New Tech - had a really awful day so far....


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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
Cannock, Staffordshire
Good morning all, I hope you can all help me out here.

I started working, mobile, home and salon based 2 weeks ago and have completed a few sets of nails.

I have one particularly awkward customer - she is a hairdresser in the salon that I work in and has always had a reaction to nail enhancements of any sort. The only ones she has managed to wear sucessfully are acrylics but they wreck her nails. She had to sign disclaimers at her last salon before they would apply them.

I did her a set of silk nails just over a week ago and used pre-designed tips, she wanted them left really long even though I tried to persuade her to have them shorter, she was almost in tears at the thought of having them shorter. I finished the set without problem, they looked brill although a little long.

Two days later she broke one on her car door and relented into having them shorter. I started to file them shorter but was stopped as she was in a rush and asked me to cut them with tip cutters. I pointed out that this could ruin them as the shock of cutting them would shatter the silk/resin overlay. She was prepared for the worst and still wanted them cut.

I cut them and was closing my eyes every time. Two days later I had a call to say all the resin was cracking and chipping off. I explained that this is what I had warned her off. She booked in for another appointment to have them remoevd and white tips put on and requested that I applied more resin to make them stronger - it's great isn't it.

These she had shorter and they looked brill. But low and behold, two days later she calls to say that the resin is cracking but not chipping off. She kept saying that she wanted more and more resin on while I was doing her nails to make them stronger. I pointed out that this would actually make them more prone to breaking and didn't apply any more resin than normal.

I saw them yesterday and she is right,they are almost like crazy paving on a few of her nails. I suggested that it might be the chemicals she uses as a hairdresser but she countered that with "they started doing it within a few hours of applying on my day off". I had applied top coat to finish the nails and she then told me (3 days later) that she has had a reaction to top coat in the past on her acrylic nails.

Now I get the feeling that she is after a free set and I can;t see what I did wrong to make them go like that. She was booked in on tuesday for a new set for her holidays but has now decided to go back to acrylics

So.......... I called one of my other clients who has had a set on for nearly 2 weeks and hers are fine, she still loves them and is booked in next week for a rebalance. I also repaired a nail on another client who broke it moving furniture, she is still happy with hers and they look fab a week later.

I then called another client who has had them on for a week, she told me she broke 3 and instead of getting them replaced she tried to remove the rest herself before a night in the pub last night and now they look a real mess. She is in her 50's and not a biter. I did her daughters nails 2 weeks ago and she is a real biter, and apparently she has lost all her nails, yet no phone call to tell me that she had broken them and no call to cancel her infill appointment on Wednesday either.

I'm left feeling that all my nails are crap and I've now lost 4 customers in one day (not confirmed as the mother and daughter may have another set this week) I'm worried that they will be telling people that I'm no good an not to come to me. I have offered them new sets at a reduced price to try and make up for it.

How unlucky do you have to be to have this happen all in the first 2 weeks of business.

To top it all off, I feel that as the hairdresser works in the salon that I am meant to be working in, she is not promoting me and booking appointments as she is un-happy with her nails, I had no appointments there this week at all. I work there on a Friday and a Saturday. I did nails on the girls there free of charge as a bit of advertising and found out yesterday that the other girl there had hers took off on Thursday night as she had broken 3, she had booked another appointments for before she goes on holiday, But I now have one girl there not happy with her nails and another without any so not brill advertisments for me.

Is it me, or is it the customers? I use creative products for prep, citrusoak, cool blue and scrubfresh and NSI products for the overlays. I use Millenium Nails French White tips and Silk.
Awww hun feel for you...this hairdresser is taking the p***!! I have just posted a thread this morning about me being un-happy in the salon I have rented a table for 3 weeks...they have had a free set each, then took them off themselves a week ago and then yesterday they wanted them back on and paid me a fiver each to do them (they booked themselves in without consulting me) and decided themselves what they would pay me!
Hello Darlin'! Dont be to down on yourself,
If you think negative all the time your enhancements will be a bit on the crappy side because you are feeling down.
There is always one Client that will try it on, wanting a new set because she has "PICKED" or "BITTEN" them, coming back making you or any Nail Tech feel like Bloody Crap when it's NOT your fault!! It makes you feel really incompetent, Admittedly sometimes it can be your/our fault, no one is perfect eh!!!
I'm a Mobile Tech and love it, have been for 9 months now, i find it more personal, my own boss, wouldn't have it any other way!!
I used to use all NSI but now using all Creative.
Keep your chin up chuck, love and hugs :hug:
I just had another phone call. A lady that I did on Thursday afternoon has broken one of her nails and she is in Wales for a weeks hol and a wedding next Sat. She was tying her grand daughters shoe laces and took a corner off.

