Passing my driving test was one of the best things I have ever done, And I am glad I didn't give up.
I did fail quite a few times lol... I only ever got a couple of minors, the most I think being 5,
And only one 1 of them do I think the examiner was having a bad day !!!
I failed for different reasons each time, once I was about to go right through a red light,
Once I nearly killed an old lady on a crossing (well she was very small, I didn't see her)
Once for stopping to check to my right on a junction, when It was my right of way, so I should have just gone (I like to make double sure lol)
Once for not checking my left mirror on a roundabout.
Once for 'trying to bully my way out' into the overtaking lane, (I thought I had to prove I could overtake....didn't know I had to wait for a clear overtaking lane before trying this manouver)
I can't remember what the other one was...
But ! In my defence I stuck with the same instuctor who kept telling me she didnt understand why I was failing, for 6 of my tests,
I changed instructors, 5 lessons with him and I passed my test,.
He found there was quite a lot of things I was still very unsure about (ya dooonn't saaaayyy :green