Naked male spray tan - would you?


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Some of the hotties I've had in for massage or waxing, they'd need to be wary of me trying it on, not the other way around.. :lol:

Love this comment, made me laugh (now my other half thinks I'm some sort of freak
I just read the Suzie Lampugh trust webpage and ive changed my mind it kind of makes you realize just what a vulnerable position working alone involves.
ive been attacked before (it wasnt at work) it took me years to get to this position where i dont worry anymore and stop being scared and jumpy all the time, it took years and i had managed to convince myself that the amount of men who would do this is so small its not worth thinking about, i am now thinking i maybe let my guard down too much i was alot safer being scared and its true they do overpower you, i had a strong build i worked out alot but when it happens your strength compared to theirs, your like putty no matter how hard you try and it takes years and years to move on past it, they do get a look on their face and you get a startled, scared feeling when you see it, but of course by then its too late.
im starting to feel quite insecure all over again, but maybe thats a good thing, they are not all nice normal guys out there and i suppose whilst we cant really spot the scary ones its better to be extra careful and they are stronger by miles
I think, what it all boils down to, in general, men are a lot stronger than women. I'm not being sexist, it's a fact. Simple as. So if a woman refused to spray tan a naked man, it's not because she's being sexist, it's simply a fact that if the man was dodgy and getting his cheap thrills from this, if he then went to do something dodgy the women, she wouldn't have a chance of fighting him off. Where if it was vice versa, a man spray tanning a naked woman, if she was dodgy and tried to do something, the man would have a good chance of fighting her off. It's not that people are getting scared of the sight of a willy, it's simply safety that they have in mind. Yes the majority of men wouldn't dream of doing anything dodgy, but unfortunately the ones that would don't have a neon sign over their heads to let us know. Safety at the end of the day is the most important thing.

I completely agree with this, and when I stated the OP might have had a lucky escape this is what I was referring to. I personally choose not to treat men in my mobile business for this very reason. Actually, I realise that male clients can be the most loyal, and when I was in salon some of my loveliest clients were men! But on my own in an unfamiliar environment with somebody who is potentially much stronger than me?? No thanks. And actually, I have treated a couple of women over the years who I have felt intimidated around...and needless to say, I didn't go back to them! So it works both ways, and I think any therapist has the right to decide who they do and do not treat, whatever the reasons may be.

Interesting that nobody has touched on religion as being a legitimate reason for wanting to treat only one gender of clients...Would this be as controversial, I wonder?
I was thinking about the religion thing too. It doesn't apply to me, it's just my choice. But then religion is a choice too. ...So does that mean that the Muslim culture is 'childish' (not my words) because it requires them to observe a policy of modest around the opposite sex?!

Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert, I could be misinformed, but I have a few Muslim clients who I learn this from.
I just read the Suzie Lampugh trust webpage and ive changed my mind it kind of makes you realize just what a vulnerable position working alone involves.
ive been attacked before (it wasnt at work) it took me years to get to this position where i dont worry anymore and stop being scared and jumpy all the time, it took years and i had managed to convince myself that the amount of men who would do this is so small its not worth thinking about, i am now thinking i maybe let my guard down too much i was alot safer being scared and its true they do overpower you, i had a strong build i worked out alot but when it happens your strength compared to theirs, your like putty no matter how hard you try and it takes years and years to move on past it, they do get a look on their face and you get a startled, scared feeling when you see it, but of course by then its too late.
im starting to feel quite insecure all over again, but maybe thats a good thing, they are not all nice normal guys out there and i suppose whilst we cant really spot the scary ones its better to be extra careful and they are stronger by miles

It's true. I was reading about it recently as I used to think men and women are the same, but physically we are COMPLETELY different. Men are, on average, 30% stronger than women, and that's on a even playing ground before working out. So a man who regularly works out strength training against a woman such as myself who does nothing? I dare not even think the percentage. I honestly think it would be 60% to 100%. I know, for example, my husband goes to the gym nearly everyday, lifting weights, but despite the fact he is 3 inches shorter than me, he is ridiculously stronger than me. That's why it's so much more shocking for a man to hit a woman, as 9 times out of 10 the womans chance of defending herself is slim against their brute strength. Us women have to be careful, we aren't going to be worrying about offending someone for refusing them when we're at the police station, or worse, hospital. There's nothing more important than your own safety.
Surely if you're a lone worker in a salon you are putting yourself at the risk of theft, assault and attack every time you open your door. From men and women!
If you work from home then how is the male customer to know who's upstairs waiting to defend you should need be? I think it takes guts for a guy to book a spray tan and if they want it naked then why not, just prepare yourself so you feel safe as you would for any new client. There's got to be easier ways of planning a sexual assault than booking a naked spray tan!
From what I've heard men can get involuntarily excited while having a massage and therapists are advised to ignore it to avoid embarrassment on both sides. I'd do the same if it happened during a spray tan although how anyone could find that arousing god knows! :)