She said she has seen a nail bar in the town near where she is staying and will pop in there to see if they can replace the nail for her.

Her nails were awful, badly bitten and one thumb was disfigured as she damaged it as a child and lost the nail. I was not happy with them when I had finished but only because of the shape and state of her nails.

Does any one know anything about the Creative Fabric system? I have seen it in their catalogue and wondered whether to try it instead of the one I am using. It looks more professional and it makes sense to use 3 different resins etc etc.

On the up, my ex electric company has just coughed up £1050 that I overpaid last year and they said I had not and I had used the electric. Turns out they got the meter readings mixed up so I'm laughing my socks off at them.
I just got a txt from this hairdresser saying that she has just cut a nail tech's hair and she has been told that the reason it has cracked is the Thick Gel Resin I used is crap!!!!!

Does anyone else use the NSI self Levelling wrap gel and brush on activator with the same results?

ladybgemini said:
I just got a txt from this hairdresser saying that she has just cut a nail tech's hair and she has been told that the reason it has cracked is the Thick Gel Resin I used is crap!!!!!

Does anyone else use the NSI self Levelling wrap gel and brush on activator with the same results?


sounds to me like this nail tech is probably after a bit of trade..... i say let her have it ha ha ha i bet you'll be relieved to get rid of the lady. fingers crossed;)
i used to use silk and fibre glass but no one in norwich seemed to want it , then my resin went off soooo i stopped using it, besides it costs too much to replace.

cobweb x x x
Just a quick question about this client, you say she has had a 'reaction' to various products in the past but has been able to wear acrylic, but this wrecks her nails.

Can you give a bit more info on this....may be able to help a bit more then!
She has had a reaction to gel, they just "popped" off in one piece a few days after having them on.

The acrylics she says make her nails vary thin, weak, peelie and her nails do not grow ater they have come off. She had an absess on on finger after having acrylics and almost lost a nail. The place that she went to in Wolverhampton made her sign disclaimers before they would put more acrylics on. This is as much as I know.

She sits in front of me telling me how to put the nails on, how to cut them, how to file them etc etc and it really bugs me.

She also had a reation to top coat applied on top of acrylics, her words were it fizzed up and bubbled on the nails" so they took it off.
Hi there

Nothing more annoying than "I'll Fix It Hairdressers."
Hugs to you.......

First..... Any & all feedback to the salon regarding the NAILS side of things
should be directed TO YOU.... Privatly & Professionally.

Ask the staff to pass your mobile number onto the clients or leave a nice
Tent Card / Leaflet on your desk with your preferred contact number when you are not there......... Ask if you can display the same in the window????

Second.... Another Nail Tech said your products are CRAP.............
Sounds like they've had a bit of a chat about this...........
And that's OK....
But do mention to the hairdresser that you found it unprofessional of her to be discussing YOU in your absence..And that you would prefer it didnt happen again........ Could she please discourage this in the future.....

Along the same line..........
Let her know that you will be trying out lots of products through the course of your business and that POSITIVE & NEGATIVE feedback is what you are looking for...
Let her know that you CAN & WILL handle the complaints/praises as a professional... As she has in her career!!

Last but not least...
Most Salon Owners I've had experience with want & need you in the
salon as much as possible.... "She's not in today"... makes em cringe
A day here & there is extra work for them....
Keeping an eye on your things - taking bookings for you - stop start on their valued clients..... Some will do it no problems...
Some will do it and beef abt it behind your back
Others wont even entertain it........


