~*~*~*~The Official Apprentice Thread~*~*~*~


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am slightly peeing myself with excitment a la James!!!!:eek:
Philip OUT!!!!:)
Aren't we sad gets, getting so excited over a TV show :lol:
nah! it'll be that Nelu bloke.

hehe that would make my sons day he's their ex teacher lmao Noorul btw:lol: he has hid in the corner the whole time!!
Although Noorul doesn't seem to have done much I think that Ben was lucky he didn't get fired, just for his attitude and the way he conducts himself, and Deborah, well :eek: Talk about gob off at the wrong person, she might as well have said that to Sir Alan as say it to Nick, major lack of respect there me thinks. She got off by the skin of her teeth!

Do you think that maybe Phillip will listen to Lorraine if they're on the same team again? LOL
Although Noorul doesn't seem to have done much I think that Ben was lucky he didn't get fired, just for his attitude and the way he conducts himself, and Deborah, well :eek: Talk about gob off at the wrong person, she might as well have said that to Sir Alan as say it to Nick, major lack of respect there me thinks. She got off by the skin of her teeth!

Do you think that maybe Phillip will listen to Lorraine if they're on the same team again? LOL

I totally agree, although Nooral, hadn't done much I really thought it was going to be between Ben and Lorraine. If he mentions Sandhurst one more time! :irked:

I think Philip is taking on board his actions and how he is portraying himself now, at least one of them has some common sense! :lol:
I do not like Ben one little bit! Nasty, scary, aggressive bloke. Not surprised Nooral went but oh boy Ben is lucky - and I think he realised that tonight.

I worry that Margaret might have jinxed Lorraine though with the Cassandra comparrison because the poor girl is going to now think that she's right about everything, whether or not she is!

Phillip is a d**k! :rolleyes:

Glad Debra got a good telling of and Nick's face was a picture. :lol:

Oh and which village lost it's idiot?! :lol::lol:
Ben and Deborah are 2 of the most awful contestants I have ever seen..........I wouldn't want to be left alone with either one of them:eek:
I wouldn't let my kids speak to me the way Debra speaks to people, she is so rude. Ben is just nasty but tbh I think he will stay in a while cos he makes good tv..... The Sandhurst thing is getting right on my nerves now as well - ok, so he was offered it but he didn't take it, did he? Get over yourself!!!!

I really hope Phillip can look at his own behaviour towards Lorraine and take the feedback on board. I'd like to think his eyes were opened a bit.
ah now, but you have to admit it it good viewing. the week that Paula got fired, although I liked Paula and I didn't think she deserved to get fired, I was actually glad that the other girl, Martina? stayed as she is more entertaining.
Ben is extremely immature, and he deserves go last night, but I am glad that Nelu left.

I thought that Phillip showed a little humility and has obviously learn't a little, he did toast Cassandra, but her face was a picture!

So who would you like to see in the final 3?

I would like to see


but would love to see tight lips Deborah in their, and also that Martina.

Ben has his cards marked, and he will be out next week or the week after, plus the others have no respect for him. He was a broken boy last night (won't give him the accolade of calling him a man).

Lorraine may hang around for a few more weeks yet.

Howard seems to do nothing so he will be out very soon.
. . .watched this series last night for the 1st time. Any 3 of those knobs could have gone - none of them would have lasted in any company i have worked for
. . .watched this series last night for the 1st time. Any 3 of those knobs could have gone - none of them would have lasted in any company i have worked for

Don't hold back Marley...say what you really mean :lol:

Last night wasn't the best episode.
I can't believe Ben is only 22....he looks about 32 but acts like a 12yr old!!
He has to go...and soon.

I can't believe anyone actually likes Phillip :eek: He is an a**e!
He is not a Team Player and just bulldozes over everyone elses ideas.
It would be a travesty if he made it to the Final never mind win.

Kate is actually getting better, and I think she will do well.

Unfortunately I think we have the same scenario as last year with Deborah, she has overstepped the mark, been pulled up by Surallan, and if she changes her ways she will be forgiven and do well. Like whatserface who was runner up last year.
I was totally gobsmacked that she spoke to Nick like that though....:eek:

Howard.....the invisible man, and when he does make a contribution it is usually wrong. He will be gone and forgotten soon .

Yasmeena and James worked well together and his face when Ben said he was taking him back into the Boardroom was an absolute picture!!!(sp)

I don't know who I want to win this year, none of them are that great are they?
Don't hold back Marley...say what you really mean :lol:

Last night wasn't the best episode.
I can't believe Ben is only 22....he looks about 32 but acts like a 12yr old!!
He has to go...and soon.

I can't believe anyone actually likes Phillip :eek: He is an a**e!
He is not a Team Player and just bulldozes over everyone elses ideas.
It would be a travesty if he made it to the Final never mind win.

Kate is actually getting better, and I think she will do well.

Unfortunately I think we have the same scenario as last year with Deborah, she has overstepped the mark, been pulled up by Surallan, and if she changes her ways she will be forgiven and do well. Like whatserface who was runner up last year.
I was totally gobsmacked that she spoke to Nick like that though....:eek:

Howard.....the invisible man, and when he does make a contribution it is usually wrong. He will be gone and forgotten soon .

Yasmeena and James worked well together and his face when Ben said he was taking him back into the Boardroom was an absolute picture!!!(sp)

I don't know who I want to win this year, none of them are that great are they?

i never do :). . .seriously though....it's like X-Factor, I sometimes look and think - really?? is that the best you could find for this show??
You're spot on about Philip, Izzidoll! He's a right idiot! Ben is insufferable, but I hope he stays til the interview round, just to see him dismantled by Sir Alan's cronies :)

Monna is pointless, she's only in there to boost the pretty lady quotient, and Debra is an awful woman, who would want to work for her?
Lorraine can't seem to manage to have clean hair, which makes me wonder what else she can't manage. Howard's a bit "meh", but for telling Ben not to slap his own backside I think he should stay!

I think Yasmina and Kate seem the most capable and least hateful so far, though I doubt Kate's intelligence since she's romantically involved with Philip...I love James, he's so funny. I hope he stays and gets to show that he can do things well.
I think James has a real good chance of winning. Remember last years winner was a bit of a kn*b to begin with but he was consistent.

I think Kate, Yamina (martina) and James will probably do it, but I think it will be a bit dull without Phillip.

Some of them - cant even remember their names they are so non-descript.
I'm glad Debora got a telling off for thinking she can talk to poeple like that, who does she think she is?! She's only like 23 or some thing! Cheeky mare (god I really don'y like her, and I noticed she has side burns)

James is one of my favourites, considering how he was at the start. When he was shown on Your Fired, going on about how Nurool looks like he wants to eat you or what ever it was lol

I think Phil just plain doesn't like Lorraine, he always argues with her and never agrees with any suggestions she has. Like she was on about that rug and in the board room he said she didn't say anything about it! I think even if he thought she was right he would say she was wrong, he was like that with the american woman too.

Going up north this week arn't they?
I work in pet retail and the lovers lead would totally not sell, not in my shop anyway lol nor would the card board cat playhouse (although I have seen them in the trade magazines) definatly not for 15 quid a pop anyway! (woo! I can comment on something I actually know loads about lol)

Hard to guess who's going tonight.....

Lorraine reminds me of an angler fish:eek::lol:
Wtf were they thinking of with the cats house????:eek:

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