boyfriend is getting me a nail trainer and a surprise, hopefully will also be getting my me to you bear as usual i get a me to you bear every birthday valentine's and xmas since we met, i've asked for them though he hasn't just bought me
my mum- half of the money for my nail extension course and my cnd conversion course.
my dad i have no idea he asks a few weeks before usually something extravagant but i don't think it will be this
If i could pay a price for world peace and the climate to be erm how to put it..good!!! i would!!
I'm getting my boyfriend expensive aftershave, ice shot glasses, stretchy stig, already got him a signed newcastle shirt and some toiletries!LOL
If anyone is interested in glasspainted thing's e.g lanterns etc that are cheap(can also do requests) let me know i know a great lady who i just bought one off is amazing!!