Missed Miscarriage


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Shopaholic Geek
May 12, 2004
Reaction score
Derby, England.
i know i've not geeked in ages, but i've been so bury, just not had time.

One of my reasons for being so busy is that i found out i was pregnant in February -it was planned, even though there would be 10yrs between them, just thought we'd better get round to it as you do.

Anyway, i started to bleed a tiny bit about 6 weeks in, but it stopped after a day, and really wan't anything to worry about, even the doctor didn't seem worried.

Last Monday, we went for what was supposed to be our 12 week scan, but instead of seeing a heart beat, there was nothing there. Apparently it had died between 7-8 wks. I'd not miscarried, so i had to go in for a D&C last WEdnesday to get what was left removed.

I'm still in shock now, i can't get my head round it. I can't focus on anything. Even though we tried not to build up our hopes till we got the all clear, you still do a bit, and now we don't have them any more.

I went back to work today, and it went ok, eveyone was great, but i'm still finding it hard to talk about, hence this - i thought it might help???

I just feel so stupid, thinking i was pregnant, when i wasn't, feel cheated too. I just want to be pregnant.

I know it's natures way of dealing with something that wasn't quite right and i do take some solace from the fact it was so small, but god it hurts!!

I'm sorry i don't want to depress everyone, i just needed to write it all down and try and get through it.

Awww em, I hope you start to feel a little better soon:hug:

As you said, its natures way of saying something wasnt quite right, take your time and make sure you greive for your loss.

Sending HUGE :hug: :hug: your way.
If it helps you to express your feelings by putting them into words, then that's perfectly ok with us ... we are all here to listen and help when we can.

My heart does go out to you though, and I'm sending lots of virtual hugs:hug: :hug: :hug:
I am so sorry to hear your sad news.

I know exactly how you feel and if you need a chat you can pm me at anytime!

Big :hug: to you and OH.

Teri x:hug:
Oh Em, I am so sorry to hear your news it must be devastating for you.

Nature is very cruel but really there is nothing you could have done to prevent this from happening. So in the days to come when you are sad please don't blame yourself and think you should have done things differently. I am sure you will have your much wanted baby when the time is right, but in the mean time stay strong and make sure you talk about it whenever you feel you need to. We are always here for youl.

Sending you much love and :hug: :hug: :hug:
I've never had this happen to be but here are some:hug: :hug: :hug: and my sympathy's.....
Its awful when this happens, I have had two missed misscariages before I had my last baby, so I really feel for you and I have had all those same feelings of hurt and anger as you hun:hug: :hug: If you want to talk you can pm me anytime :hug:
I had 2 miscarriages also and it was the worst thing to have ever happened in my life especially the first time.It is a bereavement and you need time to grieve.I know being told that it was probably for the best because there was something wrong doesn't help much.
I read a few books to help me understand but the thing that helped the most was getting pregnant again although i was worried sick especially until my scan.
:hug: :hug: Sorry I don't have something to say to help comfort you Em but I send you big hugs :hug: :hug: xxx
Ohh i am so sorry to hear this...:hug:

I too have miscarried....and can sympathise with you....i had to get my head round the fact that it wasn't to be this time...for whatever reason...but it wasn't my fault and its not yours.

Take care xxx
O hun I no just how your feeling so I'm sening you big hugs xxx
sending you lots of:hug: and hope youre feling better soon xx
I am so sorry to read your terrible news. Sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry, I can't offer advice but send you a massive:hug:
:hug: I'm so sorry :hug:
So sorry!! :hug: I have lost four now the last two in very similar circumstances. When this happens, for what ever reason, nothing anybody does or says can ever take away that feeling (you know what I mean) but time really is a great healer. Everyone told me "At least you have one child" but as much as he is my baby (now 13) he's not the ones I lost. I wish you all the best pm me any time.
Thank you so much for all the kind words and hugs sent my way.

I wasn't after the sympathy vote, i just needed to 'talk', but it's really helped me to know i'm not on my own and other people have gone through the same.

I wouldn't wish how i feel on anyone. i've always had sympathy for anyone going through a miscarriage, but untill it happens to you, i don't think it ever truely hits you how much it hurts.

Your all fantatastic, i'm so glad i've got this outlet.:hug: :hug:

You don't know how much it means to me.

Oh honey I am so so very sorry to hear of your loss.:hug:

I lost my twin girls at 20 weeks 2 years ago, and I totally understand how devestated you must be.

I know a fantastic forum where there are lots of ladies who have miscarried at all stages, there is an awful lot of support and advice there (as well as here, on SalonGeek of course) feel free to pm me for the link or if you need to talk.

Take the time to grieve. Look after yourself. x x x
So sorry for you hun, sending you :hug: :hug: . I've not experienced this so can't advise but am really feeling for you. There was nothing you could do. xxxx

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