The only way is Essex


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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2009
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:eek: On behalf of me, my friends, family and most of Essex.... please do not judge us by this complete load of rubbish!!
We really ARE normal!! Its all so fake, the acting is cringe worthy! :eek:
omg just watched this.....FAKE tan FAKE boobs FAKE acting, but it was amusing......
Yeah i watched it too. You're right-bad acting and bad tans.
Hey, we might get a few people coming in and asking to be vajazzled though :lol:
hehe i was thinking of vajazzling! although ive always called it bikini gems!! hehe!

I loved the bit when laurens getting a spray tan and amys trying to tell her aftercare...i just cringed at that! The bit i could laugh at the most thou when lauren shows her tattoo and goes i dont want no one else to see it!!! The entire nations seen your bline!!
hehe i was thinking of vajazzling! although ive always called it bikini gems!! hehe!

I loved the bit when laurens getting a spray tan and amys trying to tell her aftercare...i just cringed at that! The bit i could laugh at the most thou when lauren shows her tattoo and goes i dont want no one else to see it!!! The entire nations seen your bline!!

yes! that was awful! I hope lauren had a barrier cream on her hands too lol.

It is shocking! They come across as proper bimbo's! Please dont think we're all like these people though! lol. I'm sure there's bad stereo types everywhere.

Though I do have to admit they do remind me of SOME people I know...awful as it is to admit!
Ha ha loved that Lauren had full make-up on during her spray tan too! It's like a poor man's version of The Hills - funny as! x
Its one of those programmes that is so cringe worthy but addictive! I really cant believe that people in Essex talk as if they are thick! I have family living in Essex and lots of friends and they really arent this bad. Dont get me wrong there are some like this but I would say they are the minority!

Oh the spray tan when she was holding her bust! Two big hand prints was all that came to mind to me :eek:

I did want to cry though when Mark went into the club with that Sam and Lauren looked like she was going to cry. I know plenty of blokes like that in Essex so that didnt surprise me at all!
We (daughter and I) have this taped, seeing as we live in Essex, (Londoners not real Essex girls lol) Is it just a programme or a documentary ?
OMG I watched it too, how many young girls will now be getting gems on their bikini area, red hair, blue contacts and fake tans now, could be good for business! Yeah its like a poor mans version of the hills, meant to be a documentary, but its so staged its unreal. The best trashy reality TV in my opinion is Jersey Shore so hilariouse, much bette,r more funny and more tacky drama than anything I have ever watched, my guilty pleasure! shhhhh x
OMG we watched it, I am appalled :/ Can't wait for Wednesdays episode !
We (daughter and I) have this taped, seeing as we live in Essex, (Londoners not real Essex girls lol) Is it just a programme or a documentary ?

Like me :green: although I have moved to Surrey now.

There was a bit on the advert for this that made me laugh one of the blokes said everyone from London wants to be like an essex person (something along those lines) Half the people from essex are originally from London :rolleyes:
Being an Essex girl, living away from there for almost 7 years...

I'm sorry to say... We do sound that bad! :eek:

Every time I go back home, the accent just goes through me and every time I hear my own voice recorded, I cringe! :)

I think it depends what part of Essex you are from. South Essex sounds more like the accents on that God awful programme.

Not as bad as the Sloooooooow Bridlington accent. :)

P.S. They are real people, not actors on it, as we know someone on the programme.
I thought it was a shocker! Sadly, there are people in essex that are like that, but by no means all! Im dead posh myself lol:lol:
Yeah they are real people, but it said at the begining that some parts are staged for entertainment. I couldnt help but watch it, I dont actualy find the accent annoying, but I live in cornwall, a strong cornish accent is something that cant actualy be understood, even bye other cornish people LOL xxx
i actually made an effort to watch this (i don't usually bother watching tv really) because i thought it would be like footballers wives (oh how i do miss that and bad girls too :( boo!) and i was so confused. is it real? is it a p take? is it just bad actors or what? i couldn't work it out though i did find myself getting into it and feeling so bad about that poor girl in the club with her ex at the bar! and even more strange is that i'm looking forward to next weeks episode haha :D gosh i'm getting so into my tv shows these days with this and the inbetweeners! x
I watched it too, it was ace! That Mark is a meany, I liked his sisters face when he said he might propose to Lauren!!! The BT was such a stereotype though, calling everyone babe and wearing more make-up than I own!!!

Sky+ set on series link, so roll on ep 2......
I saved it to watch later. Oh God......was it that bad? Mind you, I'm an Eastender and we're not like that either. xx
I watched it too, it was ace! That Mark is a meany, I liked his sisters face when he said he might propose to Lauren!!! The BT was such a stereotype though, calling everyone babe and wearing more make-up than I own!!!

Sky+ set on series link, so roll on ep 2......

And hun and honey, arrggghhh, lol
oh my gosh!

after reading this thread i had to watch to see what its like, so im watching it on itv player now and i am just cringing! how funny! the acting is horrendous. and what made me laugh was the way that she said she trainined in vajazzle 2 years ago, but then had to read the instructions lol! xx
oh my gosh!

after reading this thread i had to watch to see what its like, so im watching it on itv player now and i am just cringing! how funny! the acting is horrendous. and what made me laugh was the way that she said she trainined in vajazzle 2 years ago, but then had to read the instructions lol! xx

I know I couldnt believe this either! :eek:
To be honest I think it was really bad that Amy spoke to her friend Sam about her clients (Laurens) tattoo etc. - In my book, what is said & seen in the beauty room stays in the beauty room! Very unprofessional!
Has anyone heard of "vajazzles"? I do bikini gems, but would be good to offer personalised designs ie initals etc.
I did a search on here but nothing came up.
It was a cringe worthy programme, but I am hooked.
I really really hope Lauren walks away from Mark, he needs the wake up call! x

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