Geekmolians gone?!?


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The Geek

Grand Master Geek
Premium Geek
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Due to a security issue with the scripts responsible for Geekmolians - I have had to temporarily disable the system. At this stage it is impossible to determine how long it will be disabled for.

Suffice to say I am disappointed about it as I am sure many of you are - however it just isn't worth the site being destroyed by script kiddies so it had to be done!

Thanks for understanding
Maybe this is a dumb question but is that why all the prezzies have gone too??

It is Monday!!

Teri x:smack:
They are part of the system :(
Maybe this is a dumb question but is that why all the prezzies have gone too??

It is Monday!!

Teri x:smack:
I would think so Teri - they were all bought with Geekmolians so if it has been disabled then I assume that they wouldn't show any more xxxx
:o You know when you wish you never asked!!

Teri x:hug:
They were fun but I can't help wondering that perhaps they encouraged pointless posts just to get points.
:lol: Typical, the only time I've ever been rich and now I'm bankrupt. oh the shame of it ... will I be in the papers as declared insolvent? :rolleyes:
:lol: Can`t beleive it i bet i had the winning lottery ticket too! lol:lol: what must be must be !
oh well i am happier skint xx
If it is reinstalled,wil we get our prezzies back.

I'm not bothered about the molians,but i liked my presents ?????

Oh btw,what are script kiddies :o ?
They were fun but I can't help wondering that perhaps they encouraged pointless posts just to get points.
My thoughts exactly - it may be the best thing for the health of the site. I was never meant to be rich anyway xx:lol:
What a quiet day on the site ,i hope this thread has nothing to do with it :rolleyes:
Oh btw,what are script kiddies :o ?

i thought i'd look it up cos i didnt know either.....this is what i found...

In computing, a script kiddie (occasionally script bunny, script kitty, script kiddo, "skidiot", skiddie or Victor Skill Deficiency (VSD) and even lamer) is a derogatory term for inexperienced hackers who use scripts and programs developed by others, without knowing what they are or how they work, for the purpose of compromising computer accounts and files, and for launching attacks on whole computer systems (see DoS). In general, they do not have the ability to write these kinds of programs on their own. Such programs have included WinNuke applications, Back Orifice, NetBus, Sub7, and Metasploit.
It is a common belief that many script kiddies also enjoy cracking any website they can, just to prove their "superiority" in the underground cracker community.
Script kiddies, instead of attacking an individual system, often scan thousands of computers looking for vulnerable targets before initiating an attack. This is similar to wardialing and wardriving in which the attacker isn't looking at one specific system, but instead anything that is open and looks interesting. The term is also often used as a derogatory moniker for individuals who do not contribute to the development of new security-related programs, especially exploits, but rather benefit from the work of others.
Script kiddies can be a potential aid to more dangerous types of crackers who can encourage and manipulate them into being more destructive.

So basically I think it means ....MORONS !!!!:irked:
:lol: complete morons ! Thankyou for that info Angie xx

Edited to add >>> Damn spreading the love :D
dont listen to GMG, its all lies!!!

Hes stolen all the geekmolians and gifts for himself in an attempt to take over the world!!!

do not underestimate the power of The Nail Geek!!

lol. :smack:
He was jealous cause i had more than him!
I am skint and I'v logged in, and now im financially embarrased here too :lol:
I think this site will get on very nicely without them ........
my inheratence from sassy has gone boo hoo ! ah well worse thing happen at sea ......................................... :green: :green:
What a quiet day on the site ,i hope this thread has nothing to do with it :rolleyes:
No hun ..its just because i have been out all day ....i do like to waffle lol :green:

i actually got a text of another geek on my way home from the conversion to tell me about the loss of our molies ...
sad about my prezzies and my boring colour username lol , but hey ho if its for the good of the site then who are we to moan !:lol:

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