and are on a monthly contract with our landlords.

We have no kids through choice, we have 3 rabbits and an old dog called baxter(he's my special little man)

I have worked so hard the last 5yrs and trained in all systems Creative, su-do body brushing, waxing warm and Phd, tinting, lash perming, Nouveau Lashes, IPL intense pulse light and Semi-Permanent makeup(PMU). I have found my true love in PMU and would love to do more work, it's very hard to get started, I would still like to work my days off doing PMU and the odd nails etc.
When you work in this industry you have alway's got something to fall back on.

Thank you for all your kind words, you geeks are the best there is:hug:

Love and warm happy wishes for all of you in this new year

jen x
Don't give up your beauty biz, can you not work at it part time and part time in the pub.
Working in a pub is extremely hard work, you are always on show and you have to socialise with people that you don't like.

I worked full-time in a pub and helped to run the cellar, I worked from 9am - 3pm and then 5.30 - 12.30. In your spare time you would then have to do the ordering, etc,.
I would definitely give it a chance, what do you have to lose ? nothing,
the living accommodation above a pub is usually huge, there is no reason why you couldn't turn one of the rooms into a home salon and advertise among the pub patrons,
out of interest where abouts in Vegas is your holiday home ? my partner goes there at least twice a year for a holiday ( the jammy sod lol) so if its convenient for him he may well rent it from you ?
I'd make sure that whatever you and your friend decide re running the business, have a contract first up as friendship and business usually don't mix with a verbal contract.
You could do a bit of beauty on the side to keep your hand in just in case it doesn't work out but running a pub is a hugh workload - my niece used to do it so theres not much free time unless you have employees.
It's a fantastic offer - good luck with your decision. I hate making major life changing decisions myself as it's always a gamble.
I think that your husband has nothing to lose as he's retired from his steady job. However, you need to think about whether you want to give up the client base that you have where you are now. You could always go back to beauty at a later stage I guess. Running a pub is an 18hr a day job and bloody hard work. xxx
i would go for it, you could still do beauty chances like this don't come up very often.
I would say trust your instincts ~ go with whatever you feel inside is the right decision.

It will be very hard work running a pub so both you and your husband will have to make sure you have some time to yourselves as you can very easily find your there 24/7!

Hello Geeks,

Thank you for all your advise, it's a big one for me. I alway's ask my best mate for advise on things like this, but she's involved in this one.
She is sooo desperate for me to move to Surrey that she has even offered to build me and hubby a log cabin in her back garden, they have 8 kids all of them are luvly, the garden sounds a litttle noisy for me in the summer(sunday lay ins etc)

As the Brow Queen say's hubby has no loss, i on the other hand have all my experience and stuff.

The thing that makes us think twice is having no bills and a wage, very appealing.

We are going to meet up and have a business chat soon, so fingers crossed on that one.

Loubylou..our Vegas pad will be in Green Valley/Henderson not far from airport and MGM hotel(near hells kitchen ranch casino and resort) and near the The District. What does your fella visit Vegas for? you should hitch a ride with him, what a place. I have been visiting Vegas for many years 15+ and love it more and more each visit. Hubby and I have met sooo many nice people there.
When you visit Vegas you think that the people are a little over the top with the happy bug, an old Las Vegas resident told us that, the people who live in vegas wan't to be there, they move for work as it has plenty, social life as it has plenty, sunshine as it has plenty, golf and outdoor activity as it has plenty, no TAX, and cheap property's. That's why they are alway's happy.

Love Jenx
Hi Jen, he just goes for holidays and because he is addicted to the place, he would move there in a breath but i wont go with him, i am nice though i wouldn't stop him moving there if he wanted to lol,
i think i have just got into a bad habit of not going on holiday, my last holiday was when i was 13 (i am 36 now) and i spent a week in morecambe with my mum, i don't even have a passport i am useless :lol:
I wish you well in your decisions hun

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