What are your phobias?


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open wardrobe doors! no they have to be tightly shut,rooms without windows and lifts and of course spiders which i think the biggest make a special effort to come into my house:eek:
Yvette said:
Hooray - its not just me!

I can't even walk down stairs that are next to a "down" escalators! My husband thinks I'm a fruit loop! The worst think is I know where it comes from - do any of you "over 25" (cough cough) geeks remember the adverts for escalators in the 70's where the rag doll looses its head? It was a down escalator - need I say more!

i remember that, HORRIFIC !:Scared:
Here's mine :green:

Number 1 biggest fear for me is being sick or anyone else being / feeling sick. I have panic attacks if I see or hear it. It used to be a nightmare on a monday morn walking to work after the saturday night and the street cleaners had not been out - pavement pizzas everywhere. Not nice. I now CAN walk past it in the street, because I have convinced myself that it is probably only there because someone has drunk too much = and its not anything 'catching'.

2nd fear is contamination - germs, (only stomach bugs) - because I think I will get it and it will make me sick :cry: - Working in banking with people with young kiddies was a nightmare - if someone came in saying 'Oh my kids been throwing up all night' I would freak, do my best to avoid them for TWO days, and if they touched anything that I have to use I would get my Flash wipes out and CLEAN everything!

I am totally fine with Colds, flu, headaches, infections, needles, even the Sh*ts dont bother me at all - just sick.

The dentist is another one, terrifies me to death - especially metal in my mouth - I actually have to try and stop shaking before i get in the chair - even for a check up.

Flying is another one - I said earlier I have panic attacks, and I KNOW that once I'm on a plane, I cant get off untill it lands - which makes me panic, incase I have a panic attack.

Drunk people. I HATE them with a passion, but only if they are strangers, my mates are fine. I just hate it when drunk people cant stand up, or they are staggering towards you - OMG I run a mile. I think they are going to throw up or collapse or whatever and I cant take it at all.

FLIES - YUK - I hate them too! Not because they fly, but because they carry germs.......

RAW MEAT - eeeeewww. The smell of it is disgusting, the look of it is disgusting - I have to hold my breath if I'm anywhere near it, yet when it comes to the human body and operations I am not squeemish at all.

I'm a bit funny in crowds of people too, makes me panic sometimes, I think its because if I needed to get out it would be a struggle.

The last one is the smell of death:eek: - when my bloke was a copper, he often had to stand and guard 'scenes of crime' - and quite often, that involved bodys that had been undiscovered for weeks. The smell stayed on him for days sometimes, even after showers etc etc. NOPE. yuk yuk yuk.

God I need therapy!
My main one is the flippin SPIDER!!! Like many others I will not go near the shower if there is one in there....have to wait for someone to get rid of it.

BUGS!!!! Of the creepy crawley kind.....I just hate them but my mum has got my girls picking up and collecting bugs in 'bug pots'.....then I get 'Mum, can we take our bugs home?'.....In MY CAR....not on your life!!!!! It makes me go cold!!! Although I have tried not to show my fear of spiders none of my children will go near one....not even the 'bug collecting' girls!!!!:irked:

The other thing is the smell of fish....we went to Penzance today and thought we would grab a Costa Coffee....next door to a fresh fish shop....EEEEEWWWWWWW!!!! I had to get outta there I thought I was gonna be ill!!! Abandoned hubby in the shop and ran!!!!!!

And another!!! FEET.....grief I hate feet!!! Do you know how hard it is for me to do a pedicure???!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Yes Ms. Matrix...we are a therapists dream!!!! LOL!!!!
i hate snakes. even a quick glimpse of a picture give me the creeps. i go to bed looking for them under my bed even though i have none where i live.if i see or even imagine a snake i feel instantly as though its crawling inside me, even writing aabout it now gives me the creeps. i hate croaking lizards, cant sleep if i see one in my room does not matter what time of night it is i have to get someone to come and kill it. i am afraid of steps without side rails and i am deathly afraid of heights. i hate to fly in an aeroplane but i do it as i have no choice, but i am never relaxed until that plane touches the ground.

i hate public bathrooms cant stand them i try and tell mey kids to avoid them if possible . they are small so its difficult so i travel witha portable potty in my car for my 4 year old. it looks very much like a mini toilet. i hate the smell of fish frying i hate the smell of that is left behind after i fry chicken i will spend the entire day and night washing down my stove and my kitchen mats and spraying febreeze trying to get rid of the smell. i even go as far as taking off the seat covers off my chairs in the dining room and taking down the kitchen curtains give them a quick wash and put them back on. the smell of stale food is sickening!!

