Chatty geek
I was mulling over life in general yesterday and started thinking about all the things that happen to us that alters the paths we take in life. You cannot escape your own basic personality but events certainly have a bearing on what course you take.
I, for instance have a quick, sharp tongue, which got me into so much trouble when I was younger. I have managed to keep it under control as I've matured but it still sometimes jumps out and causes trouble:o
First time round, I married a man who I perceived to be strong. He wasn't, he was just a bully and a control freak. I have become a better judge of people just by taking my time and listening to what people don't say.
I couldn't have children, which caused several years of pain. I came to terms with it in the end and it has given me an empathy with those who have difficulties that they struggle to overcome.
I ended up in a career that was fundamentally unsuited to my personailty (accountancy) and although I loved the work and was good at it, I had to suppress my natural behaviour around those I worked with.
My life is now great - not perfect but whose is ? I am happy with my lot most of the time. I wish I was 6" taller, I wish I had met Paul, first time round, I wish my Dad and my brother were still alive, I wish I had found nails sooner and above all I wish I was half my age with the knowledge I have now.
How about you ???
I, for instance have a quick, sharp tongue, which got me into so much trouble when I was younger. I have managed to keep it under control as I've matured but it still sometimes jumps out and causes trouble:o
First time round, I married a man who I perceived to be strong. He wasn't, he was just a bully and a control freak. I have become a better judge of people just by taking my time and listening to what people don't say.
I couldn't have children, which caused several years of pain. I came to terms with it in the end and it has given me an empathy with those who have difficulties that they struggle to overcome.
I ended up in a career that was fundamentally unsuited to my personailty (accountancy) and although I loved the work and was good at it, I had to suppress my natural behaviour around those I worked with.
My life is now great - not perfect but whose is ? I am happy with my lot most of the time. I wish I was 6" taller, I wish I had met Paul, first time round, I wish my Dad and my brother were still alive, I wish I had found nails sooner and above all I wish I was half my age with the knowledge I have now.
How about you ???