What should I say to difficult client?


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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Hi everyone.

I am so annoyed! Today I booked a 2pm appointment with a client for multiple treatments. This was her second appointment as she didn't show up for her first one.

I asked her why she didn't show for her first appointment and she said she had totally forgotten because her grandmother had been taken into hospital.
I sympathised and re-arranged the appointment for today.

It is now 2.20pm and no sign. I have tried calling, I sent her an e-mail yesterday detailing her appointment information asking her to confirm. I have received no reply.

She is on my business facebook page so I looked at her wall, and she has statuses posted today. I also sent her a message on facebook, so she must have got it.

I really want her to know that she has cost me for two appointments and I am annoyed with her. But, I don't want to be unprofessional.

Any suggestions? xx
From my experience, people who book "Multiple" treatments realise they cannot afford them and are too embarrassed to say so just don't show! Or they cancel last minute. I also think these clients are making bookings with various places to see who gives the best deal.

This type of client you can do without. I have really toughened up with no shows whilst still remaining professional. I would send a message on facebook (privately) and explain that you were trying to get a hold of her but were unable to do so could she explain why she didn't show? You cld say that you had to turn away customers who wanted her appointment time. This shd make her realise how annoying it is for you.

Good Luck, and beware of clients that book "lots" of treatments!
Do you have a late cancellation/no show policy?
Remind her of that.

OR you can tactfully mention, should she call for another appointment, that you will require payment up front for the service to reserve the appointment for her otherwise, you can't reserve it.
If she makes a fuss, explain that you had someone waiting in the wings for a cancellation and had you known, you could have called her. (NOT that you owe her an explanation, but sometimes laying a little guilt trip helps)

It really depends on the client how you approach these things and deliver the message as different personalities react differently. it's a judgement call.
You don't really know if this is her normal behaviour, or her life being hectic at the moment.. BUT I'm inclined to think she's one of those that does better with 'walk-ins' and doesn't keep to her appointments.

I put my foot down one time, with a client that was a friend of a friend. I didn't ask for payment up front, but I told her straight (and politely) that I was sorry, but couldn't reserve an appointment in advance for her. I put the writing on the wall, very clearly, that she cost me money with no-show's where I could have booked someone else.
That when she was ready to have her nails done, she could call that day to see if I was available and hope that I was.
She tried that a few times and of course, it frequently wasn't to her liking (either I was booked, or the times available didn't suit her) so after that, she STUCK to her appointments.

Another client who was a frequent no-show and no-call OR LATE... was told straight up "I'm sorry, but I don't think this is the salon for you and I can't help you".

In the end, a client that doesn't respect you is NOT worth having. So it's up to you, if you want to try to sort it, or forget the aggravation.
For the future, it may be worth having a salon cancellation policy. Even if not implemented it will help deter no-shows.

Unfortunately it does happen and is really frustrating. We charge 50% to no shows and usually give 1 warning and then they have to pay the fee before we rebook. Works fine for us. :hug:
Thanks for the replies.

Sharon, I sent a message on facebook with your advice. Thanks :) And here is the message;

Hi Emma, you didn't show for your appointment today at 2pm. I tried to get in touch with you through facebook yesterday. I was wondering if you could tell me why you didn't turn up?
I had to turn away clients for that time because you had an appointment booked and so I have lost money.
I'm afraid if you do require another appointment, you will have to pay up front or call me on the day you want an appointment to arrange as this is the second appointment you haven't attended.
I realise the first time was unavoidable but I can't run a business like this.
Hope you understand. Thanks.
Heavenly Treatments

Cherish & Victoria - I think I will implement a no-show policy. I work from home and have a treatment room so I find that business can be quite slow because "walk ins" don't usually turn up.

And I do advertise A LOT and have a loyal following, but because I am not a salon in a busy area, sometimes business can be slow.
So I am always cautious about losing clients.

Thanks for the replies. Helps a lot :)
Thats sounds perfect. If she takes the huff then she is not worth having as a client.

I also work from my home salon and I think clients sometimes think they are not putting you out by not showing cos you are already at home! :irked:
I wouldn't bother writing to her. It looks like you are desperate for clients. I would take a full payment in advance from her if she calls again.
Personally I always think it is more professional to make contact by phone. Also your message cannot be misinterpreted
I wouldn't bother writing to her. It looks like you are desperate for clients. I would take a full payment in advance from her if she calls again.

I was writing to her because I was annoyed that she put me out twice. I don't need clients like that so now I have sent the message, I don't expect she will be back. And yes, as previously said I will take a full payment.
Personally I always think it is more professional to make contact by phone. Also your message cannot be misinterpreted

Hi Aphrodites. Yes I agree but I had tried to call her numerous times but she did not answer her phone. So this is why I made contact via the internet.
She probably won't contact you again and clients do tend to use family members going into hospital as a reason as they know you won't say anything back. Sorry to say it won't always be true! and another one is car accidents. Of course sometimes its true but not always.

oh ok, thats alright then!! :)
She probably won't contact you again and clients do tend to use family members going into hospital as a reason as they know you won't say anything back. Sorry to say it won't always be true! and another one is car accidents. Of course sometimes its true but not always.


I kinda thought that, but I didn't wanna say in case it was true. But, yes I get the feeling that it wasn't true.
And there was nothing on her facebook wall about it either, and you know what people are like for posting everything in their life on there!
I'm sad that she has maybe used a family member as an excuse for not attending an appointment. Do people have no conscience?
Next time she calls say something like this.......

"Hi Sue (or whatever her name is:), I'm really disappointed that you didn't let me know that you weren't going to keep your appointment last time as I could have filled that slot several times over and this IS how how I make my living. I know it's difficult for you as you're so busy, so I think it's best if you call on the day that you'd like an appointment in future and I'll see if I can fit you in.'
I have had a few clients like this, i deal with it in one of two ways, very time they call i tell them am fully booked sorry and ill call IF i have anything ( I never do).

or, tell them that i would love to give them an appointment but due to the two no shows, I will have to take payment in advance from them from now on. they dont call me again.

It doesnt bother me if they dont, reason being that I see it as i have lost nothing, they are not showing up so if they never come back I have actually gained the chance to give that appointment to someone else!

I have got myself in such a state over clients like this in the past, now i dont bother to contact them.

If they get back in touch i ask them for a deposit for appointments, tbh i think if you do reply like that you come across rude and needy and you have lost them anyway.
And trust me as much as you need every client ones like this are really just not worth it they loose you money and should be strictly on a walk in basis until they have gained your trust. hth

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