New staff + their existing mobile clientele?


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Then I don't see what your "argument" is.
Your employees don't and you don't want them to.
Other salons are happy for us to also stay mobile.

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The original poster was asking a point of view from other salon owners. I replied. What's your argument? :)
The original poster was asking a point of view from other salon owners. I replied. What's your argument? :)

I don't have an argument, my OPINION was that if my boss told me I had to hand over all my clients and I can't work mobile at all I wouldn't work for them!
This site is all for opinion so I don't know who you think you are talking down to me as if I am not good enough to voice an opinion as I'm not a salon owner.

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Lou, I don't think anyone is judging you personally. This is as you say a general discussion about the pro's and con's of I would say salon staff who take customers away from the salon they work in. its great you have an understanding boss who trusts you and is ok with you being mobile as well. Many of us are struggling to make ends meet in this financial climate - my bills are just going up and up, my husband runs his own business and works 60+++ hours a week trying to make ends meet ( they aren't by the way) and i had an absolutely horrendous employment situation which almost brought me to the point of nervous breakdown which is when I decided to return to hairdressing and work for myself. I have the opportunity to work in a barbers shop which wouldn't conflict with my mainly female mobile clientele but I'm so traumatized by bad employers I'm too chicken to do it at the moment - so what i'm saying is we all have our problems and as long as we are honest and paying our taxes/insurance and all that gubbins - there is room for everyone.:cool: chill
Oh that's bad I hope everything works out for you x
I do also understand both sides of this I just feel that there is no point stopping anyone doing what they want out of work hours, as long as they are working well in the salon then I don't think what they do at home is anyones business x
And I know it's general but she keeps making little digs that are personal! Never mind it x

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I am freelance. My opinion is working in a salon and mobile with different rates e.g cheaper outside the salon is a conflict of interests and I would not stand for it as an employer. If the charge is the same salon or mobile then I can see how you could argue either way, as they are different clientele. However as an employer I would not want my staff working outside of the salon too and as an employee it would be their choice to like it or lump it!
I can understand that i charge same prices mobile as salon, in fact one treatment is more expensive by me! So there is no way I'm trying to compete, just making ends meat! :) x

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And I know it's general but she keeps making little digs that are personal! Never mind it x

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Please tell me where at any point I was making this personal to you. I am slightly confused. When you have quoted my answers, I have responded. All my posts regarding the matter have addressed the issue.

You asked me what my argument was, so I asked what yours was. Factious, I know, but I thought I was responding in a manner you seemed to understand.

My name is Donna, my mum always taught me She was the cat's mother. :)
Please tell me where at any point I was making this personal to you. I am slightly confused. When you have quoted my answers, I have responded. All my posts regarding the matter have addressed the issue.

You asked me what my argument was, so I asked what yours was. Factious, I know, but I thought I was responding in a manner you seemed to understand.

My name is Donna, my mum always taught me She was the cat's mother. :)

That's fine if you never meant anything personally, your wording seems as though you are talking down to me (and a few others) which I do not appreciate. You made it seem as though because the thread was aimed at salon owners my opinion is not needed.
I'm not really interested in this thread anymore as it seems to be no help to the person asking for help!

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wow, heated thread!! Just to buck the trend Persianista I'm a mobile and I agree with you!! Many customers out there are just out for themselves and would rather pay less for their services, if you work in a salon I am sure you regularly get asked if you ( as a stylist) could do it cheaper at home.
I'm going to be hated for this but I think its possibly an age thing?? Us 'elderly' hairdressers understand the enormous cost of living and premises costs/insurance etc. etc. mortgages/children/parents to care for? the endless, endless list of things to pay for and the stress/emotional strain of managing staff. to then have some twerp who takes your stock to do one of your clients 'at home' must drive you mad and Salon owners I can see why you would have contracts against this conflict of interest.

Mobiles - if you are lucky enough to have a salon owner who doesn't mind you having mobile clients as well - thats great.
Salon stylists - respect the fact that you have a job when many people don't and if you're not paid enough and you're that good - find another salon who respect you.

Also - as well as declaring all this extra income do you stylists who do some clients at home have insurance etc. its very important that you do in this litigious world!!

There endeth the lesson from old person who will be 40 in 3 days!!! my new motto after being a shy shrinking violet all these years is that 'everyone is entitled to my opinion'!!!:biggrin:

Totally agree. I am also mobile but I have worked in salons up until recently. I can understand stylists doing family and friends at home, even friends of friends to an extent, but I can't see how someone building their own business and actively seeking to make a profit is not in competition with the salon they are employed with? If a client has the stylist do their hair at home and the stylist is not bringing that business (which in the end is how they are paid) into the salon then there is a conflict of interests, surely? How is that seen as loyalty to the employer? Just my views btw.

Loving this thread, great to see the passion in the different views!
Hey Penners, I shall be 42 tomorrow!!!

I think that they days of "everyone out for themself" have ended. Salons need loyalty and hard graft in order to keep going at the moment.

I do pay my staff really well, plus they get a % comission. Sadly there are some that think they should get their entire takings PLUS a bit more on top.

I think chair renting will grow simply because more and more salon owners will refuse to employ people. Attitudes that I have seen on here really are quite disturbing, and if enough people feel the same it really will change the industry.
That's fine if you never meant anything personally, your wording seems as though you are talking down to me (and a few others) which I do not appreciate. You made it seem as though because the thread was aimed at salon owners my opinion is not needed.
I'm not really interested in this thread anymore as it seems to be no help to the person asking for help!

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Nice answer.

Jacqui x
Hey Penners, I shall be 42 tomorrow!!!

I think that they days of "everyone out for themself" have ended. Salons need loyalty and hard graft in order to keep going at the moment.

