Would you/do you apply a clients own lashes?


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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Hi All,

Did a search first, but no luck, so here goes

This has happened a few times already & today, I had a client come in for an eyebrow wax, who asked "can you just stick this on for me, I cant do them" & out comes some strip lashes, I said sorry I only apply my own lashes, (which I told her a few months back when she asked before) I do the cluster lashes (which she has had before) or semi permanent.
In the end she re-booked for later & had the cluster lashes! :rolleyes:

I also sell strip lashes, for clients to buy & take home to use themselves.

So personally I find it a cheeck when clients come in with their own.
I said to the girl I work with (who does spray tans) its like someone coming in with their own spray tan asking you to spray them!

I just wondered;
Would/do you apply a clients own lashes?
Does anyone else get asked this?
What do/would you say?
Does anyone else apply shop bought strip lashes?
If so what do you charge for this?
If you sell strip lashes, how much extra would you charge to apply them?
Does anyone offer strip lashes as well as cluster, semi perm?
How much do you charge for these? I am thinking of getting these & adding them to the treatment list (beauty express have them on offer 3 for 2 at the moment)

I would really, really appreciate any answers, comments or advice as this neede to be nipped in the bud! :lol:

Many thanks x:hug:x
I cannot be much help on all your questions, but I do have clients calling me and asking for how much will i do semi perm eyelash extensions if they bring their own products. I always kindly explain that I use my own products not only because they are great quality, but also because I was trained to use them properly. People who offer this mainly buy cheapest things available and hope to get massive discount on the procedure.
Don't do lashes but definately not!

The products I have chosen are the ones that I believe are the best, and that I am confident in using. If they bring in some cheap rubbish that doesn't apply as well or doesn't last long enough are they going to blame the cheap lashes they bought? No they are going to blame you. Not really very positive marketing for you is it.

Would/do you apply a clients own lashes?
Strip lashes - for a small fee I wouldn't have an issue for this. The client pays me an application fee.

On a side note, I have in the past taken my products (individual eyelashes) to a technician for them to apply and similiarly I've had technicians come to me with their products to use on them. I believe my products are better and other technicians feel the same about their products. I go to other technicians for their skill level not what products they use for that reason.


LASH by Francesca
i have no problem putting their own lashes on, i charge a reasonable rate, more than the crappy ones! Money in my pocket if they cant do strip lashes, anything else nope they can pay like the rest. xoxo
I took lashes off my price lists quite some time ago, but no I wouldn't, and have turned people away in the past who presented me with a set of lashes. By the same token I wouldn't give them a facial with products they brought in or wax them with the some strips they brought in!
I have had a few clients ask if i will do this and I always say no as I am not trained and am not insured to apply lashes of any kind :hug:
Thank you for all your replies :hug:

Would/do you apply a clients own lashes?
Strip lashes - for a small fee I wouldn't have an issue for this. The client pays me an application fee.
How much would you charge a client to apply their strip lashes? x

i have no problem putting their own lashes on, i charge a reasonable rate, more than the crappy ones! Money in my pocket if they cant do strip lashes, anything else nope they can pay like the rest. xoxo
How much do you charge clients to apply their strip lashes? x

I took lashes off my price lists quite some time ago, but no I wouldn't, and have turned people away in the past who presented me with a set of lashes. By the same token I wouldn't give them a facial with products they brought in or wax them with the some strips they brought in!

Excatly, thats how I feel, I do offer lashes (not the strip at the moment though) so feel its a bit of a cheeck when they bring their own in :rolleyes: x

I will be buying some strip lashes & offering them along with the cluster & semi permanent lashes, but not sure what to charge for strip lashes, what would you all suggest :irked: my cluster lashes are £12 full set, £16 for an extra full set. I retail strip lashes at £8.
Instinct as a business owner would be to say no and "push" my own products BUT is it really any different to say someone coming in with their own nail colour and saying I would like this colour please.
Instinct as a business owner would be to say no and "push" my own products BUT is it really any different to say someone coming in with their own nail colour and saying I would like this colour please.

Yes, I personally think it is completly different but everyone is entitled to their own opinon.
If a client comes in with their nail colour for you to use after a mani/ pedi then they still pay for the treatment in full, painting nails is just a part of what is included in mani/pedis, compared to bringing in strip lashes which is the whole treatment, you would then only be able to charge for you time. x:hug:x
I have only ever Had this once ..
though my client was the only one I went mobile too as she was so lovely and I used to sit at hers after and have a cup of tea and a good natter :)

of course I did not mind doing them as she was so loyal to me but I was happy to pop them on for her as it only takes a few seconds, and she gave me a good amount of money to do them (which I wasn't expecting)

I have strip lashes on my price list though they are £10 and I put the on too. I have never been asked for them though lol!
Cluster lashes go like crazy though, as all I need to say is that they can have lashes like the girls on the mascara adds :)

Hth's xxx
I know where you are coming from and I never thought I would ever do this but on my daughter's 18th birthday, one of her friends was having trouble with her lashes and asked for my help. No matter what we did we just couldn't get them to stick, her glue was coming to an end and I was going to a client's house to borrow her treatment couch (she has a home based salon and although I had one I needed another to run a training course I was doing the next day so she agreed to lend me hers).

