rottweilers, are they dangerous??


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Oh for God's sake, of course they are not to be trusted, why else would they be guard dogs, along with dobermans, ridgebacks, german shepherds pit bulls and staffies, why would you want a dog like that as a pet!!

Sorry but I truly do not understand the mentality of anyone that would choose one of these dogs as a family pet knowing the type of reputation they have.

No I am not a dog hater I had dogs as a kid and have a rescue dog now, he is fantastic and brilliant with kids, but I wouldn't leave him alone with a small child, after all he is dog and how the hell do I know whats going on in his brain.

Walk down any street and see some guy who thinks he is a hard man walking a dog, will it be a poodle? I don't think so, its more likely to be one of the breeds mentioned above, I watched a guy punching his staffi a while ago, it made me wonder what that dog would be feeling like inside and when he would decide he had had enough and defend himself.

I know some of you wont agree with me, but tough thats my opinion I am entitled to have it.
I know some of you wont agree with me, but tough thats my opinion I am entitled to have it.

I do...100% jac...would have pos repped this but have to spread the love around..xx
Walk down any street and see some guy who thinks he is a hard man walking a dog, will it be a poodle? I don't think so, its more likely to be one of the breeds mentioned above, I watched a guy punching his staffi a while ago, it made me wonder what that dog would be feeling like inside and when he would decide he had had enough and defend himself.

This is what causes these problems with some dogs and what I was saying need changing.
I agree with you all, you never know when a dog will "turn", I've got 2 labs and the black one I've got doesn't realize that he is a lab, he is very protective but I don't fully trust him and I personally think that a lot of owners think that they know their dog when in fact they don't, I'm speaking from both personal and a professional point of view as before I had my kids I was a veterinary nurse and lost count of the number of owners who could not believe that their dog was capable of biting!
The best one was always, when brought into the surgery,"he's soooo friendly", then when the vet or myself had had to retract our hands at 100mph, it was,"But he doesn't like the vet"!
I Have A Rotti And He Would Lick You Rather Than Bite You.
I Think That It Is The Way That You Bring Them Up.
I Have 2 Boys And Even Tho My Dog (jasper) Loves The Boys And Would Never Harm Them I Would Never Leave The Boys Alone With Jasper.
i have a staffi, hes 10 yrs old now, we got him when he was 1 yrs old, from a rescue centre,
my two kids were 4 and 7 yrs when we first got him,
he is soft as grease, but i dont trust him 100% maybe more like 99.9%, when my neice comes round, ( shes 3 and a half) i shut my dog upstairs, as hes frightened by her size, squealing, sudden movements etc, i dont feel i could trust him not to nip/bite, so i remove him, my niece is too touchy , and wants to touch the dog, or feed the dog, or pull the dogs tail, and to be honest , when she arrives, my dog starts to go upstairs!!!!
i never say my dog wont hurt you to people, as i just dont know, so id rather they had an air of caution about themselves and the dog!
my dog is protective, yet subservient ,
but you just never know,
when we first had him, i made sure my kids never took bones off him, touched his food bowl whilst he was eating, pulled his tail, or tormented him, they gave him respect, he returns the favour now,
now hes an old man who enjoys sleeping all day showing his bits off!!!!
Oh for God's sake, of course they are not to be trusted, why else would they be guard dogs, along with dobermans, ridgebacks, german shepherds pit bulls and staffies, why would you want a dog like that as a pet!!

Sorry but I truly do not understand the mentality of anyone that would choose one of these dogs as a family pet knowing the type of reputation they have.


I had a Doberman and would have another one in a minute.

I rescued her and she was my pet!!!

Reputations are not always true for all,

All drug addicts are thiefs .............err no
All drunks drink all the no
All puppies are no
All brides are beautiful no

So please dont question my mentality, my mental state is perfectly fine thanks!
All dobermans can be no
At no point have I said any dog could be trusted.
Ive known people that have kept rotties good ones and bad ones and yes a lot of it is how you train and treat the dog but i also know someone that bought a rottie and let there daughter age 8 feed the dog at every meal so it would respect her and this did work untill the day that the dog become ill then it turned on the girl and she is now scarred for life but she still has the dog and it has been fine with her ever since it was only because the dog was ill, i myself have 2 japanese akitas that i love dearly but i wont let any children near them or any adult for that matter its not because they are nasty because they are not it is just to air on the side of caution, i have had two big cages built in my back garden for each of them which are always locked with padlocks and i have never had no problems, i have kept big dogs for 15 years and have never had any accidents or complaints and i believe this is because i always keep them 100% secure, i dont keep big dogs because i think it makes me look hard i keep them because i love them and daft i know but they are my babies, and there is no chance of them getting out of the house as i dont have them in the house unless they are ill then all my doors are locked and no one gets in not even family, if people are going to keep big animals then they have too be 100% vigilant about safety:!:
All dobermans can be no

Have to agree i am petrified of them, years ago my mum was walking past a house on a country lane and two of them jumped over fence and chased her down the road. This was about a mile from the village so no-one around to help either they stopped of their own accord after they'd gone so far but what if they hadn't......

