Our very own sam1 entered a comp in the new Aussie Scratch magazine and won.
It was the "So you think you can do nails comp", she entered 2 categories,"Fantasy and also French twist".
She won 1st place for Fantasy and a very deserving 2nd place "French Twist".
Hopefully (and I'd imagine), they will be published in the new August edition.
Well done sam1, you are a great Aussie Trooper
This should not be buried in the blogs, it should be shouted from the rooftops, as should any NailGeek/SalonGeek high achiever, they deserve the accolade and a damn good pat on the back for keeping our profile where it should be.
It was the "So you think you can do nails comp", she entered 2 categories,"Fantasy and also French twist".
She won 1st place for Fantasy and a very deserving 2nd place "French Twist".
Hopefully (and I'd imagine), they will be published in the new August edition.
Well done sam1, you are a great Aussie Trooper
This should not be buried in the blogs, it should be shouted from the rooftops, as should any NailGeek/SalonGeek high achiever, they deserve the accolade and a damn good pat on the back for keeping our profile where it should be.
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