dirty bathrooms .ugh:irked:.dont get me started, i have been know to clean one in the middle of the night before i use it i just cannot bring myself to use a dirty face basin, toilet or bath. some people do it and have no qualms i cant stand it so i keep a heft supply of lysol disinfecting wipes in every bathroom and kitchen. i alos have hand sanitisers in my handbag and give one to each child to use at school. i hate people walking in my house with their shoes on, to me its nasty as i dont know what they stepped in outside and is bringing in my house. i keep a very clean home and and i am particular about people coming into my home with shoes on (that is why i hate workmen they never want to take their shoes off!!:irked:)and worse going into one of my bathrooms and stepping on my bath mats with their shoes, that is a NO!!! NO!!! plain nasty, cus wheni take my bath i like to know i am stepping out on something clean. i cant stand mess i cannot stand to see a unmade/rumpled bed i just cant sleep in it even if the sheets are clean, and last but not least, i cannot stand to see dirty children with messed up hair not even my own, when i pick my 4 year old up from kindergarten in the days, if she is really in a bad way i change her clothes before i allow her in my car or i spread newspaper on my car seat. i know it sounds bad but god knows where and what she was sitting in at school on the playground!!:eek: i know i am strange ... but those are just my hangups/phobias:)

oh and before i forget i hate when kids in my childs' class are sick and come to school with nasty little runny noses which they never wipe and no one does it for them and their parents dont take them to the doctor and they pass on that illness to my kids .. i know its not a phobia but it makes me so mad when i take the time to take my kids to the doc immediately as i see the first sign of anything wrong, spend big bucks for medication and keep them out of school for the required length of time so as not to infect anyone.. yet other parents dont do the same.. it p****es me off for real!!!
I just remembered.....................


Ok, I grew up in a nice lil bungalow in the suburbs. Nice place with a finished basement. IMMACULATE house between my mother's housekeeping and my father keeping us busy by making us do more even if it didn't need to be done (ok, he was crackers, he fought in vietnam and well.. should have been left there)

I got a job.. blah blah.. Moved into the city into a cheap apartment building.
Not the worst part of town, but not the best neither.
One night I'm watching tv

w/my then boyfriend (now hubby) and we get up and head off to bed. I throw on the light and start getting ready for bed. Hubby says "Dont' look" Well, of course I turned around to see what the problem was. I asked 'what's up'. He points at a bug on a wall. I said "ahh that's just some beetle. I'm not afraid of bugs" :rolleyes:
He looks at me stunned......... "Vic... do you not realize what this is?"
"yeah, a beetle, if it bugs you that much, squish it."
"Vic....... it's not a beetle".
"Then what is it?"
.................................... "A cockroach"

:Scared: :Scared:

I shrieked and said 'no way, they're way bigger than that and MY HOUSE IS CLEAN!!!!!".
He says "vic, you're thinking of the movies and of african cockroaches or the ones in the states. Canada has small ones and it does't matter if your APARTMENT is clean if your neighbor's isn't"
I started crying. Never seen one before, never knew we had them in Canada. (yes, I'm blonde, now shut up already LOL)
He says to me "don't worry, the only come out in the dark".

Guess what 25 yr old woman went to bed with a lamp on beside her bed for a week until the owners of the building took care of the problem?
Guess what 25yr old woman paid her friend a fortune to go through all her cupboards etc look for these critters and dispose of them and then ran screaming from the kitchen when one scurried away from the bucket of dogfood?
Guess what 25yr old woman tossed out tonnes of food that was not in airtight containers like tupperware or jars or cans? (boxes and bags went IN the garbage)
Guess what 25yr old woman wrapped all her dishes that wren't used on a daily basis in saran wrap? (and still leave my wineglasses and other serving platters wrapped in that today)

yes, you guessed it.
Me, I'm the idiot that freaked out.

And i still store ALL my food in air tight containers. The bag the chips came in? Not good enough. That must be sealed in a ziplock or tupperware.
The oreo cookies? Emptied into a tupperware. Pasta? Leave it in the box? HELL NO! Into nice fancy jars that goes.
Doggie cookies in a box? Nope, into a tupperware too.

Cockroaches scare the P**s outta me. LOL
VHunter said:
I just remembered.....................


