'Argos Trained' technician makes me mad!!


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personally, keep me posted on this one, because i can't wait until she wrecks someone's nails and gives em greenies... and they try to sue her only to find out she's not qualified or insured!!! my god, they'll take her to the cleaners.

hun, don't worry, your clients will soon come crawling back with their tails between their legs.
pinkchicnails said:
just want to have a quick rant. (sorry long post)

i have a workmate who is a bit jealous that i have done PROPER nail tech training - not i ain't saying im brilliant as i'm still learning BUT i have gone the right way about it.

now in her view ANYONE can do nails - so much so she went to argos and bought a gel nails kit and UV lamp and now charges £15 a full set.
now ive seen these nails - she sticks a natural tip on, does no blending at all then puts the gel straight on top) they are all uneven too. i haven't done gels so not sure how you do them.

last night she told me she bought some great products off...yep u guessed it EBAY (clear uv gel and cuticle oil - that is apparantly WAY better then the solar oil i use and its only £1) and some nail 'glue'

i said ooh i use gel bond its much better cos u don't get air bubbles when applying tips and she said - 'u must be doing it wrong then' then she went on to tell me that her nails were much better then mine (which im sick of hearing now) much more natural looking and that id wasted a load of money on training when i could have bought a set from argos for £50 and a load of professional products off ebay!! (so now we know who buys em all)

so yep im keeping my eye on who buys the creative badge (as in a previous post) as she's the kind to buy it! i wouldnt mind but shes taking my customers and also using products she hasn't been trained too on unsuspecting public, without insurance all cos she can buy 'all she needs' off ebay!

dont be bitchy thats harsh im sure shes better than you anyway ....
for goodness sakes Ally Pally :eek: do the decent thing and delete your reply, there's a good girl...
ally pally said:
dont be bitchy thats harsh im sure shes better than you anyway ....

LOL... i don't think we're meant to take this to heart girls (unless, of course, this the "friend")
i have no idea why you are upset
lol reep it hunny all the clients will be coming to you to repair the crap she has done
you could find a greatness to he madness
Rach - you work in York don't you?! Tell you what, tell her one day you can see who's are better and we can see who does them right - you can both do one hand of mine and she can maybe then find out what it is she's doing wrong and why you need proper training to do nails! Oh and I'm sure your clients will come back when they see what a bad job she does and what a good job you did - don't worry about it they will soon realise you get what you pay for. xx
ally pally said:
dont be bitchy thats harsh im sure shes better than you anyway ....

I'm sorry but I really don't see the point of this post. Why would you say such a nasty, thing? Ever heard the saying, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"!!!!

How can you tell us not to be bitchy, isn't that what you've just done. We were all giving Rach kind words and advice.

Uncalled for.
Wasn't it a sarcastic joke? that's how i took it, you know what these threads are like, easily misintrepreted.
Toni Talons said:
Wasn't it a sarcastic joke? that's how i took it, you know what these threads are like, easily misintrepreted.

Mmmm.... I hope so.
Well, that's how i took it because i can't see anyone being argos trained better than a proper nail tech. or maybe i just have a weird SOH!!!! hope i'm right too hun, otherwise it must be the "friend" logged on because she thinks she's a proper nail tech LOL!
At the end of the day, it's down to education, not only technician education but more importantly in this situation, client education too...which there isn't enough of....maybe these RIO gel clients have heard the organic gel shpeel and think that gel is better?? so they give it a try....

when their nails are lifting to buggery and they have greenies left right and centre, they're going to blame the enhancements, not the technician, because she will tell them it's down to something that they have been doing, like not oiling enough, or not wearing gloves etc...but you and I know that it's not the clients fault, because we produce enhancements that don't lift and that don't look like a pile of crap after a week.

Educating the general public is a must, becaus right now, Joane Public accepts shoddy work as the norm and it's not until they come to us Nail Geeks that they realise what they should be getting for their money.:Love:
Lets not worry on this one I cant see Rio nail products featuring in Scratch or pro nails just yet lol
I have got to agree with everything you've said there Cathie... I had a new client last week who had NEVER had a client consultation let alone any prep, she was shocked at everything that was involved... needless to say it seems she used to go to a NSS in the UK... she accepted shoddy work because (as you said) she knew no better.

There definitely needs to be Industry Regulations to stop people like Mrs Argos Rio Gels thinking she is a nail tech, there also needs to be a hell of a lot more client awareness... not because she shouldn't be a tech but because she is trying to be a tech with NO KNOWLEDGE OR TRAINING, the damage she will do to peoples nails will give all of us a bad name.

oops, i was typing while you were replying Lell :o you've got a point hunny xx
pinkchicnails said:
just want to have a quick rant. (sorry long post)

i have a workmate who is a bit jealous that i have done PROPER nail tech training - not i ain't saying im brilliant as i'm still learning BUT i have gone the right way about it.

now in her view ANYONE can do nails - so much so she went to argos and bought a gel nails kit and UV lamp and now charges £15 a full set.
now ive seen these nails - she sticks a natural tip on, does no blending at all then puts the gel straight on top) they are all uneven too. i haven't done gels so not sure how you do them.

