Waxing reaction?


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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2008
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Hi girls,
I did an eyebrow wax on monday the lady came back yesterday with a scab on one of her eyes !!

This had happened to her before at another salon ,,, i took extra precautions talc on her skin tested the wax on my arm and hers but she had this scab.

It defo not a burn the wax really wasn't hotter than normal .

this has NEVER happened to me in over 10 years any ideas ???

i did suggest threading next time as waxing dosn't suit her, she has very fair hair and also her eyelash didn't fully take ????
Hi Lissa, I have had this happen to me in the past as well and wonder if it is because the wax is in fact, too cool, hence gloopy and drags? or maybe the wax is still dragging the skin off as well despite the talc because it is damp after the prep? since coming on here though I have used epilation oil under all wax and it has made a big difference. Will be great to know what others think as its worrying to think we have done something wrong but not know what exactly! :hug:kx
I agree the wax may not have been hot enough. I also agree that oil used (VERY sparingly) under the wax, really protects the skin.

Try not to worry, once in 10 years is a pretty good record!
If it wasn't your application then it may be that she is on medication that she forgot to tell you about. It's probably just one of those things and if you know in your heart that it wasn't anything that you did wrong, try not to worry about it. xx
If it wasn't your application then it may be that she is on medication that she forgot to tell you about. It's probably just one of those things and if you know in your heart that it wasn't anything that you did wrong, try not to worry about it. xx

There's no medicine that I know of that will cause you to scab after a wax, photosensitivity but nothing else. If a lot of skin has come off with the treatment then this will scab when healing, did you notice any of this happening at the time?

What does she want you to do?
When I was learning waxing I was taught that certain acne/excema medication can cause the skin to be thinner, maybe this would cause issues like this when waxing??
There's no medicine that I know of that will cause you to scab after a wax, photosensitivity but nothing else. If a lot of skin has come off with the treatment then this will scab when healing, did you notice any of this happening at the time?

What does she want you to do?

Anything that thins the skin can. Steroid creams do for one. Acne medication can for sure. I know of a lady who's anti-depressants dried her skin so much that she often grazed but when she came to me, I used oil under the wax and she was fine.
hi girls there was no redening to the skin when i was waxing im really cautious, she has told me in the past she has had cancer and is on some medication but i never thought it would contra-indicate,,,,

the wax wasn't gluppy it went on lovely it was only on a small patch of skin !!!

hi girls there was no redening to the skin when i was waxing im really cautious, she has told me in the past she has had cancer and is on some medication but i never thought it would contra-indicate,,,,

the wax wasn't gluppy it went on lovely it was only on a small patch of skin !!!

In that case Lissa, itt's medication. Did I say that already? Oh yes I did! :):hug: Now you can rest but make sure you ask them if they're on meds in future. xx
i will , i have asked her before she's a regular for nails and peds but hasn't had waxing with me before !!!

Thank you Kim x
Knowing medicine (just finished my prescribing course pertaining to every medicine that is out there) and the effects that some medicine can have on the skin I would say that no medicine can cause a scab to occur after a wax. If that were to occur it would be due to either therapist or client intervention.

Simply taking a steroid will not cause the skin to scab after a wax, if it was going to react it would be on the entire area not just localised.

I'm not saying it is your fault, so hope you don't think this? It is so easy to blame everything on medication, but when you actually know your medication you can expel these myths.
I had a client once who scabbed after waxing. He was a bodybuilder who i found out after, was taking steroids. Needless to say, he failed to inform me!
Lots of medication can thin the skin or make the skin more sensitive. It's very easy for skin to tear if it has been thinned by medication.
This is why some medicines are contra-indicated.
You shouldn't wax anyone taking steroids, accutane, roaccutane, retin A, blood pressure medication, AHA's, someone who has had microdermabrasion or a chemical peel in the last 3 months, cancer patients ......oh and the list goes on.
Actually, when i did my original wax training, I was told not to wax cancer patients for 5 years after they had finished their treatment :eek:
A bit extreme i know!
This is why we have consultation cards, so we can see what types of medication the client is on. Then we can decide if it is safe to proceed.
So yes, medication is a big factor in how the skin will react.
Lissa don't beat yourself up about it. This is the first time in 10 years so that's a great record. :)
Knowing medicine (just finished my prescribing course pertaining to every medicine that is out there) and the effects that some medicine can have on the skin I would say that no medicine can cause a scab to occur after a wax. If that were to occur it would be due to either therapist or client intervention.

Simply taking a steroid will not cause the skin to scab after a wax, if it was going to react it would be on the entire area not just localised.

I'm not saying it is your fault, so hope you don't think this? It is so easy to blame everything on medication, but when you actually know your medication you can expel these myths.

I dont agree with this statement at all.people were saying that certain medication can cause the skin to thin thus leading to burning/scabbing of the skin following wax treatments.Not that the medication alone would cause the scabbing,of course medication alone wouldn't or anyone taking certain medication would be covered in scabs.:eek:Accutane has a whole host of nasty side effects as most of us know and unfortunately waxing is definately a contra-indication when taking this type of drug.

I had a client who was coming to me for over 6 yrs for her eyebrow wax,one day after one of her treatments I noted that one of her eyebrows looked quite sore.I applied a soothing Sterex gel to the area and spoke to her about the mark.

It came up that she was taking Accutane which does cause thinning of the skin and inevitably lead to the scabbing that resulted a day later.

