Positive Geek
I don't want to hijack somebody elses thread, so I thought I would post this separately. This thread can hopefully help me and anybody else with similar queries. Can somebody with a dry skin type have acne?Dry skin is characterized by thinned epidermis, tight feeling, tiny almost invisible pores with virtually no comedones. It is often accompanied by flakiness due to lack of production of sebum which usually moisturises the skin.Acne is characterized by papules, pustules and comedones with a shiny skin surface due to oiliness caused by over active sebaceous glands and over secretion of sebum.Both dry and Acne skin can be dehydrated.Therefore, if somebody has dry skin, can they have acne? The reason I ask, is because I have specifically asked this question a couple of times to different tutors at college and the answer has been a catagorical resounding 'no'. To you experienced skin geeks, please don't take my question as rude. I am genuinely interested in your responses. I have an ever enquiring mind, lol.