Ditto what Tammy said;
Show your client "the light". Have some pictures for her to see. Show her some "coloured acrylic tips" from your nail magazines and how A) they are MUCH nicer and B)WAAAAAAAAAY more options in colours and C) much more cost effective than soaking off everytime and D) with no more soak-offs, less drying to the nails and skin....
As we say "educate' her and be sure to do your own with a coloured acrylic. Have some tips on hand (for some are hard-headed) but try to swing her the other way.
IF she balks at even being educated, explain: "I'm sorry, but it's very important to me that my clients know all the options available to them, so that I can be 100% sure that they have made the right choice for themselves and know that I'm giving them the best service possible"
And umm well, it's not good to slander other techs. It's not a very nice thing to do, and unprofessional.
But perhaps if you could say something along the lines of "your former tech likely didn't know the advanced skill of sculpting and using coloured acrylic, which is why she relied on the beginner's method of using coloured tips and frequent soak-off's" Perhaps she might be more inclined to switch over, if she feels that you are a more skilled technician?