So I called her up to ask if she could help out as we were on our way over anyway, or if she had lashes we could buy. We went along with daughter's friend in tow and she had them applied successfully. She wouldn't accept any money from us for the use of her couch or for her applying the lashes!

Now I fully agree that you may not do this for everyone but I suppose there are going to be exceptions to the rule in some cases. Would it be worth considering saying to them that they will still get charged the same amount if they bring their own lashes as they would if they were to use the salon product and that no guarantee in any shape or form will be given to the longevity of the results if clients use their own product?
I think the charge varies in each area, you can get a decent application from £3 to £12, This covers the cost of many lashes plus glue + profit!! Places like mac charge for applying lashes, they only use the glue!!

I stock around 18-25 different types of lashes from crazy to natural, i find that if in my stock that a client has a preferred idea of another lash strip, im not going to force them to just buy mine, i let them know once ive applied it that i will stock some of the ones they like, and i get repeat clientel from it!

I was doing a lot of bridals and found that they all wanted me to apply their own strip lashes and i decided from there that i would do it. To be fair i have so many ppl i know that dont even know how to apply it cause they think its more fiddly, or they eye run trying to attempt it. If you make them feel good for maybe 5 minutes the most of your time are you really to refuse?

You will find ppl being cheeky about it but this is a professional service, that shouldn't be frowned upon, in fact i give a reusable gurantee if they use my ones than the ones they use, and majority of the time i get them using mine, then coming back for me to reapply! xoxo
I have only ever Had this once ..
though my client was the only one I went mobile too as she was so lovely and I used to sit at hers after and have a cup of tea and a good natter :)

of course I did not mind doing them as she was so loyal to me but I was happy to pop them on for her as it only takes a few seconds, and she gave me a good amount of money to do them (which I wasn't expecting)

I have strip lashes on my price list though they are £10 and I put the on too. I have never been asked for them though lol!
Cluster lashes go like crazy though, as all I need to say is that they can have lashes like the girls on the mascara adds :)

Hth's xxx

How much do you charge for cluster lashes? x

I know where you are coming from and I never thought I would ever do this but on my daughter's 18th birthday, one of her friends was having trouble with her lashes and asked for my help. No matter what we did we just couldn't get them to stick, her glue was coming to an end and I was going to a client's house to borrow her treatment couch (she has a home based salon and although I had one I needed another to run a training course I was doing the next day so she agreed to lend me hers).

So I called her up to ask if she could help out as we were on our way over anyway, or if she had lashes we could buy. We went along with daughter's friend in tow and she had them applied successfully. She wouldn't accept any money from us for the use of her couch or for her applying the lashes!

Now I fully agree that you may not do this for everyone but I suppose there are going to be exceptions to the rule in some cases. Would it be worth considering saying to them that they will still get charged the same amount if they bring their own lashes as they would if they were to use the salon product and that no guarantee in any shape or form will be given to the longevity of the results if clients use their own product?

Thats a good idea, I will say that from now on as I have just ordered strip lashes to offer & apply as a treatment, just trying to work out pricing :irked:

I am not a lash expert, although I have covered training in individual and cluster lashes as well as strip lashes. I have not done any semi-permanent lash extension training.

I was intrigued when I was in Debenhams the other day and passed the Brow Bar. The therapist was applying cluster lashes. I enquired about them and she said that they last up to two weeks, that the client can either have the therapist apply her cluster lashes or they could buy their own cluster lashes (purchased from anywhere like boots). She said that she uses her own glue.

If places like Debenhams are encouraging clients to bring their own lashes, the general public will think it disappointing when a salon doesn't apply the lashes provided by the client.

Can anyone recommend a good glue for cluster or strip lashes?

If the cluster lashes are so cheap and quick to apply, do you think doing the semi-permanent lashes is worthwhile. I know it is good to be able to offer everything a client might want but considering the cost of the courses and the time to get proficient in the semi-permanent lash service I do wonder if the investment is worth it.

Advice appreciated xx
I live near a big shopping centre, and the MAC counter offers a strip lash service. They pay £15 and this includes the set of lashes from MAC that they choose. I think its a great service to offer for your non lash wearing clients. Why not? It takes 15 mins, and you can make sure they are applied correctly. Especially if you supply the lashes x
You should charge (blooming cheek of it). It's like old fashioned hair salon where they let clients bring in their own colour, so they charge to apply it. In my opinion, you should add it to your price list and charge for your time. It's like going into a chip shop with a bit of cod and asking them to fry it!!!! lol

My daughter and her mates all inform me that Duo lash adhesive is the best. here's the link to MAC for it but you can get it much cheaper so Google it.
MAC Cosmetics UK | Eyes | Lash | Duo Adhesive

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