I do agree that any type of dog can be vicious, i got a nasty bite by a giant poodle yet i know about 6 people with staffies and they are all big softies !

Its not just dogs one of our cats can't be left with children as she bites and scratches without being provoked :eek:
Ive known people that have kept rotties good ones and bad ones and yes a lot of it is how you train and treat the dog but i also know someone that bought a rottie and let there daughter age 8 feed the dog at every meal so it would respect her and this did work untill the day that the dog become ill then it turned on the girl and she is now scarred for life but she still has the dog and it has been fine with her ever since it was only because the dog was ill, i myself have 2 japanese akitas that i love dearly but i wont let any children near them or any adult for that matter its not because they are nasty because they are not it is just to air on the side of caution, i have had two big cages built in my back garden for each of them which are always locked with padlocks and i have never had no problems, i have kept big dogs for 15 years and have never had any accidents or complaints and i believe this is because i always keep them 100% secure, i dont keep big dogs because i think it makes me look hard i keep them because i love them and daft i know but they are my babies, and there is no chance of them getting out of the house as i dont have them in the house unless they are ill then all my doors are locked and no one gets in not even family, if people are going to keep big animals then they have too be 100% vigilant about safety:!:
Ive known people that have kept rotties good ones and bad ones and yes a lot of it is how you train and treat the dog but i also know someone that bought a rottie and let there daughter age 8 feed the dog at every meal so it would respect her and this did work untill the day that the dog become ill then it turned on the girl and she is now scarred for life but she still has the dog and it has been fine with her ever since it was only because the dog was ill, i myself have 2 japanese akitas that i love dearly but i wont let any children near them or any adult for that matter its not because they are nasty because they are not it is just to air on the side of caution, i have had two big cages built in my back garden for each of them which are always locked with padlocks and i have never had no problems, i have kept big dogs for 15 years and have never had any accidents or complaints and i believe this is because i always keep them 100% secure, i dont keep big dogs because i think it makes me look hard i keep them because i love them and daft i know but they are my babies, and there is no chance of them getting out of the house as i dont have them in the house unless they are ill then all my doors are locked and no one gets in not even family, if people are going to keep big animals then they have too be 100% vigilant about safety:!:

what about their exercise?? they must come across people other animals when you are out walking, how do you manage them?
you cant trust any dog that looks like it should be on the film "the omen"
you cant trust any dog that looks like it should be on the film "the omen"

Hmmm they wouldn't look like they belonged on the film "the omen" if the media didn't portray them in such a fashion.

Today when the news broke about the toddler attacked by a rottie there was a full frame head pic of a rottie with it's jaws snarling and ears right back, looked absolutely evil....but so would Cuddles the fluffy no-brainer Golden Retriever if you froze frame him when he was playfighting with a pully toy
you cant trust any dog that looks like it should be on the film "the omen"
They scare me I've got to admit, and I am a lover of pooches.
Hmmm they wouldn't look like they belonged on the film "the omen" if the media didn't portray them in such a fashion.

Today when the news broke about the toddler attacked by a rottie there was a full frame head pic of a rottie with it's jaws snarling and ears right back, looked absolutely evil....but so would Cuddles the fluffy no-brainer Golden Retriever if you froze frame him when he was playfighting with a pully toy
Hmm really, well how often do you see a retriever used as a guard dog, rottweilers and other similer dogs have that reputation for a reason and recent events prove it! its not the media reporting that makes people belive it, its the way it is.
You can't trust any animal FULL STOP including if not especially HUMANS.

Can assure anyone though that MY Doberman made a lovely house pet and that is a FACT not an assumption.
Yes i do love them loads they each have a cage of their own that are right next to each other they did used to share a cage but started to fight with each other so when i moved i had two built, my garden is huge and the cages fill the garden, they have the space of a tennis court so have plenty of room to run around and play, i know this sounds bad to some people but it is better than taking any risks, i have had their vet come and look at how they are kept because i also felt cruel keeping them like this and the vet says it is a fantastic living area. they have more room in there living quarters than i do in my house and im been more responsible than people that let their dogs roam the streets or tie them up in gardens or leave them loose in gardens, plus im at work all day so it would be cruel to leave them in the house all day, my breed of dogs are only meant to live to the age of 7 and one of mine is almost 11 so i must be doing something right
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