'Top-up Tan' Advice


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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
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I'm a mobile spray tanner and don't generally get asked to do 'top up tans'.

I normally recommend to regular clients to have their tan once a fortnight so that all the tan has gone and there's no build up. I've now been asked by a new client how often I can spray her so she can 'keep on top of it'. This has got me wondering if I am answering correctly or if I really don't understand what a top up tan is (probably me being a bit dizzy :rolleyes:).

The only experience I had where the lady said it was a 'top up' was at a tan party and she was one of the guests so I'd had no direct communication with her. She had tans once a week but when I saw her she was really patchy, literally dark brown and white in places and I couldn't imagine how I would ever make her look even. Normally when she goes to a salon they respray the white areas and then respray her all over. Needless to say I never saw the result or the young lady again. Am I missing something or wouldn't that still look patchy once washed off?

Advice appreciated so I know what to do in this situation. Many thanks!
My understanding of a top up tan is that the client wants to remain tanned at all times so will tan every 7 days or so.

I was told they should be exfoloating all over on days 5 and 6 and paying particular attention to any patchy bits (my tan tends not to leave patchy bits though as it wears off nice and evenly).

If they have patches of darker areas or lighter areas these will not turn even with the new tan and need to be blended as much as is possible before the next tan is applied.

I was told if there are dark areas and they really want a tan you can put thick barrier cream/vasaline carefully on them (and only the dark area) in the hope of stopping the new tan from taking to the area and hopefully blending in with the new tan.

That is just some info I've been given I'm sure there will be other geeks that have more experience than me who will be along soon and give you their knowledge.
I have clients that I spray every week and although I can sometimes see a knicker line from the previous tan they are never patchy or brown and white. I think they exfoliate a couple of times towards the end of the week when they know I am coming again and always look great afterwards. They do not get a 'build up' as such as the old tan is almost gone by the time the next one is applied.
i always thought a top up was alight misting all over a couple of days after the original spray at a reduced price? i dunno if being mobile it would work all too well at the end of the day you're still spending the same amount of time driving there and back and setting up/packing away etc etc. the only difference is you're using a little less solution... is the little less solution used enough for you to knock money off and it still be worth your while? x
Thank you all so much for taking the time to reply and I will use the advice offered ie. exfoliation a couple of days leading up to the next tan for an even finish. That way could probably do a tan every week to keep it going.

This isn't a new thread but thought I'd share. I've just come back from tanning one of my lovely regulars who when I sprayed her face and neck she started to go green :eek:. I mean all her face and neck! I asked what she'd used to clean her face and it was water with some rose oil. Luckily the colour returned to normal within 5 minutes and she actually saw the funny side, what with it being St Patrick's day and she's Irish. Made me laugh anyway.

Thank you again!

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