Hi Rachel, this hairdresser is she the owner/manager of the salon or just a worker? if she is the owner and you pay rent surely she should support you as it is money to her too. If she is just a worker well try and give her regular natural nail care and not enhancements that way she has nothing to break and chip and if its weekly make her pay each time too. (just an idea). Sounds like she is a bully.

I was trained with LCN gel and have since trained with Calgel and love it (not into L&P) I have a good friend who always had acrylic and since I do nails she finally asked me to do hers and guess what Gel will not stick to her comes off in one bit and she says i do more prep than the local nail bar so why do they come off? LCN does too. I have trained in acrylic and will try it on her for an experimental point of view (let you know what happens) the only thing i can say is similar to your hairdresser is that my friends nails are damaged from elec file and very flimsy too.(by nailbar) maybe something about her nails being thin and in water that cracks the resin.

Keep your chin up, let us know how is over the next week or two.
take care, Debs X
HI there,

this girl is just a worker in the salon. It's an odd place really, I don't pay rent yet as the first month is free to see how it goes. It's in a village and has never had nails there before.

TBH it reminds me of a blue rinse parlour but the guy who owns it has just spent a fortune doing it all out with tinted windows, leather sofas etc etc. Looks really trendy and he's hoping that by having me in there he will get the younger clients in.

The girl is a new stylist and again a boost for the image and she has brought a few of her customers with her from the last place she worked.

I have a nail bar in there with a poster on, a professional nail care sign in the window and I have given them about 700 business cards, appointment cards, information on the extensions and price lists so they are not short of stuff to hand out.

Last weekend I had one full set on Friday and a manicure, on saturday I had 2 full sets, one of which was the owners girl friend, who promptly fell over on the sunday and broke her wrist and her thumb nail. Fair play to her though, she wouldn't let the hospital remove them lol.

This week I have had nothing, since the problems with this one member of staff and I do think it's because she is not happy with hers.

I wish I could do acrylics better then I would do them for her, anyone in the area fancy giving me a one to one tutorial please let me know, I have all the stuff but never done them professionally.


P.S. Just found out I cant go to earls court tomorrow, I have a daughter who is 14 months and no babysitter :cry: . Only just spotted it on the site when looking for the floor plan. I'm gutted.
Hiya, I have used softtouch by NSI, never seen it go like crazy paving...... unless it had a bit of help with TEETH!! when it is bitten it shatters just like crazy paving (I know because I've done it! lol) maybe fabric# from designer nails would be better as you can build a nice apex with it, never tried it, but the softtouch always looks flat to me? x
I knew it was the old 'tooth removal method' that was the problem. i dont think that hairdresser would know a good nail if she saw one.

Remove her teeth and I bet all the nails stay on perrrrrrrrrfect.
Customers like this are not worth having. I wouldn't say to my hairdresser how to put the foils in in my hair, so I wouldn't expect anyone else to do that to me. She's making you doubt yourself, she's see's that, and she's taking advantage of you.

She's breaking them, yet still rebooks for a rebalance. Another person commenting on the products you use!!!! ignore it, you're the professional, not her. :hug:

I trained with Star Nails fibreglass, but have also used Fabric# and currently use Ezflow fibreglass. To be honest I haven't there to be a difference in strength between them. My main system is gel at the mo, but for those ladies who'd like a very thin, natural look, I've been using l&p. Don't know why but it is stronger than gel and fibreglass.

Keep your chin up. Don't let this lady get you down. Don't let her tell you how to do your job, if she doesn't like what your doing she can go elsewhere.
Thanks to everyone for their lovely replies, I hope you are all having a good time at Earls Court. Still really miffed I couldn't go but never mind.

I did a lovely set of nails on a lady last night, she called at 6.15 and I got her round for 7. Took me 2 hours to complete and I was really pleased with them. It made me feel more positive about my work. I am so critical of it, as I am sure alot of us are.

I am thinking of trying the Fabric# system, it sounds fantastic. I'll give it some thought today and probably try something new.

Lots of love

Rachel xx
Well, she finally came round and asked for her money back, when that didn't work she asked for a free set. Apparently they have all cracked now, and she is unhappy, oh didums. I offered to replace them for £20, a reduction of £10.

