Shellac chipped :(


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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2010
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I have a client just text me to ask for her shellac to be removed she says it chipped after only 4 days:eek: I wonder if its anything i did wrong? But I did it way it says thin coats etc scrubfresh. I think she does not wear gloves to do any of her house work or gardening should I tell her it may be down to that?I am not sure whaT to say to her :confused: Can any of you help me how to deal with the situation I dont think she is cross just disapointed.
Did she bash the nail? I have found that when I let my nails grow to long (longer than they could get with out shellac) that I managed to loose bits of shellac from the free edge when I banged a nail making the free edge week or bent...... :eek: thats the only way ive managed to chip it.
Did you remember to cap the free edge?That's the only thing I can think of other than her picking or really catching it.When I had mine applied it lasted and lasted,and I did a whole host of things including cleaning out my oven and painting the wooden bench etc in the garden...without gloves:eek:
It could be that the Shellac hasn't chipped but her nails has peeled underneath taking Shellac with it. This happened to me personally when I first started wearing Shellac. Doesn't happen now as my nails are in such great condition thanks to Shellac and regular solar oil.
As the others have said, if the client has bashed her nail and it has actually broken her own nail then thats why it is chipped, as her nail underneath has either peeled or chipped itself.
I had a client ring me sat after having her reshellac on friday to say that is chipped.
When she got here she said she was putting her washing in the machine, I asked her if she had banged it which she denied but she blatently had as the nail itself was split and chipped. I advised her that she must have banged it as she was putting the washing in.
I redid her shellac but charged her as it was not something that was covered under the 14 day guarentee.
Clients need to be making sure that they follow aftercare advise I.E solar oil, rubber gloves, jewels not tools.
Dont be too disheartened accidents do happen.
Also if the clients nails are not good to start with, peeling chipping, brittle shellac will peel and chip when their own layers of the nail plate peel and chip. Shellac is a hybrid colour coat, not an enhancement product. It will not give weak nails etc etc strength against banging them and abuse. It protects to a degree but its only when people take care and look after them, there is only so much we can advise the clients the rest is upto them.

Jen xx
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It could be that the Shellac hasn't chipped but her nails has peeled underneath taking Shellac with it. This happened to me personally when I first started wearing Shellac. Doesn't happen now as my nails are in such great condition thanks to Shellac and regular solar oil.

That's what I was thinking. This is what has usually happened when the client complains about chipping.

The best thing about these new products though is that after a couple of months of wearing them the client's nails tend not to peel any more! I think it gives them enough protection from water and household chemicals to repair themselves over time! :green:
That's what I was thinking. This is what has usually happened when the client complains about chipping.

The best thing about these new products though is that after a couple of months of wearing them the client's nails tend not to peel any more! I think it gives them enough protection from water and household chemicals to repair themselves over time! :green:

I had quite bad peeling nails before I got Shellac. I think it was my third application before that stopped so not long really.

I always explain this to my Shellac clients and I point out the nails that might peel. I try to gently buff it out but obviously this is weakening the nail too somewhat. I think explaining this to clients helps as if it does happen they know why.
Just a note - as I am New to this site - I found one of my Shellac clients had been swimming daily at her gym pool and that had chipped her thumb nail... I think it must have been the strong use of chlorine etc. I have told my clients the same things as listed. Hope that helps anybody?!
As the others have said, if the client has bashed her nail and it has actually broken her own nail then thats why it is chipped, as her nail underneath has either peeled or chipped itself.
I had a client ring me sat after having her reshellac on friday to say that is chipped.
When she got here she said she was putting her washing in the machine, I asked her if she had banged it which she denied but she blatently had as the nail itself was split and chipped. I advised her that she must have banged it as she was putting the washing in.
I redid her shellac but charged her as it was something that was covered under the 14 day guarentee.
Clients need to be making sure that they follow aftercare advise I.E solar oil, rubber gloves, jewels not tools.
Dont be too disheartened accidents do happen.
Also if the clients nails are not good to start with, peeling chipping, brittle shellac will peel and chip when their own layers of the nail plate peel and chip. Shellac is a hybrid colour coat, not an enhancement product. It will not give weak nails etc etc strength against banging them and abuse. It protects to a degree but its only when people take care and look after them, there is only so much we can advise the clients the rest is upto them.