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Surely if you're a lone worker in a salon you are putting yourself at the risk of theft, assault and attack every time you open your door. From men and women!
If you work from home then how is the male customer to know who's upstairs waiting to defend you should need be? I think it takes guts for a guy to book a spray tan and if they want it naked then why not, just prepare yourself so you feel safe as you would for any new client. There's got to be easier ways of planning a sexual assault than booking a naked spray tan!
From what I've heard men can get involuntarily excited while having a massage and therapists are advised to ignore it to avoid embarrassment on both sides. I'd do the same if it happened during a spray tan although how anyone could find that arousing god knows! :)

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Here here!
I would but it would depend on how and what he said on the phone and how he came across in the shop. I suppose when you pierce man's willies the tan isn't to bad.
If for any reason i felt that i would be unsafe with this person then no..
Yes but at least with a woman I've got a better chance of defending myself. Yeah she may beat me if she works out, etc, but at least we started on a level playing field. With a man, he could be skinny with no muscles but he's still on average 30% stronger. If women choose to spray tan a naked man then that's up to them but like I said unfortunately people who are dodgy don't have a neon sign on their head. If I was in a salon with other staff then I wouldn't have a problem, but for those who work on their own safety HAS to be a priority. It's unfortunate when we have to consider this but I'm afraid thats the sad state of the world we live in.
simples ...simply ask the customer to hold his todger to the right when spray tanning the left side and then vice versa when you tan the right

All simpls and easy to do ...for both the customer and therapist alike
That said given that many sloutions go onto the skin cold I would wager he will shrink anyhoo's so no need to move anything out of the way:eek: :lol::lol:

I would be happy to do mobile spray tans on males, but so far the males that have phoned or made appointments have all been creeps!

I now recommend that they go to a salon as I'm happy to pass them onto someone else.
I agree, I have been also been asked to tan naked men, its a no no for me, I understand that waxing etc for men, but sorry thats not my field. I was asked allsorts of questions on his Ahem!! and what he has to do, ie: do I hold them let them hang lol I politely said errmmm sorry I would expect clients to be in the correct disposables:rolleyes:.. Men with shorts or briefs for all the way
My partner is really against me tanning men, I personally couldn't care less so long as I know them, being a small town, I generally do or they're friend of friends.

If it was someone I didn't know, I'd want someone to be here with me - I wouldn't go to their home.

For those that have said their bf/husband wouldnt like it; well think of this:
If he wanted a spray tan full body and asked different therapists who all said no and made him feel really shamefull and bad, and he came home and told you how he had been made to feel like some kind of werido, then what would you say? Would you be fine with that?
Because I dont think you would be happy whatsoever!
My partner is Asian and even if he was given spray tans free of charge, he'd still not be interested :D

However, if for some reason he wanted a massage and they refused, I'd be fully understanding - we all have safety issues that we're bothered about, he'd also understand as he thinks men & women shouldn't be alone for things like this, I'm sure if we went for a spa day together he'd be fine with that but it's not really his kinda day out so I'll probably never know - he kinda relates massages to the kinda places where you get 'extras'.. ;)

As much as he annoys me with the situation of not 'allowing' me to tan men, it's not jealousy, it's a cultural/religious thing, he's Muslim and has been brought up that way.

I do occasionally still tan men, what he doesn't know won't harm him, I do feel guilty for it but business is business and I don't see the fuss - I see them no different to how I would on a beach, the same couldn't be said if they were naked.

The reason I find men more of a risk to my safety is cause they're the only ones who have been immature about my work. I have a print on my car windscreen with my number on, funnily enough, I've had more calls from men than women - generally asking if I do escorting too, do I do back, sack & crack, and do I do dates!!! Not one woman has said something stupid.. :rolleyes:
Most of my male clients are naked when I spray them, bodybuilders and normal guys. I have no problem with it. I run my business from home and I always make sure my hubby is around no matter who I am tanning (male or female) for a bit of personal security. I think is is a shame when some men want a full tan and they can't get it, all my clients have been great and very loyal, it's only a body, we all have them. I find the men that want full body are very particular with their personal appearance and I have never had any 'funny' business. Hope this gives someone the confidence to try it - it is good for business x (but have someone nearby within earshot just in case!)

