when do we get to eat the eggs?


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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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as I not religious, and am totally unaware of these things, when do I let Jacko eat his eggs?

Easter Sunday or in my case everyday from yesterday yuuuuummmmmy:)
oh dear mine are already half gone...isn't it Easter already:eek:
Oops, I got one yesterday and ate it last nite! :lol:
well, d'uh, obviously WE don't have to stick by it, but for the kids? Need to know when he can tuck into them.

He says Good Friday, but I have a faint memory of something to do with Sundays?
Well i have told every one i dont want one this year cos i am on a diet (yes still) - but i will be gutted if i dont get one! hehe
hmmmm 2 weeks ago :rolleyes: to be fair they where on other, and how do u turn down a good deal?
but I think its Sunday, well that's when my mum would let us eat them, I wont let her know about my little slip up :)
You can scoff your eggs on easter sunday :lol:
The egg is a symbol of life and the resurection of Christ.

there ya go....R.E. lesson :lol:
and theres me with an 'O' level in R.E.!

Do you remember Easter?

You had your eggs lined up.

My mum was always stressed out as she had forgotten some integral ingredient and the shops were shut for like 4 days!

Nowt on TV but that damned film THE ROBE!

Mum would sigh and let us eat our eggs, and I was always challenged to put a WHOLE cream egg in my mouth, which would take a good 10 minutes to cave in so I could breath again.
I didn't even think the egg had anything to do the Christ!

10/10 for RE for me then...

You can tell how religious i am cant ya?
as I not religious, and am totally unaware of these things, when do I let Jacko eat his eggs?

At breakfast on toast lol :hug:

Sunday 23rd March hun
I make them wait until Sunday...but have to hide them or they would already be gone.
Sunday morning for breakfast! :)
In religious terms you fdont eat your eggs until Easter Sunday. Lent doesnt end until then, so we are still in the 40 day fast so you shouldnt have them until then.

If you're not religious though it doesnt really matter when you have them. I think Easter is more about Cadburys than Christ for most people these days.
I think Easter is more about Cadburys than Christ for most people these days.

rofl pmpl thats made me giggle chelle, but how true is that babes xxxx:hug:
Sunday is when they are eaten .
I have to hide them from myself lol

Iv'e already eaten some (talk about greedy )

You all buy your kids easter eggs? :eek:

I just don't tell mine it's Easter....
Easter sunday hun.

In religious terms you fdont eat your eggs until Easter Sunday. Lent doesnt end until then, so we are still in the 40 day fast so you shouldnt have them until then.

If you're not religious though it doesnt really matter when you have them. I think Easter is more about Cadburys than Christ for most people these days.

Couldn't agree with you more
It's exactly the same as Christmas
I don't buy my kids eggs......why....i hear you all scream.......this may sound mean but.....chocolate is bad for the kids teeth ......they have pocket money each week and if they want anything they buy it.......

So we don't celebrate Easter......i spend enough money on kids at birthdays and Xmas......my parents and in laws give them money and so do i.....if they want a egg they buy it.....xxxx

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