we all know the terms and conditions before we sign up for a bank or a credit card - so no-one should expect a refund IMO
I belive the point is,..that the charges are highly unfair..
such as eg...it costs a bank approx £2.50 when a direct debit isn't paid....they then charge upto £50 to the customer..
Thats is the argument here..
Nobody is saying there should be NO charge from what I have gathered so far...But that it needs to be more realistic.
When I made the mistake of getting my bank accounts confused...for one unpaid direct debit of £9.98 I ended up owing the bank over £400
This was because at the time I wasn't in a position to pay much off the balance at the time...The bank agreed for me to pay £5 a week...BUT...every month I hadnt paid the balance in full..I was being charged another £20
As you can see...This ment I wasn't ever paying any off the balance :irked:.
It took a while before they decided to do me the privalige of stopping the £20 per month charge and just allowed me to pay off the balance..
And these cases are not always black and white...
I have had a few places take direct debits out on days they shouldn't have done...I have been charged..
Yes you can take it up with the company...But it never gets you anywhere if your not the type to argue well imo.