Manicures for Men


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May 28, 2010
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Hi Everyone,

I had decided to go for a manicure, my very first one. I walked into a salon and made my request, I was greeted by a soft laughter and I eard from a girl "What colour would youlike?" I was horrified and walked out. Is this the general case in salons or was it just a bad spot to go for my first time?
Thats such a shame they behaved like that! How unprofessional. Dont be deterred and cost yourself from having a lovely treatment. I think personally that was just bad luck. Perhaps look for somewhere else or even a mobile therapist maybe. Although its less common nowdays for men to get manicures i think it is something that will once again become more popular. Lets hope the salon you enquired in learns quickly its not all a same sex market as more men enjoy the benefits of looking after themselves, otherwise they will lose more clients.
Good luck finding somewhere else :hug:
My Brother in law works in Iraq driving hgv with supplies for the British Army and is on an army base in Basra.

He's a great big strappy chap 6' 4" as are most of his colleagues

Anyways, there is a little place on base that has a few Thai that give treatments and one day he bites the bullet and decides he deserves a mani & pedi so plucks up the courage to go in hoping no one will see him.

He opens the door and walks in to find the place choca block with blokes have mani and pedi including most of his work mates!!!!!

He said he took one look and said to them
" and I thought there was a f****ing war on!!!"

He now has treatments regularly and I have to say has the nicest hands and feet Ive ever seen on a bloke so I say go for it, I for one like a man having nice looking hands and feet and whos to say women only deserve these things.

Don't be put off by one silly salon, we aren't all like that.
Hi Everyone,

I had decided to go for a manicure, my very first one. I walked into a salon and made my request, I was greeted by a soft laughter and I eard from a girl "What colour would youlike?" I was horrified and walked out. Is this the general case in salons or was it just a bad spot to go for my first time?

I think you did the right thing in walking out,if those girls worked for me they would have had a verbal warning for that behaviour.Very unprofessional and lost the business a client.

Men do go for manicures etc,it's nothing new or out of the ordinary.Try another salon I am sure you will be greeted with a professional attitude next time.
I agree with what has been said. We are NOT all like that and I would venture to say you would have been welcomed with open arms from any geek on here!

Those girls behaved badly and I would have disciplined them, too. Shame on them! They probably lost a great customer!

Go on and treat deserve it...we all do! :)
I have quite a few men on my client list who have regular Man"e"cures and pedicures, its a shame in this day and age that there seems to be some silly little girls out there.
We are not all like that.
Maybe go to a home salon or a mobile technician at least you wont have the worry of feeling self concious about looking after yourself.
I think it speaks volumes if a man takes pride in his appearance, dont let those silly girls put you off, go for it!
Jen xx
i agree with whats been said on here its great to see men take pride in them selves its a same those so called professionals acted so un profeesional make the rest of us look bad i hope it has not put you off we are not all like them
As a Male tech I find the treatment you received horrid!

Everyone deserves to pamper themselves, and many of my friends get manis done - we're not talking polish etc, but a clean, shape, tidy and skin treatment (not that they would probably admit it to most guys...;))

But at the end of the day, our hands are a massive part of personal presentation and they deserve to be looked after... If those girls had been on my staff I would have given them one heck of a long lecture....
It is a shame really the way they acted. I keep sending my partner for manicures on regular basis and he loves it too. It is so much more pleasant to be touched by neat and soft hands lol :D Whenever I travel on tube I constantly notice that so many men do not care for they hands and fingernails - having dirt under them (and mainly they are office workers too!) I think you should not be put off by having such experience, this only shows how unprofessional they are...
Shocking treatment, but you did the best thing - walked out! They lost a paying client ... and it serves them right!! I've done it myself walked out when I wasn't happy with the service.

So many of my guys have had similar experiences when going to salons for waxing. Manicures is something that is on my shopping list of treatments I want to offer ... personally I love receiving a manicure!

Thank you for your support and sites to try, Iwill do just that.
Probably a stupid question, but I'm curious - would you perform a normal manicure for a guy? Or are there stages you would add/take out? What would be the usual procedure for a manicure for a man?

I only ask because funnily enough I am opening my new salon on June 11th, and I have had a number of men who have asked whether I can do a manicure on them? So...I have been wondering about this for a week or so! Thanks..C x
i do just the same for gents manicures.
they generally dont want polish though so i buff the nails.
I just do exactly the same procedure but just buff the nails instead of polishing.
There is an article in this months Guild magazine all about Male Manicures.
What a disgrace!! Dont be put off. That is an unprofessional reaction. Most would have guided you to a seat and performed a manicure designed especially for men. I can't believe some people. Most salons offer male treatments.
Gary dont be put off by a couple of ignorant twats- a manicure for guys is Good Grooming,exactly like hair cuts and buying nice clothes.If you go to a shop for clothes and they are rude- that wont stop you from going some where else- wil it?
i would have welcomed you with open arms and so will many others. take no notice what so ever . if the yhad been my staff, they would have been looking for a new job! how very rude and unprofessional.

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