So yes,medication does make a huge difference and the best option would then be to tweezer the eyebrows until the medication is stopped and then probably 6 to 12 months thereafter to be on the safe side.HTH a little

ps I have added link for info
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I had a client once who scabbed after waxing. He was a bodybuilder who i found out after, was taking steroids. Needless to say, he failed to inform me!
Lots of medication can thin the skin or make the skin more sensitive. It's very easy for skin to tear if it has been thinned by medication.
This is why some medicines are contra-indicated.
You shouldn't wax anyone taking steroids, accutane, roaccutane, retin A, blood pressure medication, AHA's, someone who has had microdermabrasion or a chemical peel in the last 3 months, cancer patients ......oh and the list goes on.
Actually, when i did my original wax training, I was told not to wax cancer patients for 5 years after they had finished their treatment :eek:
A bit extreme i know!
This is why we have consultation cards, so we can see what types of medication the client is on. Then we can decide if it is safe to proceed.
So yes, medication is a big factor in how the skin will react.
Lissa don't beat yourself up about it. This is the first time in 10 years so that's a great record. :)

That is a bit of an exhaustative list but I can categorically say that if all those medicines produced unwanted effects they would be contraindicated to medical procedures, which they are not. The only exception to this is roaccutane which is contraindicated for 12 months but that is because it does so much more than thin the skin, it causes suicidal tendancies in some cases!

The reason for you being told they are contraindicated? Well they don't let you do MDA on a pregnant client so it is more than likely to stop a client coming and complaining so it is safer to teach you not to treat in this, this and this instance. Just because they say it is contraindicated it doesn't mean it is a true contraindication! It means just don't treat...just in case. How many beauty therapy tutors do you know have knowledge of the pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of drugs? I'd hazard a guess at none really.

When we do certain medical procedures we take into consideration the pharmacology of medicine and roaccutane is the only one that would raise hairs on the back of our neck as the resulting skin can be paper thin.

My point is that if you are blaming medicine the entire skin that was in contact with the wax would be the same and not just localised to a small solitary area, hence why I suggest it would be due to either therapist or client interaction!

Now before anyone takes offence about my comments, I am imparting my advise on what medicines will do and what true contraindications are. Just to add further, my niece is currently doing beauty at college with all up to date tutors and the contraindications for waxing they are now teaching:-

  • allergy to wax
  • recent scar tissue
  • cuts/abrasions
  • infection
  • any undiagnosed lesions/lumps in the area
  • roaccutane
  • sunburn
If someone was on systemic steriods (not anabolic) then it may thin out the skin slightly but not enough to cause a localised scab (all goes back again to scab would be wide spread through contact with wax). Body builders on anabolic steroids normally find that their skin won't thin, at the steriod clinic we used to run they had leathery thickened skin, not thin and friable.
Hi, I am an esthetician in training, 2 weeks from graduating. I recently had similar problem with a reaction to eyebrow waxing. A month ago I did a wax on a fellow student who had told me she had bad reactions before, everything looked fine after. she came back after the weekend with a small scab next to one eyebrow, didnt think much of it as it had never happend to anyone I had done before and with her history. Then yesterday I did another eyebrow wax. I put down prebase,cornstarch tested the wax and wore gloves. I didnt overlap, pulled the skin taunt and used oil cleanser and soothing cream afterwards. She was a bit red but very happy with her eyebrows however she came back today with scabs over both eyes. I cannot for the life of me figure out what caused it, however another student had her eyebrows done with the same wax and had a breakout as well. Is it something I did since its happened twice now or is the wax possibly contaminated? Im a student now but soon im going to be practicing at a spa and dont want to get sued! Any advice would be helpful:) Thanks
Hi, I am an esthetician in training, 2 weeks from graduating. I recently had similar problem with a reaction to eyebrow waxing. A month ago I did a wax on a fellow student who had told me she had bad reactions before, everything looked fine after. she came back after the weekend with a small scab next to one eyebrow, didnt think much of it as it had never happend to anyone I had done before and with her history. Then yesterday I did another eyebrow wax. I put down prebase,cornstarch tested the wax and wore gloves. I didnt overlap, pulled the skin taunt and used oil cleanser and soothing cream afterwards. She was a bit red but very happy with her eyebrows however she came back today with scabs over both eyes. I cannot for the life of me figure out what caused it, however another student had her eyebrows done with the same wax and had a breakout as well. Is it something I did since its happened twice now or is the wax possibly contaminated? Im a student now but soon im going to be practicing at a spa and dont want to get sued! Any advice would be helpful:) Thanks
I should mention both clients who broke out were African American and Ive heard
they have more sensitive skin, could this be the reason?
I was waxing just the middle section of my son's eyebrows! And the first time it was fine.
The second time the wax took off some skin and left an awful mark then scab which looked worse than the mono brow!!!
I left it til it healed and just plucked, then tried again -tested wax as I thought it must have been too hot, it happened again so I assumed his skin was still sensitive and have only plucked since.
I'm still unsure as to the cause other than too hot wax which is the only thing I was told during training to avoid.
Hi all just wanting some advice been waxing 10 years never skinned any one any where waxing till last October on the eyebrows then today it happened again but only on left eyebrow I don't know why this has happened now its worrying me
I was waxing just the middle section of my son's eyebrows! And the first time it was fine.
The second time the wax took off some skin and left an awful mark then scab which looked worse than the mono brow!!!
I left it til it healed and just plucked, then tried again -tested wax as I thought it must have been too hot, it happened again so I assumed his skin was still sensitive and have only plucked since.
I'm still unsure as to the cause other than too hot wax which is the only thing I was told during training to avoid.

Why were you told to avoid Hot wax? I am curious as I find it better for sensitive skin especially with a thin film of oil under it.kx
What kind of oil do you use I've not heard of using a oil under wax b4

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