Have been asked for a full refund ?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Hi Geeks

I have been asked for a full refund on treatment I gave this afternoon to a lady. She has text me and told me she found lots of hair on her knee's and would like a full refunded. It has floored me :cry: I text her back and told I would be happy to refund her leg wax if she is unhappy but I would not give her a full refund as she had lots of waxing and a pedicure.

Have I done the right thing, have you given refunds ? how did you feel about it ?
She needs to come back asap and show you the hair!

They might be 1mm long or something! Or under the skin!

You need to SEE. And tbh, you could put it right rather than give a refund?

But I agree, definitely no reason to refund the cost of the pedi!
I've read lots of threads like this one and I imagine I'd be exactly the same as you, really personally offended. But you shouldn't cave in to a refund straight away - tell her you're happy to come back and look at the problem and put it right. I bet she'll say no!

Keep us posted on how it goes.

Luscious85 x
Yes tell her you will refund only the particular treatment she was unhappy with once you have seen or yes, better still put it right as the others said, if there is an issue. Often people have hair on their knee's thats too short to come out.
I have taken your advice and offered her a refund if she can come in and let me see what she is unhappy with monday morning
Hi Geeks

I have been asked for a full refund on treatment I gave this afternoon to a lady. She has text me and told me she found lots of hair on her knee's and would like a full refunded. It has floored me :cry: I text her back and told I would be happy to refund her leg wax if she is unhappy but I would not give her a full refund as she had lots of waxing and a pedicure.

Have I done the right thing, have you given refunds ? how did you feel about it ?

I would never give a refund, unless it was something that went really wrong, which from what you're saying it's not. Fair enough she feels you haven't "finished" the job properly, offer to rewax her knee, and maybe offer her, her next wax session for free, then she if she bothers.

Is she a regular? I bet she isn't, a regular wouldn't do that, especially by text, reckon she's trying it on hun. I actually wouldn't have even replied to the text, you might not have recieved it, its so wrong!! Don't get me on texting, I've just told all my client I will no longer respond to texts, calls only.

Another thing if you agree to a refund you are admitting to doing something wrong, never admit liability, sounds harsh but you're in business not a hobby. Hardly any retailers offer refunds, just credit notes, which is what you'll be doing to offer next treat for free.

If anyone knows the legalities of this, let me know, don't fancy getting anyone sued. :rolleyes:
I'd invite her back to rectify ASAP. As Zo says - you need to use your 'Mark 1 Eyeball' to see the problem for yourself.

IMHO a patch of hair on a knee is no cause for any refund. I'd offer her next leg wax for half price.

Well she said that she would be in first thing this morning and I have been in waiting for the confrontation but she has not turned up as yet ?
It cant be that big of a problem for her if she doesnt even turn up! Maybe just trying it on afterall!
In my opinion, she's well out of order! A full refund is *way* out of proportion given that there's (allegedly) a bit of hair on her knees, when you've done a pedicure and a lot of other waxing in addition to her leg wax.

I would offer her no more than the opportunity to come back to see you so that you can rectify the problem for her. Seriously though, in my opinion she'd be really taking the mickey to expect more than that - or perhaps a *partial* refund on the cost of the leg wax! Calculated based on the percentage area of her leg that was allegedly not waxed properly. Which would probably only amount to a few pence!!!

Personally though, she's seriously taking the mickey at your expense!!!
People never ever cease to amaze me! Surely you would just pop in and say " really sorry but I think you've missed a bit, would you mind re doing" wouldn't you!!! I know I would but there are some very weird, difficult people in this world!
I'm also surprised that she didn't notice the issue at the time of being waxed; I know I'm always careful to check for any bits that might have been missed during a waxing appointment, so I can ask for them to be waxed then and there - surely that's the easiest way for all concerned???

Maybe you could add a disclaimer to your waxing prices which says that the client must check that they are happy with the results at the time of waxing, and that you will not be liable to refund them if they subsequently find bits that you have missed?
I agree with Ruth.
I always ask a client if they are happy with the waxing just as I finish, ask them to check that I havn't missed any hairs, and are they happy with the result? That way they cannot come back later complaining. Seems to work for me.
Don't cave in Hunnie.
If she was so bothered she would have come in today.
Lotsa luv x x :hug: x x
I always ask a client if they are happy with the waxing just as I finish, ask them to check that I havn't missed any hairs, and are they happy with the result.

Yep - this is the best approach - even still I always close new customers saying if they have any questions or concerns to please give me a call right away.
Yep - this is the best approach - even still I always close new customers saying if they have any questions or concerns to please give me a call right away.

Well said, Jason; I'm sure that the vast majority of therapists would be happy to answer any questions or concerns that a client has after a treatment, particularly if they are a new client or it's the first time they've had a particular treatment.

But in the case of waxing, I'd expect that to be more along the lines of a person having had a reaction or their skin comes up more inflamed than they were expecting etc - which of course would be completely valid reasons to get back in touch with the therapist.

However, that lady is still way out of order in my opinion for asking for a full refund for the entire set of treatments on account of a trivial amount of hair not having (allegedly) been properly waxed. That is being totally unfair in my view - how on earth is anyone meant to be able to make a living running a business when faced with clients like that???
The curse of the awkward client! We will always get one no matter what. However being prepared with a salon policy will help you manage these types. Make a list of things that you would do if they were not happy about a service or what you could do to prevent them taking advantage. One thing I do is have a short statement when they fill out their record cards to say that some treatments will have temporary side effects and that proper aftercare should be followed. I also get them to sign they received an aftercare leaflet and that they were happy with the service. Regarding this particular complaint I would want them to return in 24 hours and re-wax if necessary, no refunds. :hug:
Well she didnt bother coming in, so I have put this all down as an experience. My one concern is if she bad mouths me or my business it's difficult to know that someone is not happy, when you work so hard on a reputation and marketing.

I would like to thank you all for the advice and support it's what salon geek is all about :hug:
think about it this way with regards to bad mouthing. Can you just imagine the conversation:

Pain: Eeh I had my legs waxed by that Jayt the other day and she did a rubbish job of my legs, and I asked for a full refund
Friend: Really?, give me a look what she missed.........(squints extremely hard to find the few folicles you missed)........what? that little bit of teeny tiny hairs? you've got cheek for owt! and did she give you a refund?
Pain: Nah!! she didnt!
Friend: Did she not offer to take of those miniscule hairs that were missed?
Pain: well, she told me to go back the next day to have a look, but I couldnt be bothered!

I wouldn't worry about it, and llike someone already said most "normal" people haveing a wax on noticing a patch was missed, their first reaction wuldnt be to ask for a full refund it would be to go back to the salon and say that you missed a bit. those would be actions of a normal person not a chancer looking for a free ride! and frankly if her friends are anything like her and she is badmouthing you to her friends, then you are well shot of them!
Jayt, sorry to hear of your problem client.

Maybe you should have your clients complete a satisfaction form once the treatment has been completed.

If she was serious, she would have come straight back to show you, not just texted.

People like this make me mad! Don't give in, otherwise word will get round you're a soft touch.
Hi, The fact she didn't even turn up for you to put it right or for her precious refund says she was just trying to get a freebie! cheeky cow!

It probably wont be the last time you experience this so get used to it, but you need to be prepared for these type of people.

The best thing I suggest which i do is, after any treatment whether its nails, waxing, tint etc is to put the ball in their court and say " there you go, are you happy with that?" and then have their one time opportunity to say yes or no.
x x x

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