I do pay my staff really well, plus they get a % comission. Sadly there are some that think they should get their entire takings PLUS a bit more on top.

I think chair renting will grow simply because more and more salon owners will refuse to employ people. Attitudes that I have seen on here really are quite disturbing, and if enough people feel the same it really will change the industry.
I agree. It's becoming harder and harder to make a salon profitable. Apparently, the average salon owner earns £20,000 a year, that is less than the average worker which stands around £25,000 a year. I put in 60+ hours a week to run my business. The average worker puts in 38 hrs per week.
I'm not a salon owner, but i'm going to throw my two cents in anyway.

I can safely say that YES, I do want to own my own business ... and I want to do it in the next five years ... but since I don't want to own a conventional salon ... and am almost positive there would be zilcho poaching by my business venture, then I would hope an employer would still employ me even though I would eventually begin my own business venture.

Also ... If I was asked in an interview by a salon owner if I was going to persue mobile hairdressing on the side I would be completely honest and say that I would continue to do my mum's cut and roots at home [free of charge] and my grandma's cut & colour [she gives me £15 even though I protest a million times that i'll do it for free] ... but other than that I would NOT do mobile hairdressing outside of work.

Even if somebody asked me to do their hair outside of work, I would suggest they come to the salon. BECAUSE, if I can get that client to come to me in the salon ... then I may just get a new regular in my column, which will get me one step closer to hitting my targets, which'll let me keep my job!

HOWEVER ... If I got that client into those salon doors, then I would expect to be able to take them with me again once I left with minimal Ill Will. I would NEVER actively poach a client from the salon if I hadn't brought that client to the salon myself ... but would definitely expect to take my existing client base with me when I moved on.
Hello everyone

Wow what a contentious thread and over 1000 views and nearly 100 replies.

I have digested all of that has been written and as a salon owner:

I already have my small one which I have built up through solid HARD graft, having worked in many salons (NONE in the area and MOST in another country) I had to start up mobile here for 2 years then open a small salon.

I am now moving to a bigger premises hence seeking staff (I currently only have 1 member of staff in my small salon). I have tried renting chairs and it just leads to one headache after another.

Anyway, I digress. I put in about 60 hours a week, delivered over 15,000 leaflets MYSELF(mostly in freezing temperatures or rain) so really need this to work, oh and over the last year have NOT paid myself any salary.

Now reading this, I am hoping those that are lucky enough to have a full time stylist job will appreciate that I have to overcome Council Legislations, Insurances, Rates, Taxes, NI's, Rents, Advertising, Marketing, Research, Training.....Shall I go on? So to employ a stylist that lives a few roads away who offers mobile services, when I pay a decent rate, guarantee a job, pay commission on services and retail.....etc would be bloody ridiculous and fool hardy.

I have a regular client that often asks my Junior to do her hair at home, or let her know when she moves salons, cos she wants it to be cheaper and my Junior has never taken her up on it but told me about it, last week I overheard the client ask again and am tempted to ask her not to return as I do her hair, come in 'specially for her occasionally all for it to be thrown in my face BUT I work so hard keeping my salon alive I cannot afford to pick and choose.

SO, after all of your reports, and yes it is so obvious who owns salons and who doesnt, I am going to stick to my guns and play hardball and NOT allow mobile work.

I have NEVER been allowed to work outside of the salon I worked at, not have I wanted to. Yes I have done friends and family but its invariably for free, a favour or a bottle of wine. Monetary wise, nope, I would rather they came into wherever I worked, brightened up my day with some friendly banter and helped me keep a job where I am reputable and supported.

Hmmmmm, lets see who shouts back at this one.

Meanwhile thank you everyone.....I know one of you said it was no help to the original poster and someone agreed, you are right, it did all go off track but has made me see things for how they really are :)
Oh sorry, could those that provide contracts with the clauses forbidding "paid" outside work (conflict of interests) please pm me perhaps with a copy / template of said contract so I know I am working within the law?

Thanks again.
Havent read through all the replys to this thread but....

I work in a salon, I love my job, I love the salon environment and meeting new people (although the latter can be said for mobile stylists to :) )

myself, I wouldnt like to go mobile, I work full time and find thats enough for me. The only people I do outside my work is my parents and my brothers hair and I dont consider that mobile thats family, I dont charge them but get a perk of a free bottle of wine lol, if my mum wants colours , I dont get them from the salon I work in, I buy them myself from the warehouse plus any additional products.

I have alot of respect for my boss and get back what I put into my place of work, (which yes does include holiday pay, sick pay extra days off on bank hols etc, free haircuts and colours for myself ) I consider myself very lucky,although my boss has never said you cant do mobile, I never have people have asked me and I just say "sorry but I dont do mobile hairdressing " and thats fine my clients still come to the salon, and I always try to accomodate them even if it means me going to work earlier or staying on longer at the end of the day.

Its swings and round abouts, there are good and bad points to being a mobile stylist and also a stylist in a salon. I have full respect for my boss, most people think you must be rolling in money by owning your own salon, but this is not the case, so many overheads etc.

At the end of the day you have to do what works best for you and your own situation.
On ur original post before the 'debate' began u said the girl said their elderly, well my mum ownes 2 care homes n i wud say shes probly right when she says they wont come to the salon so your not loosing any custom but them elderly people will hav to start trying to find a mobile hairdresser when theyv probly got a good relationship with this girl already so i dont see any harm in her continuing to do them aslong as she doesnt take on any new clients at home n if shes gud u might even get some of the elderly peoples family come to your salon...

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Mine are worded along the lines of;
It is expressly forbidden to pursue any other work outside the salon which is in direct competition with the salon.

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