someone help me ,really upset customer


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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2005
Reaction score
North West
I have just had a call from a customer who had a full set of acrylic nails on friday and she said they all lifted and where of by sunday.

I use starnails VF21 and have said I wil do them again on thursday for her but she had bite the last ones of prior to coming to me and she said they had lasted 6 WEEKS

Her nail bed is quite small so I used only one bead of product and the nail was covered I also use tips and do not sculpt.

I'm feeling really upset now as she has been in to the salon i work in and told my freind who owns it and now i feel she might regreting letting me have the back room.

please can some one let me know what i have done wrong

feeling really low
I think once you have looked at your prep and application then you need to look at your client...! Have a look at her natural nail to see if there is a nice smooth nail or rip marks if they've been bitten off.

In had a lady and her nails used to just "fall off" with a little help from her teeth..!
Try not to take it to heart, you've offered a new set and given her the benefit of the doubt. Take this situation and learn from it..!

Please don't let it up set you :hug:
thanks vicky

but her last one that she had done at another salon where so good she only had a bit of lifting and instead of having them infilled she bit them of for me to apply a new set.

problem is she is a customer with my freind for her hair and she said she is very disapointed with me.

i have sugested i apply cuticle remover before i apply another set do you think this wil help
I always use Cuticle Remover, prep is so important. If you gonna get lifting I'm my experience it was down to me not prepping properly. Also product application making sure your not working to wet.
lancslass said:
thanks vicky

but her last one that she had done at another salon where so good she only had a bit of lifting and instead of having them infilled she bit them of for me to apply a new set.

problem is she is a customer with my freind for her hair and she said she is very disapointed with me.

i have sugested i apply cuticle remover before i apply another set do you think this wil help
Did you do your prep properly last time? Just with you saying you will try cuticle remover this time, did you remove her cuticles last time and then properly remove all the cuticle remover? Prep is so important.I would have still used 3 beads (3 zones) Just used smaller beads instead. Let us know how you get on next time and remember to prep, prep, prep.......
I always use cuticle remover before hand, but im really new to this. Thats how we are taught at college!

Good luck though, and as Vicky said try not to take it to heart :D
As Vicky said, cuticle remover is a must, but make sure you remove all traces of it after.
plaoh said:
As Vicky said, cuticle remover is a must, but make sure you remove all traces of it after.

Opps :o Linda beat me to it.
May be i did make the beads to wet but i find that i get dry powder/bubbles in the end result .

im starting to wonder if i'm doing the right job as i started doing this last year mobile and gave up but i do love doing nails

cant wait to go on my creative course

has any one any more prep tips for me PLEASE
just a thought, do you make sure the tip is only at the end of her nail and not sitting half way down, if its on 50% or more of her nail bed they will not be as strong, as the strength is in the L&P not the tip.
It could also be likley that you are getting product on the clients skin, if you are this will def cause your lifting, even with the best prep in the world.
Did you use primer?
In the post you will see the prep in blue, click on it and it will take you too the best prep advice..!!

Don't lose heart hun, we all go through it..! i'm 2 years in and I've been working too wet all this time, Liza Smith has helped me so much, maybe a 1-2-1 will help you?
I wasnt trained to use cuticle remover but just to push the cuticle back and the use my tool to remove surface cuticle

please will you explain if you use it like below

shape nail and remove suface shine
then apply cuticle remover and using tool remove surface cuticle
wash off?????????????
i have cuticle remover by solutions is it any good or is there another one i can use??????
creative cuticle remover

its fab!

i hated cuticle remover till i used this

all the ones i had used before must have been rubbish-coz this really works!

available from designer nails
i didnt use prima as but will on Thurday,

to tell you the truth i dont rate the training i have received by star nails as we where not told about cuticle remover and the skin on the nail is so hard to see its sometimes missed

i have applied the tips at the end of the nail but she had such a small nail plate.
i dont think i will be able to find creatives cuticle remover before thusday will i

boo hoo

lancslass said:
i didnt use prima as but will on Thurday,

to tell you the truth i dont rate the training i have received by star nails as we where not told about cuticle remover and the skin on the nail is so hard to see its sometimes missed

i have applied the tips at the end of the nail but she had such a small nail plate.
i dont know if you have a creative/designer nails osns (one stop nail shop) near you??

but if you set up an account now with designer nails and order quickly, you may have it tomorrow (mail order)

i e-mailed my certificates to [email protected] along with my name, address and telephone number and she set me up a secondary account (buy anything but l &p , gel etc)

ask them to send you a catalogue
its great, ive bought half of it already!

good luck!
thanks for that information chick i will do that now x

buttonmoon54321 said:
i dont know if you have a creative/designer nails osns (one stop nail shop) near you??

but if you set up an account now with designer nails and order quickly, you may have it tomorrow (mail order)

i e-mailed my certificates to [email protected] along with my name, address and telephone number and she set me up a secondary account (buy anything but l &p , gel etc)

ask them to send you a catalogue
its great, ive bought half of it already!

good luck!
Where abouts in Lancs are you?

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