SalonGeek Super Science Weekend - 24th/25th March


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Positivity rules!
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Valencia, España
Thought I'd do a new thread to let you all know that the SalonGeek Super Science Weekend will be held during the weekend of 24th/25th March.

It will give us all a couple of weeks to think of some questions we've always wanted the answer to re the science behind the products we use and why they work the way they do etc.

This will involve the Hair Geeks, Skin Geeks and the Nail Geeks (everyone), we've got lots of knowledgeable geeks who have very kindly volunteered some of their time for us all... (thank you all for helping out :hug: )

For those of us who are unsure of the time differences between us all this link should help...
The World Clock - Time Zones

This should be a fab weekend full of learning and fun... don't miss it!!!
Excellent ,I've got a question already lined up ref Brisa!
Fab, I need to get my thinking hat on now :lol:
Can't wait I have questions at the ready :hug:
I am really looking forward to it
awww bloomin ell i start my VTCT on 24th and ashleigh has ballet on the sunday, so i will have to just pop in and out before and after her class on sunday

will try to join in as much as possible i have loads of questions rofl, doubt ill be able to help answer any though he he:lol:
nicky xxx
Wouldnt take me long to think of about 2 pages of questions!

Cant wait!
Excellent news, I shall be ingesting Doug Schoon on a nightly basis to prepare myself. (Not Doug himself you understand, just his printed knowledge!:lol:)
Excellent news, I shall be ingesting Doug Schoon on a nightly basis to prepare myself. (Not Doug himself you understand, just his printed knowledge!:lol:)
hehe that made me giggle hun xxxxx
Pen and paper at the ready!
Looking forward to it.:)
I shall pop that in my diary right away..........Hope some folks are looking up answers as well as questions lol!!!:lol:
Excellent news, I shall be ingesting Doug Schoon on a nightly basis to prepare myself. (Not Doug himself you understand, just his printed knowledge!:lol:)

Hmmm Doug Schoon casserole....lovely....always make mine with a pinch of tarragon :lol:

Yep, I am muchly looking forward to SSS weekend :)
How is everyone getting on re their questions?

Have you got some at the ready?
Dunno About the questions...but I am starting to get a bit nervous about it a good way of course. :lol:
How is everyone getting on re their questions?

Have you got some at the ready?
Sandi, don't know if I've mis understood somewhere along the lines here, but are the questions asked by the learning geeks put to the knowledgeable geeks.

Or is it the knowledgeable geeks putting questions to the learning geeks?

Does that make sense?

(You know I really must get some earlier nights!!!!!!!!!:D )
ooh i think a bit of both would be fab ...
we ask ...... they answer !
they ask ....we all scratch our heads ,twiddle with our pens and look around the virtual room for someone to mouth the answer lol :lol:

im really looking forward to this , i just hope lots of geeks and not so new do take part ...dont back out ...and dont be scared to ask ...that is the whole point ,

and if we have to make teams ...bagsy on Geegs and Douglas's team :green:
It can be whatever you fancy Jules... but I imagine it'll be more a case of questions that we'd like to know the answer to, answered and explained by the knowledgeable geeks.
Ok sounds good to me!

count me in too! xx
Great, but now I have to think I cant think of anything lol xx Oh well got a little while to think!

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