Ok, I grew up in a nice lil bungalow in the suburbs. Nice place with a finished basement. IMMACULATE house between my mother's housekeeping and my father keeping us busy by making us do more even if it didn't need to be done (ok, he was crackers, he fought in vietnam and well.. should have been left there)

I got a job.. blah blah.. Moved into the city into a cheap apartment building.
Not the worst part of town, but not the best neither.
One night I'm watching tv

w/my then boyfriend (now hubby) and we get up and head off to bed. I throw on the light and start getting ready for bed. Hubby says "Dont' look" Well, of course I turned around to see what the problem was. I asked 'what's up'. He points at a bug on a wall. I said "ahh that's just some beetle. I'm not afraid of bugs" :rolleyes:
He looks at me stunned......... "Vic... do you not realize what this is?"
"yeah, a beetle, if it bugs you that much, squish it."
"Vic....... it's not a beetle".
"Then what is it?"
.................................... "A cockroach"

:Scared: :Scared:

I shrieked and said 'no way, they're way bigger than that and MY HOUSE IS CLEAN!!!!!".
He says "vic, you're thinking of the movies and of african cockroaches or the ones in the states. Canada has small ones and it does't matter if your APARTMENT is clean if your neighbor's isn't"
I started crying. Never seen one before, never knew we had them in Canada. (yes, I'm blonde, now shut up already LOL)
He says to me "don't worry, the only come out in the dark".

Guess what 25 yr old woman went to bed with a lamp on beside her bed for a week until the owners of the building took care of the problem?
Guess what 25yr old woman paid her friend a fortune to go through all her cupboards etc look for these critters and dispose of them and then ran screaming from the kitchen when one scurried away from the bucket of dogfood?
Guess what 25yr old woman tossed out tonnes of food that was not in airtight containers like tupperware or jars or cans? (boxes and bags went IN the garbage)
Guess what 25yr old woman wrapped all her dishes that wren't used on a daily basis in saran wrap? (and still leave my wineglasses and other serving platters wrapped in that today)

yes, you guessed it.
Me, I'm the idiot that freaked out.

And i still store ALL my food in air tight containers. The bag the chips came in? Not good enough. That must be sealed in a ziplock or tupperware.
The oreo cookies? Emptied into a tupperware. Pasta? Leave it in the box? HELL NO! Into nice fancy jars that goes.
Doggie cookies in a box? Nope, into a tupperware too.

Cockroaches scare the P**s outta me. LOL

Ahhhh, yes. Yet another one to add to my list!! I've lost count of mine...Gosh I NEED HELP IMMEDIATELY, IF NOT SOONER!! :eek:
I know what you mean about staying in an apartment building I live in one...nuff said...My b/f killed one the other day and threatened to chase me around the house with it...I nearly jumped out the window, which is no small feat, seeing as how I am on the 3rd floor...OUCH!!
The things im feared of are, tractors and motorbikes , i tighten my bum when they are behind me and my heart starts to beat a lot faster and i break out in a sweat, its horrible and embarrasing. people walking behind me must think im a right loony when it happens,LOL. Oh! and i can't stand getting margarine or butter etc, on my hands.
i have a major phobia with snakes living in austrlia we get alot of different snakes. hubby and me were driving along a country road and we drove over a anke but it wasnt on the road when we looked back i was convinced that the snake had some how wrapped around the tyre and was slithering up into the inside of the car. i was petrified i had my legs up on the dashboard for the rest of the hour long trip and when we arrived at our destination i made hubby pick me up and carry me inside for feasr that the snake was going to jump out and bite me. pretty funny now but i was a raving lunatic then ha ha
Pigeons and baked beans.
some of my phobia's have already been mentioned

*the sea !!! i flippin hate it,the thought of being swept away abserloutly petrifies me...i get flutters ect when we get near the water and my kids want to paddle.... yet i love watching the waves,they fasinate me,i just get lost in thought watching the sea!

*piers,when we went to southport once my ex made me and the kids walk up the pier i was so scared i nearly started crying,i had a tight grip on my daughters hands,my ex wanted me to let then run up and down "like kids do" ..no friggin chance mate ! the railings are not safe imo, and the gaps inbetween the floor arrghhh!!!

*bridges that cross expressways ect... again its the railings,i dont think they are safe enough considering the danger you are in ,and again y'know when there is them little holes in the floor :eek:

*my kids ! anything ever ever happening to them,i have lay awake many nights worrying over this ,i dont like them playing out or even going to other peoples houses to play.

*open wardrobe doors! i cannot sleep in my room if the doors are open,and if i walk past my kids rooms and they are open i shut them too!

