***The 'Official' The Apprentice Thread***


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don't know whether it's been mentioned on here but what tan was it? It looked lovely
xen tan i think!
did anyone else notice Glen's razor rash?? bless ;)
tonights was awful i think lol x
what a fiasco! and what an ending! wowsers! didn't see that coming.

Glen was extremely lucky not to have gone back into the boardroom as he would have had the whole team turn on him and he wouldn't have got a licking from a dog!

Vincent was definitely right to be outed and I think Ellie was ready to go.

Next week Glen will be out followed by Natasha.

I still like Melody. I don't like Jim very much, never have, and his card is certainly marked.

Everyone else to me is nondescript. But now flamboyant vince is out perhaps the others will shine through. Oh Tom is a dark horse, I reckon Melody and Tom for the finals.
Jim's getting slightly cocky, isn't he? :-/ xx
Forget my other comments jim's on the "don't likey" list too now 
I have to say I was quite pleased to see Ellie go, don't think I could stand listening to her voice much longer! And what is with you lot fighting over Jim??!!
I was sad to see Ellie go - when I saw next week's task previewed I thought it was just her thing what with her being in the construction industry.

I was baffled how "Cat-size" team won - still I don't understand their whole branding idea! I've completely changed my mind about Jim, I don't like him, I think he'll be going soon. He totally did the wrong thing but asking to be PM in the boardroom - Lord Sugar will fire him at the next opportunity.

My faves are Leon, Tom and Melody at the moment. I like the other lady who was on the Cat-size task, not the grumpy one who's apparently going out with Glenn in real life, the other one but can't remember her name?


Laura x
OK I'm still standing by Jim........IF he can lie low for a couple of weeks he's bright enough to take the humble pill and adapt himself to what will impress Sir Alan.
It's a competition; who would you want to go into business with? Jim would certainly need watching, but he's ambitious and manipulative. I think he could make money!
I was sad to see Ellie go as well but she didn't stand up enough and needed to be more assertive and less negative!

Jim's popularity is waning with me a little! I like the one with the shaved head who looks like the one from last year as well...

As for the slimy box bearded one that got sacked...about bloody time!!!

Roll on next week!
I was sad to see Ellie go as well but she didn't stand up enough and needed to be more assertive and less negative!

Jim's popularity is waning with me a little! I like the one with the shaved head who looks like the one from last year as well...

As for the slimy box bearded one that got sacked...about bloody time!!!

Roll on next week!

ha ha love the description, you'd think I'd recognise him from that one but I can't!!!! I tend to miss loads of them and then catch up about 4 episodes at once.
Last night's was good, but think Master Chick is getting a bit bored of it, and I really think this year the characters aren't so meaty.

I still think Melody is my favourite, she seems to have a good sense of humour and in good spirits and thats what you need on your team. And Tom seems to be gaining confidence every week.

I said that Glenn was going tonight and was glad to see him go.....what has he actually achieved or contributed.

Next to go is Jim and Natasha. You can tell that their cards are already marked. I kind of miss Vincent, at least he was a 3d character not like these flat ones.

And one other thing, I really liked the name HIP REPLACEMENT. but the finished article looked like someting you would pick up in the GP surgery or in one of those disability shops. Why oh why did he put that picture on the front cover?! I would have had the one with them doing the piggy back or boxing.
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I didn't like the name HIP Replacement. Didn't work for me. I was cringing with the name and kept thinking... No, noooo.

I think Susan got a raw deal last night. I clearly remeber her saying... "I don't like the name Hip Replacement" and she was ignored. Then as Nick pointed out, she clearly insisted tey lower their prices to get a sale and again she was ignored. She needs to be firmer if she wishes to stay in the show.

What always makes me giggle is when Lord Sugar asks them all if they felt their team leaders performed well and the all say, "Oh yes, definitely". Then when the losing team are hauled in for a raking over the coals, they usually blame the leader :rolleyes:. Fickle back stabbers!
My favourite to win is Susie but she really needs to stand up more for herself.
Jim should go, I felt he was really rude to Susie in the boardroom calling her a mouse! He is just all talks! He completely failed as a PM.
Tom I find as a funny character, but he is getting better every week.
Natasha - a big no!
Melody - there is something about her, but she hasn't showed it yet
Zoe - I can't stand this girl! She should have gone last week.

As someone already mentioned, I also miss Vincent. There was something about him, he shouldn't have gone.
I still love Jim's manipulative ways; it's pure entertainment, almost panto! The interesting thing is that in the follow-up show the rejected candidate always says he's a nice guy.
I'm a bit surprised he hasn't picked up the signals from Sir Alan, and I really thought he'd go last night, but looks like his snake-charmer eyes even worked on the big boss!
If he goes it will be a lot less interesting!
I like Tom! He's quirky and cute, him and Melody are both great. Helen is very nice, very professional all the time and she might even win because of it. Leon is an odd one, he's got some good ideas but he doesn't shine. Jim I think has run his course a bit as has suzie. One more slip up and they'll both go. Zoe and Natasha I just don't like.
If he goes it will be a lot less interesting!

I think that's probably why he's still there. They may be choosing an Apprentice, but they're also making a TV show, and as someone else said, there aren't too many interesting characters this year. Jim is probably still there for the entertainment value.
i really want to just PUNCH natasha everytime i see her....i find her soooo bloody annoying!!!

i like jim, although dont think lord sugar does. oh and zoe's ok, got an annoying voice though!!
Yeah Natasha comes out with canned generic phrases that mean nothing! How has she survived this far?!
I missed last nights and forgot to record! When is the repeat? x

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