Veggie/meat/fish/everything eater?


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Jan 6, 2006
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Planet Zog!!!!!
Well what are you?

I find it difficult to eat meat if it looks like errr meat:eek: but I don't believe I could do without fish or cheese or mayo or errrrr food:eek: ! OK I am a lost cause :lol: :lol: Happy voting :green:
I selected other as I will eat meat (as in beef, lamb, sauages, etc) chicken, fish, fruit and veggie aswell as sweet and savoury, but there is no way in h**l I will eat offal.:eek: Black pudding, liver, kidney, tripe, etc BLAH BLAH BLAH, yuk, yuk.:Scared:
I like meat, including liver and kidneys but not tripe, heart or black pudding. I like veggies of all sorts. I adore garlic, freshly baked bread, butter, cream, cheese etc etc etc

I cannot eat fish. I can't buy or cook fish. I cant't look at them in a pond or tank and the current advert showing a large cod flying around makes me feel decidedly uncomfortable:Scared::Scared::Scared:
I dont eat meat, eggs, cheese, and the only time i eat fish is maybe twice a year when i grab one from the chippy and i drink very little milk prefering black tea & coffee.

I do however love veggies and thats what i tend to live on along with pasta & rice.

Ok ok i lied a teeny bit, i have to have a slice of turkey breast on my plate at xmas otherwise i get called a bah humbug for not been in the spirit!

Maybe i wont buy one this year, that'l sort it lol

( from monday it will be foodpacks from lighter life! EKK!)

Me too hun!!! I have to have my daily dose of choccie or i get really narky. Like chips as well! Hate fish, not keen on red meat, love cheese.....chicken is ok..:) No wonder i need to loose weight!!:rolleyes:
No meat for me just fish & veggies !!

Ive just discovered the qourn range of food and some of it tastes almost identical to chicken but better and i feel better as i know im not eating a battery hen :)

I will eat meat occasionally but only white meat & i have to know its free range before i touch it.
I voted love meat but didn't read the questions properly. I love everything to do with food. I love cooking it, eating it, preparing it and even just plain looking at it.

Teri x:lol:
I eat anything and everything. My fav food at the moment is sushi.
I was completely veggie for over 10 years...not because of any great love of animals but because at that time they were starting to worry about Mad Cow Disease, and a lot of things were coming out about what animals we eat were getting fed on!!
So I bought Linda McCartney's ST Cookery Book and never looked back.

THEN a few years back there was a lot of concerns about Genetically Modified Food (which I don't agree with) being used in Vegetarian meals...

So I realised then and there..that nothing was completely safe so I might as well eat what I damn well liked!!:)

So I eat a lot of veg..usually bought from a farm shop and I always buy the best quality meat I can (Scottish of course!)..and free range chicken..and I don't like fish and never have.

I would NEVER eat anything from a MacDonalds...but that is a whole other story and we don't want to get all political!!!:irked:
Veggie through and through
I have never eaten any meat or fish in my life !!!
Give me salad anyday which is why i can understand why i'm over weight !!!!
The only thing I've come across that I can't eat (even smell makes me feel sick) is anything with coffee in it! My husband even says that if a turd was cooked in the right way I'd eat it :smack: , a slight exageration I think.:) My favorite thing is seafood. Some days I eat vegatarian others I eat meat. Only thing is it's very difficult to choose what to have in a restaurant as I like everything.
i would love to be a veggie, but find it difficult when rest of family are meat eaters, allthough we do not eat lamb (keep picturing them jumping about enjoying life..and then killed at 3 months old yuk!!!) do not eat duck or rabbit, and limited on beef and port usually get free range and organic, we all love fish and eat as much as we can afford. If someone did the cooking for me i could survive without meat.

me i,m just a greedy piglet.. if its edable ill eat it,
I selected other as I will eat meat (as in beef, lamb, sauages, etc) chicken, fish, fruit and veggie aswell as sweet and savoury, but there is no way in h**l I will eat offal.:eek: Black pudding, liver, kidney, tripe, etc BLAH BLAH BLAH, yuk, yuk.:Scared:
I'll second that and skip the mushrooms, not sure how anyone can knowingly eat fungus, yet my family loves it!! Gross gross gross!!
If you would take a close look at my bum, you would know the answer to this for me lol ;)

Food and I have a passionate, turbulent relationship ;)
I am picky when it comes to food.. love lamb, beef, chicken, soft veg,..
not keen on hard veg or pork.
HATE FISH (probably cos my mum does) but will eat fish fingers because it is disguised like scampi too and prawns only in seafood sauce! but all other stuff like oysters, squid, and cockles and mussels alive, alive o' :eek: ewwww LOL
And caviar???? why? BLOOOOOOOH (Dean Gaffney Stylie):lol:

Hate raw onions, tomatoes and lettuce! too tangy, bitter for me too.. YUK!!
Only salad I'll eat is cucumber, carrot and cold sweetcorn!
Coming from Africa, I have to admit that I'm a meat girl through and through! I have considered being veggie, but only for a few seconds! I'd miss my meat too much! I adore lamb! Those cute little white woollie ones!
I voted Veggie through and through. I haven't eaten meat since I was three and worked out what it was!

I was vegan for five years, now I eat the eggs of hens I know personally!, and organic cheeses. Dairy doesn't really agree with me, so I still drink soya milk and usually cheese made from goats and ewes milk, although I do like mozzarella :green:
everything...exept brusseles sprouts YUK :green:

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