A few pics from blessing


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gona be slim geek
Mar 1, 2005
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stevenage herts
my daughter has loaded some pics she took on her phone at the blessing on to the pc they are not great and i look realy rough in them due to haveing a rotton cold and tummy bug but i thought id share them anyway lol
as we didnt have the nice meal we had planned we popped to the local services for a coffee and huby had a blueberry muffin while i had dry toast so my daughter got us to pose like we were cutting the wedding cake, lol
there is also one of me and my son, he is so much taller than me now,
pluss there is one of me and my hubby, and one of my son and eldest daughter,
the one with all us girls is, left to right, my daughter age 12, me (in green) my sister (in red) my eldest daughter age 14


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tracy....what wonderfull pics...might be from mobile phone but i love them.....

you look gorgeous even if you did feel ill !!!!!!! xxx:hug:
Lovely pix Tracy ... thanks for sharing.
wow you look fab all of you, such a great idea. Really glad it turned all right in the end! What a lovely idea. Me and hubby are planning a blessing this year hopefully. xxx
wow you look fab all of you, such a great idea. Really glad it turned all right in the end! What a lovely idea. Me and hubby are planning a blessing this year hopefully. xxx

aw bless you should do it as it made me reolise how much i love my hubby i just wish we had not been ill so we could have enjoyed it more but it was still nice
Well I think you look lovely - all of you. You can always go out for a special meal when you feel better.
see! youall look lovely :hug:
you didnt look rough you all looked lovely
The photographs are lovely hun :hug:
love the clothes
You all look great and your dress is stunning hun :hug:
You looked gorgeous hun. So glad it went ok for you even though you felt poorly x
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