I was very professional and said that I can't be held responsible as none of my other customers have this problem and I also pointed out that as she has had a reaction to all other extensions she must have been aware that she could react to these too. She told me it's not her fault she had a reaction and I think she was implying that I should pay for this, hmmmmmm. ( I wonder if she pays for her clients hair when it "reacts" badly)

I told her that I was trying to run a business and I couldnt do that by giving free sets away. I pointed out that she had had one free set, a free removal, a reduced cost set, and a free buffer!!! Nearly £50 of freebies in two weeks!!!!

She then said that the other girl's nails (she works in the salon too) started lifting immediately, now i'm not sure what she defines as immediately, but i saw them about 5 days later and they were ok then. This girl also washes hair for a living so what the hell does she expect. She broke three in one day on the fridge door, not my fault, it's not my fridge and you would have thought she would have learnt her lesson after the first breakage. She has also booked an appointment to have a new set just before her hols in a couple of weeks. If she wasn't happy she A) Should tell me, and B) wouldn't book again.

She told me she wouldn't be wasting any more money on silk nails to which I said that was fine as I didn't want her wasting her money on them as much as I didn't want to waste my products and time if we knew they wouldn't work.

She has really annoyed me by trying to bring another girl into it and basically saying all my work is sh*t. I can't believe she has done that. I think this has completely ruined my chances in that salon and my hubby and I have just spent the best part of three days posting leaflets in the village there.

I left it that I would be trying a different fabric system in a few weeks and she was more than welcome to try them to see if they worked for her. Failing that I think she should go back to signing her disclaimers and having acrylics put on.

I really felt like asking her if someone told her how to colour/perm their hair and it went wrong would she refund butmanaged to refrain. God it was hard though.

So all in all, she annoyed the hell outta me and my husband and put me right off my chicken dinner.

A little annoyed Nail Tech xx
Well done for standing up to the little Madam. I personally dont think she deserves to wear a set of your beautiful nails and anyway the acrylic salon cant be making her sign a disclaimer for no reason.
nemotail said:
Well done for standing up to the little Madam. I personally dont think she deserves to wear a set of your beautiful nails and anyway the acrylic salon cant be making her sign a disclaimer for no reason.

She developed an absess under one of her nails after having acrylic nails on, she said that it was ok for a few hours after having it done but then it started hurting. She eventually ripped the nail off with her teeth to try and stop the pain - dumb bint.

After that the salon told her that she should take a break from them, she had been having them on for years without breaks from them. But she said she wanted them and had to sign disclaimers to get them.

I wonder if this abuse is the reason she reacted to my silk nails? Her nails were not in bad condition when I did them, they were not weak, brittle, bitten, broken, peeling etc etc, just looked like normal nails.

I just wondered if she had told you the whole truth though? I havent heard of anyone having an abscess under an enhancement before, I am not saying its not possible as I am sure it is just that I havent encountered it. I might be wrong but I would have though an abscess would take more than a few hours to develope?

Abscess ~ A localized collection of pus in part of the body, formed by tissue disintegration and surrounded by an inflamed area.

In any case I couldnt comprehend that any Nail Tech would apply an enhancement on top of an infected sore? Surely the client would be referred to see her GP, not just asked to sign a disclaimer. If it was as sore as she says how could she stand the application of an enhancement on top?

Maybe I am cynical but I think this lady being a bit economical with the truth. Your experiances with her already are proving that she likes to exagerate, bad mouth your work to collegues and clients and trys to tell you how to do your job. Not the kind of customer I would want.

Could it be that she had to sign a disclaimer because she was continualy biting enhancements off or abusing them?

:twisted: Or perhaps it was a vow of silence she had to sign to ensure she didnt try to tell the Nail Tech what to do? :wink2:

I would sack this girl as a client. tell her poiltely she obviously is not a candidate for nail enhancements of any kind, and then stick to your guns and refuse to service her. She sounds like she gets off on playing you. on the up side I have recently changed to NSI products competition l&p and love them. Clients have been loving it too. Hope everything works out for you. chin up don't let the B**** get you down.


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