fed up with cutting most of tip off


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cut or not to cut

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And for my next trick... :cool:
Well, well, well there you go - thanks Jordan
jac extreme said:
gotta say Rose 95% of my clients (thats one by the way,, JOKE) wants short and square, same length and style. pre blended I mean like raptor, come on you must have heard of them.

All of a sudden I feel really dim here lol! I have heard of Raptor tips, have I tried em? No, I'm inlove with velocity tips :)

Rose143 said:
All of a sudden I feel really dim here lol! I have heard of Raptor tips, have I tried em? No, I'm inlove with velocity tips :)


I use Raptor tips on myself, they are so easy when you are not to good with smile lines.
In order to provide every client with what they want you would need a set of long and a set of short in each 'c' curve! Lots of money!

Also, for accurate placement on the nail, you need the length to hold firmly.

Come on Geeks!!! There are 'short cuts' and there is 'cutting corners' :smack:
Get the skills so you don't have to worry about blending, smile lines, time etc

Miss Bossy :lol:
mum said:
Get the skills so you don't have to worry about blending, smile lines, time etc

Miss Bossy :lol:

I only use the raptor tips on myself as my right hand always turns out pants. Sorry
Come on guys, it was just a bit of fun, no need for all the serious stuff,:rolleyes:
Well it started out as a bit of fun, but too many people got excited about it which means they really don't understand why the tips are created the length they are? Hmm? :)

As has been said, the technician NEEDS the length because it is for him/her to place the tip, get the correct pressure for it to adhere and then customize it to the client's wishes.

If short tips worked, we've had over 25 years to produce them.

Then everyone would be moaning that they had to buy so many different styles to accommodate all their clients wishes and ... "isn't it just typical of the greedy manufacturers .... why can't they just make a long tip that we can customize ourselves"???

Can one ever win??
jac extreme said:
Come on guys, it was just a bit of fun, no need for all the serious stuff,:rolleyes:

Here here
Hi guys

I remember once in the salon (a long time ago!), having cut down all my tips and settling in for some blending, that one tip had "popped" (no doubt I was trying to ram Velocity on a flat nail plate!!) and I tried to reapply it!! It was then that the light bulb went on as I realised that the length is really a "handle" - as I immediately became stuck to my client!!!

I like the length so I can hold on to something! As have large fingers! being a guy I think I would struggle if the pre cut was to short! But I also see the waste on every set of nails so I’m a er don’t know on this!

The price of tips is built into the price of the service therefore there is NO waste as it is all paid for by the client. Can't say I have ever wasted two seconds (until today) on worrying about this one.
I personally do not understand all the fuss. it was just meant in a light hearted way, nobody needs to worry about it at all!!!!
Yes I completely agree with you all on this one! my personal reason being this- every time I get a new client(and a few of my regs) I can practically guarentee that when i attatch the uncut nails to all 10 nails they suddenly say ' oh can you beleive that people leave their nails like this, and finish by swishing their nails around in a 'magic wand' action until I grab their hands and clasp them to the table, and I must just look sooo bored as I just sit nodding my head as I'v heard it 3 times already today! Anyone agree? So yes it would be super duper if nails were precut/ preshaped and/or pretailored, if just to save me having to say 'mmm-funnily enough everyone says that u know' x x
Elf princess I know what you mean, and you smile sweetly as if it's the first time you've heard "how do they do anything with nails that long!"

Except my mum! She says they remind her of Marge Simpson's hair .. and the daft thing is she's right!!
Oh yes you have a point there did not think of that!

most of my clients do say to me what a waste why do they make them so long on the first place.

Caz xxx

Sassy #1 said:
It took me a long time to realise one of the main benefits for starting with a long tip. If they were short I'd end up going home with the client because I'd be glued solid to her!
Oh yes pls!!

jac extreme said:
Hi Guys, I am sure I am not alone in this (god I hope not) and I know its probably lazy, but Iwish somone would make a tip that was of average length, so that you would not have to cut it and?or shape it, just a regualr shortish square would be fine. what do you think, oh sorry, pre blended would be nice too:lol: am I being to picky?
If we had a pound for ever time a client has said to me ..... " what a waist carnt you re-use them?" ...or... "do many people have them this length"? ...doh... (As if )!
Ie would be laughing all the way to the bank now wouldn't i, lol!!!!!

:idea: Mmmmmmm idea!!!!! Add an extra quid on to every clients service if they say any of the above, :smack: (i wish) lol.

Luv 'n' hugs
Short nails would be a drag, you would loose the look on your clients faces when the have all the tips glued and before cutting. They always make funny reamrks like "these would be great for haloween" and we always have a laugh. Most of them also ask if anyone wear them that long, i always say that there are tips even longer then that, so that lenght isn't enough for some.
But i think it's mostly for shows, competitions and displays don't you?
My least favourite task is blending, because it consumes so much time and because i'm always concerned about filing so close to the natural nail, wellless tips are great for french but when it comes to the infill the whites don't match, and there's no soft white versions (at least that i know of). I've been thinking of using transparent tips for french manicures, would i still have to blend them?
The final effect would be the same since i'm applying white gel to the tip right?
I think innovations in the tip area should be related with the strengh of the tips, the adhesion (like pre-etched) and easier blending (i think a tip with very thin well would be great).

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