I read all your comments yesterday and thought how confused and annoying the health issue is with waxing. I had a great chat with a friend of mine who trains consultants, doctors, nurses etc on hygeine with regards especially to MRSA and C-Deficile. This was her advice, Wash ahnds first then wash the area about to be treated with antibacterial wash. Then spray/wipe over a sanitising solution, surgical spirit or alcohol based sanitiser, leave to dry naturally, don't pat dry. This will make it 98% sanitised. MRSA and C-Deficile cannot be killed by any conventional products. She said the areas that swobs are taken when checking for these diseases are armpits and groin. So for those of you that double dip maybe it's advisable to rethink your technique!
She said that once the area is sanitised it is advisable not to double dip (especially with sugaring, as it is perfect for bacterial growth.) She said it was less likely that bacteria would grow in wax, but care should be taken. We came up with a solution: if you have two wax pots and pour wax that you will use for the next client into a clean, sterilized bucket, any remainder would be thrown away after each client. It would then mean you can happily double dip.
As there are more and more salons/nail bars starting up you will start to find that local Authorities are becoming more aware of the proceedures and hygeine standards used by therapists. I have found an interesting one on my Local Authority website. Please be aware that for your own reputation it's always better to keep clean.
Here endeth my lesson!! xx:lol: