Young Girls Stretch marks


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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2007
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I had a 16yr old whoose just finished school come to me for a tan i noticed during the treatment she had severe stretch marks on the inner sides of her upper thighs/legs.
I just continued with the treatment as usual and thought nothing of it although i did think she was really young to have it that severe quite deep lines and she was lovely and tall with a healthy weight on her.
Whilst doing the treatment the girl then asked me what can help to get rid of her stretch marks as shes tried most creams but nothing seems to work. She said she doesnt know how she got them and that she hasnt been overweight or had a baby just she went from a size 8 to a healthy 12 now which is right for her height and body frame.
i didnt have anthing to retail to her so i recommemded cocobutter and bio oil which they say is good.
anyone else have any ideas or why they might have occured i really felt for her at such a young age must affect her confidence as she doesnt wear too short clothing.
I was going to say that as she was from Essex she's probably on her third child!! :lol: Sorry I dont have a clue about the stretchmarks :green:
they sometimes occur when there is a rapid growth spurt in young people.
My daughter had a really rapid growth spurt at 13y. She went from a size 12-13y childrens clothing to a 14-16 womens in 6 weeks. She got horrendous stretch marks on her teh back of her knees and tops of her legs, no where else.
She is 22y now and they have faded to virtually nothing, she used bio oil religously everyday for years.
My daughter had a really rapid growth spurt at 13y. She went from a size 12-13y childrens clothing to a 14-16 womens in 6 weeks. She got horrendous stretch marks on her teh back of her knees and tops of her legs, no where else.
She is 22y now and they have faded to virtually nothing, she used bio oil religously everyday for years.

I have a 13 yr old daughter as wel, and she just went through a growth spurt and also has aweful stretch marks on the back of her knees a her calf muscles.
Does she take any kind of medication? Steroids can cause striae (the medical term for stretch marks), as well as growth spurts. I was mortified when my chesticles went from being two fried eggs on an ironing board to a 34C in one summer holiday when I was 13 producing deep, livid stretch marks. I massaged vitamin e oil from't body shop in them every day and they did fade, but I fear that once they're there, they're there for good.
As if we don't have enough to cope with at that age, eh!
Poor girl - I do feel for her.
Bio-Oil is very good for stretch marks.
I have a 13 yr old daughter as wel, and she just went through a growth spurt and also has aweful stretch marks on the back of her knees a her calf muscles.

Start getting her to use Bio oil, you only need a little as it goes along way, rub it in really well. It will make a huge difference, however it wont happen overnight and takes time. My daughter used it every morning and night, after her showers. She still uses it as she had a baby 2y ago and in the last 3 days of pregnancy large stretch marks appeared over her belly. (baby was 3 days late as well). It has made a big difference and the stretch marks are very faint white lines.
My other two girls never had a growth spurt like her, and unfortunatly she is the only one in the family to have stretch marks.
Does she take any kind of medication? Steroids can cause striae (the medical term for stretch marks), as well as growth spurts. I was mortified when my chesticles went from being two fried eggs on an ironing board to a 34C in one summer holiday when I was 13 producing deep, livid stretch marks. I massaged vitamin e oil from't body shop in them every day and they did fade, but I fear that once they're there, they're there for good.
As if we don't have enough to cope with at that age, eh!
Poor girl - I do feel for her.

My daughter was on alot of medication for years, do you think that could of contributed to the stretch marks, as her teeth discoloured. Dentist said it was meds, specalist said it was not.
I have had stretch marks for years, I havent used anything on them as nothing really seems to work that well.
They have gone the whitey/silvery colour which is alot less noticeable than the awful pinkey/purple colour they start off like.
At the end of the day, they are unsightly but once their there, their there so there isnt really much you can do apart from laser-which is expensive. Tanning helps to disguise them, or RELIGIOUS use of some creams.

I used to have pretty bad stretch marks and red scars around my belly region ever since I gave birth to my three kids.I had tried Vitamin E oil and cocoa butter which a number of people had recommended but unfortunately it didn't seem to work too well. My Doctor had even suggested that I go for a Tummy Tuck. I then recently read an article about a lady who supposedly got rid of her stretch marks using a particular cream. I tried it and it worked really well. It took a number of weeks but my stretch marks soon faded away. You can read the lady's article at the link below.

Stretch Marks- It Can Be Treated
I've had stretch marks at the tops of my legs since I was about 12/13 from a rapid growth spurt I had. I've never really felt the need to use any oils/creams on them as I have always been told (mainly by my mum lol) that they dont work and i'd just be wasting my money. So i've just got on with things, and tbh, they don't bother me at all now. I have however, noticed that when i'm tanned, they are less pronounced.
I had bad teenage stretch marks all round my thighs and bum....again from growth spurts and, I was told by the doc, from wearing too tight jeans, although I don't recall the medical reasoning behind this....circulation maybe?

Anyway....Doc said, healthy diet, regular exercise, stay within a healthy weight range and normal body moisturisation, and they should pretty much fade to unnoticiebale.

They're not even there now.....nothing to be seen. I personally believe on most healthy teenagers, they will go of their own accord.
It is deffo when they have growth spurts and yep bio-oil does help :)

I used to have pretty bad stretch marks and red scars around my belly region ever since I gave birth to my three kids.I had tried Vitamin E oil and cocoa butter which a number of people had recommended but unfortunately it didn't seem to work too well. My Doctor had even suggested that I go for a Tummy Tuck. I then recently read an article about a lady who supposedly got rid of her stretch marks using a particular cream. I tried it and it worked really well. It took a number of weeks but my stretch marks soon faded away. You can read the lady's article at the link below.

Stretch Marks- It Can Be Treated

I thought all stretch marks faded from red to clear/whitish so this would have happened (as in the pictures) over time anyway. It's the white bits that you end up with that people want to get rid of but unfortunately as this is a thinning of the skin due to it stretching beyond it's natural elasticity it is never going to go completely. It is definitely linked to medication and or rapid weight gain experienced by most at puberty. If followed by weight loss they can be more obvious and on darker skins. Nothing can really help as the tissue fibers have been ripped appart and will not regenerate well enough to close the tear unless they are only small marks. Keeping the skin hydrated will minimise the horrible look of them.

I was told that you can stop them from getting too bad if you religiously moisturise them when they are red (when they first appear) otherwise all you can do is minimise the look. :cry:

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