For all the new geeky masters


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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2003
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I have to say to all who`ll listen, I`ve just had the best day ever.........A proper geeky masters qualification day and guess what?????????????? We all passed, yippee, wanna shout it from the rafters, lol.
It was a complete geeky day too, all of us, even the models were geeks, hows that for a fun day out.........
Further congratulations to Ruth for getting the best in practical and Nicola bless her for getting the best written paper, all the girls were brilliant and just made the day extra special for me.
Not forgetting my bestest nail buddy Adele for coming all that way just to support me and be my model.
And Liza, what can I say about her?????????? I just love her to bits and she`s made it all worthwhile, if ever there was a certificate for bestest tutor she should get it, she certainly gets my vote for going that extra mile for her students and I couldn`t have done it without her.
Ok, I`ll stop waffling now, it was just sooooooooo great to have a qualification day knowing everbody in the classroom, it was brilliant, and if it wasn`t for Samuel we would never have met so I thank you once again for that Sam, you really have changed my life

My trainer (Michelle salisbury) suggested i consider doing my masters towards the end of the year which im really nervous about, even just thinking about it makes me squirm, though i havent looked into what it entails, it just sounds scary !

Well done again hun


Debs said:
I have to say to all who`ll listen, I`ve just had the best day ever.........A proper geeky masters qualification day and guess what?????????????? We all passed, yippee, wanna shout it from the rafters, lol.
It was a complete geeky day too, all of us, even the models were geeks, hows that for a fun day out.........
Further congratulations to Ruth for getting the best in practical and Nicola bless her for getting the best written paper, all the girls were brilliant and just made the day extra special for me.
Not forgetting my bestest nail buddy Adele for coming all that way just to support me and be my model.
And Liza, what can I say about her?????????? I just love her to bits and she`s made it all worthwhile, if ever there was a certificate for bestest tutor she should get it, she certainly gets my vote for going that extra mile for her students and I couldn`t have done it without her.
Ok, I`ll stop waffling now, it was just sooooooooo great to have a qualification day knowing everbody in the classroom, it was brilliant, and if it wasn`t for Samuel we would never have met so I thank you once again for that Sam, you really have changed my life
A BIG Fat Congrats to you Debs and all that passed what an achievement x x
It was myself, Ruth(nailsinlondon1), Nicola (nailsbynicola)and Sarah,(SA) didn`t we do well, lol, I`m well made up.
Congratulations to all of you!
Congratulations Master Geeks ....
It really does sound like a great day was had by all!
Well done all of you again! It is 10.45 and I am finally home with my nails created by my master nail technician, hey!....thanks Nickki!

So girls when are we all meeting up again? lol!
wouldn`t that be great the way you`re an hour fast love
oops! it's been a long day Debs (up at 5!)
Arh I`m touched Wendy but the others are my inspiration really, the support is phenomenal as you`ll find out staying on this site
Debs said:
I have to say to all who`ll listen, I`ve just had the best day ever.........A proper geeky masters qualification day and guess what?????????????? We all passed, yippee, wanna shout it from the rafters, lol.
It was a complete geeky day too, all of us, even the models were geeks, hows that for a fun day out.........
Further congratulations to Ruth for getting the best in practical and Nicola bless her for getting the best written paper, all the girls were brilliant and just made the day extra special for me.
Not forgetting my bestest nail buddy Adele for coming all that way just to support me and be my model.
And Liza, what can I say about her?????????? I just love her to bits and she`s made it all worthwhile, if ever there was a certificate for bestest tutor she should get it, she certainly gets my vote for going that extra mile for her students and I couldn`t have done it without her.
Ok, I`ll stop waffling now, it was just sooooooooo great to have a qualification day knowing everbody in the classroom, it was brilliant, and if it wasn`t for Samuel we would never have met so I thank you once again for that Sam, you really have changed my life
Oh Debs Ditto to all you have said!!!!!!!!
Today was just the best day ever...............
A Geeky Masters Day............
Did we shed a tear or two..(OH yes ask them all lol)....a glass or two of pink bubbly .........You bet we had all had the best day ever, with a fab Graduation celebration to follow.............

But then we all know...................
As they say, you are only as a good as the teaching you get............
And Liza is a first class teacher...............She makes you want to do it and she makes you want to give it your best.............
She oozes wit, charm, knowledge and a sense of pride in what she does best...NAILS .................and on a personal note...............she is a cracking good friend......someone you can rely on when you need it...........Thanks Liza as we say here..................YOU ROCK BABE !!!!!

But having all us Geeks together, one aim, one goal, one team...........
We all entered todays Master Qualification Day as individual Techs, but as soon as we all got together we where THE TEAM ......
We where the team that even though we had to sit the exam and practical as individual Techs............Somehow we still did it as a team......................
The moral support we got from each other was something you only get from friends............
So thanks to all my geeky friends ahhhhhhhhhhhhhherm Geeky Master Friends........Thanks Guys
to all the models a huge huge huge thanks you................ You don't know how much you have helped us......being there supporting and encouraging us and letting us loose on your nails..................

So thanks guys ...................
So any of you out there thinking of doing your Masters............... Well take your self to the next level in Education and go and go for it.............
It is hard work, it means sleepless nights studying, cramming, revising and doing nails till you think you can't do nails no more.................
But hey it dont half feel good to say I am a doens't mean you know it all, but it does mean you know a heck of a lot more then you did before you where a Master and education doesn't stop here, it just takes you up to another level in your profession......................

And thats enough rambling from me now...................So see ya all laters.....time for my Voddy and Orange...........extra freaking huge glass !!!!!


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well done!!!!!!! what a feeling, second only to giving birth i think
What a freakin' meepin' day!!

Well done to all you gals!! A true Master Geek Day!! :green: I'm amazwed you lot actually did the exams in the given time, thought you would have been nattering away like a load of loons!! :rolleyes: :green:

And think Im just about ready to do my masters this year!!! :rolleyes: Funfunfun!!!

Thanks Ruthy Baby for some new shiny nails lol!! By heck do they shine ;)

Well Done on passing your masters
Thats more lines to add to your signatures :biggrin:
Aw thanks guys today was just so great !!! We did it !!!
im so chuffed and feel very very happy about passing and what a great graduation thanks liza you sure do go the extra mile for your students i have had such a fab time learning from you and you are as the other girls say one hell of an inspiration :green: yyyyaaaahhhhheeey give that girl a best educator thing-a-me award :green:
well done to deb, sarah, and ruthie and thanks for being great master geeks and great freinds to me its great we can all help each other forward to becoming better , more skilled and inspired techs hey next step nvq 3 me thinks :green: so whos up for that?! you never can learn enough!! :green:
last but not least suey you are a gem mate, love you too bits!!!!! :biggrin:
AWWWWWWWWW what can I say well done all me geeky mates I knew you would all do it and I told you yesterday you would lol.

Loves you loads
Dawnie xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi you Geeky masters

What a fab fab day . I havent enjoyed exams like that ever lol lol

Hard work never been so nervous but what a great team

Love you all lots you are all lovely girls even in the flesh Ha Ha

Today day was an inspiration and Lisa did us all proud.

See you all very very soon

Love that geeky bird by the coast


WELL DONE to all of you, your all brilliant nail techs and deserve your masters!!

Lisa xxxxx
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