I must admit i had a good few laughs reading all the posts!!!
In all honesty, I prefer guys doing my hair (probabaly why it's been a while since guys are hard to find here as far as I am aware) and if i would be spoiled for choice I would have all those famous nail blokes attacking me on a regular basis! I am a girly girl but definitely a man's woman....
Although I do appreciate the fact that some people could be intimidated by visiting a guy (but I personally wouldn't like to visit anyone at their home for treatments for that matter, simply because I personally would feel safer in a salon environment! I have never been fussed on going into a stranger's house to perform treatments either unless they were regulars to begin with, if that makes sense....)
At the same time, if I were you, i would milk the fact that you are a gay male technician-you should be the ultimate safe option for women!
People can be stupid, we have a couple of gay couples in our friendly circle and if i would honestly think that I couldn't bring David with me for the risk of him getting jumped!!!!
I also have a gay girlfriend here in work, and I don't go around with my back against the wall incase she wants to grope me????
Anyway, milk it!!!!! Make a big thing out of it!!!!!Become the biggest hit in your town!!!
And Angelina if you are listening??? I am here!!!!!!:Grope:
Take care hun!!!!!