last night she told me she bought some great products off...yep u guessed it EBAY (clear uv gel and cuticle oil - that is apparantly WAY better then the solar oil i use and its only £1) and some nail 'glue'

i said ooh i use gel bond its much better cos u don't get air bubbles when applying tips and she said - 'u must be doing it wrong then' then she went on to tell me that her nails were much better then mine (which im sick of hearing now) much more natural looking and that id wasted a load of money on training when i could have bought a set from argos for £50 and a load of professional products off ebay!! (so now we know who buys em all)

so yep im keeping my eye on who buys the creative badge (as in a previous post) as she's the kind to buy it! i wouldnt mind but shes taking my customers and also using products she hasn't been trained too on unsuspecting public, without insurance all cos she can buy 'all she needs' off ebay!

She may be taking your clients NOW, but time WILL tell with her work and your clients will soon come running back. I know it can be disheartening especially as your have paid X amount of £££'s in training. BUt don't you worry your training WILL stand you in good stead when her clients comeback to YOU with HER problems.

Another thing dont tell her how to do this and that let her learn by her own mistakes...lol:D

Don't fret,x
Rach, I can understand why you are upset, scared and frustrated....however, all educated nail technicians, like yourself, know that people like this will not stand the test of time...UNFORTUNATELY they will ruin clients' nails in the process and contrary to some of the posts on this thread, the clients will NOT go elsewhere, they will presume that ALL enhancements cause these problems and 'ruin' your nails and talk about it to all their friends.:(

It is the respopnsibility of ALL of us Geeks to ensure that the public get great service, quality nails and are educated by us in order that they do not fear or disparage nails services across the board.

I am sure that if you put on your POSITIVE hat and become a little more creative in your thinking (sure lots of the geeks will help here) you can come up with ways to turn this situation around to your advantage, hopefully without resorting to some of the advice you've been given previously on this thread...personally I am shocked and very concerned at the aggression, violence and vindictivness that has come across, :smack: which helps YOU not at all and makes some of us ashamed to be part of.:o

I wish you well and have pm'd you re your gallery pics.
hiya sweet

You have nothing at all to worry about
remember knowledge is power and as a trainee nail tech who hasnt even started enhancements yet since starting my Nvq training i have found out so much
Just wait til she comes running when her clients have paronychia that has gone out of control or Onychomycosis
I'll bet she cant even spell it let alone know what it is
Dont let it get you down just lift up your head and smile at her and say thats really nice for you love then walk away dont let her know that she is getting to you it will upset her more
Just say to yourself I am the best Nail tech that i can be and i am proud of my work
I have looked at your gallery and you should be proud of your work babe
im here if you ever need to rant
deb xxxx
I am actually having a similar problem. They hired a new nail tech at my job. I have been living breathing cr*ppin gels since brisa first came out over a year ago. Now I will not say that i am an expert as we all can improve but i def know my stuff (I was trained personally by a creative ambasdor,good friends with my boss ). this woman had used acrylics for like 8yrs but never touched a gel. She says that she can just wing it that its easy to do them. If it were so easy how come everyones not doing them, why bother reading a text book or taking classes. Her nails look so bad, not terrrible but def not good. I try to give advice and she rebutts, says her ways fine. Now there booking her full sets. Im not worried about her takin my client so much as giving the salon a bad rep. many of her clients havent returned(one dissatisfied client can lead to 4 potential clients the salon loses out on) and one of them even rebooked her standing with me after seeing one of my clients nails in waiting room. this woman told EVERYONE (including boss) i was stealing her clients. so trust me i know how frustrating it can be. my motto is be the best you can be. i figure let her self destrcut herself. just like your coworker they will both eventually burn themselves out. People can only pretend for so long. Also any client who leaves you for an obivious lower stander of work just to save 5$ is a client youd rather not have. The clients you have will be loyal because they like your work and the fact you are educated not beacuase your 5$ cheaper than the going rate. Time will tell, also sometimes people wear their smoked rose tint glasses, how do you know shes really booked? 3 peep could be booked in her eyes. have faith in your education, if your still with me :o thanks for reading my mini novel
hi, i'd just like to comment on how cr*p the rio kit is!!! i bought it about a yr ago before i thought of nail courses and all the important stuff. at the time i had enough money to waste it. the nails lasted about 2 days tops they looked ok for the first hour, and it took me about 3 hours to do them, i only used it on myself. i am now getting the money toghter to do the essentail nails course in acyrlic as the rio kit has made my views of gel nails go out the window. p.s had it a week then sold it on ebay, lost £20 but its a lesson well lernt.
don't let the Rio kit put you off gel enhancements... as has been said previously it's NOT a professional product, so therefore you WON'T get professional results...
good luck with your course.
Argh, i was a bit peeved yesterday when i told a close friend i was going to enrol on a gel course, and she then told me that her daughter had used the Rio kit she got for christmas, it took her 4 hours to do her own nails, but said how "professional" they looked!!!:eek:

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