*and of a night i have to triple (if not more) check the doors are locked windows shut,ect...plugs off blah blah blah

i dont like spiders and stuff but i wouldnt say im phobic,i have been known to stand in front of massive spiders crying,because i know i have to get rid of them ,but i cant walk away because they might hide,so i have to just stand there looking at them crying

*and of course the ultimate fear,but im not even gunna say what that is,coz i dont like to
and just to add i dont think anybodys fears are "silly" i dont understand some of them,but would never brush off anybodys phobia's wether its cotton wool or death .
Ive got a few wierd ones gals.....ready?

1.bugs...any and all.
2.the thought of eating food at a party and not knowing how clean the kitchen is of the person who made it.
3.talking to a person with foam in the corners of their mouth.
4.touching raw chicken.
Am I wacked?
Please reply:rolleyes:
Tracie T said:
Ive got a few wierd ones gals.....ready?

1.bugs...any and all.
2.the thought of eating food at a party and not knowing how clean the kitchen is of the person who made it.
3.talking to a person with foam in the corners of their mouth.
4.touching raw chicken.
Am I wacked?
Please reply:rolleyes:

Nah you're not wacked!!

I hate touching raw meat at all and on the rare occasion when husband is getting something special I've cooked up myself, I shudder all the way through the chopping and then anti bac my hands uber thoroughly!!

When I was younger I would never let a fork touch my lips - I would take the food off with my teeth!! This would piss many people off and I would often get comments like... we are clean you know!

As for talking to people who foam at the mouth - you aren't wacked babe!!! THEY are!!
mine are:- Deep water like rivers,the sea, swimming pools etc etc when i go near a deep bit of water its like im gasping 4 breath, i can swim so i dont know why i get like that!?

and the other is creepy crawlies ewwww spiders,flys,mozzies etc
Maybe none of us are quite as weird as we thought, we all seem to have similar fears. Mind you I would say that as I have heaps!

Spiders, and any kind of bug
Spiders Webs - OMG If i brush past one I freek!
I totally agree with Judy about the Shower Curtains, I can bear them. In fact I can't stand showers of any sort until I have scrubbed them.
I cannot let anyone else touch my towel of Face Cloth.
I go mad if my hubby gets the pillows muddled, my pillow is MY PILLOW, DON'T TOUCH!!
I hate people touching my face, unless I have just seen them wash their hands.
I can't stand public loos, and I flush them with my feet.
I can see where Mrs Geek is coming from with the Tuna, only mine is Bacon Sandwiches, I can only eat one if either my Mum or Dad or Myself have made it.

I think that that will do for now :eek:

I hate geese - because one bit me when I was little,
I don't like feet (my brother used to hold me down and put his bare feet on my face, I now can't stand peoples bare feet being near me!),
I wont get into the water if i cant see to the bottom (dunno why think thats a bit of a weird one! :o )
and I don't like big crowds of people (am quite shy and don't like it when you have to make conversation with loads of people at the same time, makes me feel really nervous!)
my phobia is tomatoe sauce! I cannot even wash a plate up if its been on it i am pretty much the same with brown sauce i can barley touch the bottle!
Another 1 of mine is the film wizard of oz! those flying monkeys are horrid! and dont get me started on the witch!
phew now i can write some of my other phobias now without people thinking im weird, Right here goes.......
I cannot hoover or go in the shower when i am in the house on my own i think someones is going to get in the house and i wont be able to hear them.......even though all the doors are locked ect.... I am really scared of flying i cry whilst taking off and landing and have to take a seditive lol. Also i am really scared of the dark, not too bad when b/f is around but i cannot sleep in the dark when im on my own i do actually cry!lol
I also have a really really bad fear of the dentist i dont actually have one now because i used to avoid all my appointments the thought of it is making me feel sick now i think that has gott be one of my worst, I really need to go to dentist but i physically cant!!
Im also obsessed with clean worktops i clean mine about 20+ times a day with anti bac wipes!!lol
Anyways enough of my weird phobias.......dont think there is anymore!!:eek: :eek: lol

I am scared of Birds and Fish!!!
I dont actually think that these are strange phobias but most my family including my eldest daughter think these are the funniest phobias they have ever heard of and my daughter runs round town chasing pigeons so they'll fly right by me!! how nice of her ay?!?!?!?! little madam!
and germs i hate germs!! and odd numbers and dirty kids with snotty faces touching me, other people pooing in my toilet (that makes me angry!!!) lol oh my god i really could go on and on and on!! and the dark only the outside dark not the dark inside i like the dark inside but not the outside no way!!

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