Jen xx

sooo difficult to guarantee anything when you cannot oversee clients use and aftercare.
Just a note - as I am New to this site - I found one of my Shellac clients had been swimming daily at her gym pool and that had chipped her thumb nail... I think it must have been the strong use of chlorine etc. I have told my clients the same things as listed. Hope that helps anybody?!

Chlorine does not affect Shellac and nor does being in water and I don't think clients should be 'warned' about things that are not true. I swim daily in my pool in Spain and so do our clients ... it does not affect Shellac or the adhesion thereof.

If your client chipped a nail in the pool by catching her thumb on the side or whatever then .... **** happens sometimes .... no one has ever claimed that Shellac is indestructible and clients only need to know that with normal wear and tear, their shellac should last perfectly for the 14 days promised. Normal wear and tear does not include bashing their nails up on anything.
I text her and she said she had not bashed or broken nail and that her nails were not dry or peeling :( I have had mine on for 11 days now with no problems, I have got glitter in them too. Maybe theres something she is not telling me,I supose I will see on saturday when she comes back for removal. :mad: But if she denies doing anything I guess I shall never know:rolleyes:
Just a note - as I am New to this site - I found one of my Shellac clients had been swimming daily at her gym pool and that had chipped her thumb nail... I think it must have been the strong use of chlorine etc. I have told my clients the same things as listed. Hope that helps anybody?

My mum did the same thing at the swimming pool to her thumb, but it got damaged when she was grabbing for the side of the pool.

I think if it had been the chlorine the other 9 would be in the same state.
I text her and she said she had not bashed or broken nail and that her nails were not dry or peeling :( I have had mine on for 11 days now with no problems, I have got glitter in them too. Maybe theres something she is not telling me,I supose I will see on saturday when she comes back for removal. :mad: But if she denies doing anything I guess I shall never know:rolleyes:

Of course she will deny it .. clients always do; :lol: they never take responsibility for the things they do. Show her your nails and how well they have lasted and do not offer to re do .. I'd tell her, it is such a shame she does not seem to be able to wear it :lol: then see how fast she asks you to reapply it FOR FREE. I'd say, No, sorry it seems that you are one of the few who cannot wear it. She will be begging. lol Then charge her.
Many thanks for your info :)
Well after I text her and said it was strange that it had chipped she text me today to cancel removal she said she had managed to remove it herself.Now I will never know!! I guess she knew that I knew she had knocked it but I hope she didnt cancel because it sounded like I was saying she was fibbing!!:irked:
I have been having trouble with my shellac chipping? My friend said maybe it is because i type a lot as my job is a lot of work on a computer, and I wear my nails longer than the end of my fingers, could this be the reason? I'm so frustrated as I really want to do a shellac manicure that doesnt chip?! I only mainly do my own, i wear acrylic nails so wondered if this could cause a problem (although deep down I know it isnt) i have done a couple on friends on natural nails and they have still ended up chipping. I am always careful to seal my edges, I can only assume I am doing this wrong some how :( someone please help! x
I have been having trouble with my shellac chipping? My friend said maybe it is because i type a lot as my job is a lot of work on a computer, and I wear my nails longer than the end of my fingers, could this be the reason? I'm so frustrated as I really want to do a shellac manicure that doesnt chip?! I only mainly do my own, i wear acrylic nails so wondered if this could cause a problem (although deep down I know it isnt) i have done a couple on friends on natural nails and they have still ended up chipping. I am always careful to seal my edges, I can only assume I am doing this wrong some how :( someone please help! x

Can you talk us through your application?

Are you using the CND lamp?

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