I know this thread is a month old but didnt want to put up a new thread when this is already here.

I am a mobile spray tan therapist. I have had a text from a guy asking me to spray tan him naked. Which is fine,once you have seen one,you have seen them all :)

This is the messages I have had from him :

Him - Hi,do you spray tan men atall? I would prefer an all over tan if possible and didnt want any white bits.

Me - Yes, I spray tan men,that is no problem. What date would you like to be booked in for?

Him - Great - You sure you dont mind me being nude?

Me - No I dont mind atall, It is apart of my job to spray tan females and males.

Him - I have had several tans before and know what to expect. Have you done many nude guys before?

Me - No I am yet to spray tan males but it is just the same method as I would already use.

Him - Oh,its just that last time I did it I got an erection and dont want to offend you if that happens again.

What do I put to that,?? Is this a serious guy actually wanting a tan or could it be someone messing around?

I have no problem with naked men, just its my first male and I will be going to his on my own. Im only tiny so whether its a man or woman im pretty defenceless :/

Should I just go ahead with it, should I be spraying him any differently from how I would normally spray. What about the hair etc xxx

i do (spray tan!) a guy, he holds his erm bits up and his boxers up. ironically when he first called me i put him off, twice. he called again and i said yes and asked 1 of my staff to stay by the door of the booth with it ajar.

i didnt 'like the sound of him' on the phone

turns out he is a lovely chap, a boxer who is quite well known, and he promotes us well and my girls absolutely adore it when he comes into the salon to dry himself off with the hairdryer, my apprentice's eyes are on sticks haha

he offered us the chance to sponsor him and we could be quite big if we joined forces with him, he also has alot of contacts with the celebs and page three girls so....sometimes as long as you protect yourself, you have to take the opportunity and you might just not look back :)
Ask him for a photo first ;)
Only joking, like it has been mentioned man or woman, your on your own anyway, I would maybe ring someone when you get outside, tell them the address your at and mayb a car reg that's on the drive, and tell them how long it takes you to spray, and say you will call them I 25mins for eg and if they haven't heard to call you. If no reply to 3 calls they have all the details etc.
Explain to te client You Don't usually do men 'ahem' and it's for your safety that the phone may ring. No DECENT man will have a problem with that xx

I know this thread is a month old but didnt want to put up a new thread when this is already here.

I am a mobile spray tan therapist. I have had a text from a guy asking me to spray tan him naked. Which is fine,once you have seen one,you have seen them all :)

This is the messages I have had from him :

Him - Hi,do you spray tan men atall? I would prefer an all over tan if possible and didnt want any white bits.

Me - Yes, I spray tan men,that is no problem. What date would you like to be booked in for?

Him - Great - You sure you dont mind me being nude?

Me - No I dont mind atall, It is apart of my job to spray tan females and males.

Him - I have had several tans before and know what to expect. Have you done many nude guys before?

Me - No I am yet to spray tan males but it is just the same method as I would already use.

Him - Oh,its just that last time I did it I got an erection and dont want to offend you if that happens again.

What do I put to that,?? Is this a serious guy actually wanting a tan or could it be someone messing around?

I have no problem with naked men, just its my first male and I will be going to his on my own. Im only tiny so whether its a man or woman im pretty defenceless :/

Should I just go ahead with it, should I be spraying him any differently from how I would normally spray. What about the hair etc xxx


Sounds like a messer to me to be honest, rather strange that he's asking so many questions. I doubt he will even turn up if you book him an appointment.
When I tan a man if he's hairy I find I have to angle my gun upwards slightly so it blows the hair and the solution goes underneath. If he has dark hair I wouldn't worry about a hair net but would give him one if blonde...assuming he's not receding - just make sure you get all skin :) And as silly as it might sound....if he's bald....don't forget the top of his head!! (I did when I first spray a bald man...oops!)
As for the meat and 2 veg....they'll no doubt become so small with embarrassment/coldness of the solution they won't get in the way - I just usually lightly spritz over as I go from one leg to the other.
Well I got back in contact with him and asked him when he wants to book in etc.

I then asked what solution he was sprayed with before,as he said he had previous tans done.

I havent heard from him so I think it was a messer! Atleast Im prepared for next time it arises x
Erection? I can't think of anything less arousing than a spray tan! Sounds like a total nob to me! And yes, full pun intended!

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