well i would just like to share my news with you all, and hopefully i will manage to post a pic, so here goes,,,,,,,,,on monday morning my georgous dog daisy gave birth to a huge litter of 18 pups
we were all prepared for it but when they just kept popping out it was like omg :suprised:,, this is huge VERY rare.
2 of them sadley were still born and a couple are very small but fighters.
daisy is feeding them her self but we are with her 24/7 , we need to make sure that they are all having equal feeds and dont get squished,
so between 3 kids house work and 16 pups there no sleep been had here, , but i can bet thats nothing to how daisy must be feeling:zzz: allthough she is been looked after very well,
we are trying so hard to help these pups survive, so we really are giving are all:hug:, and must say this is very demanding and hard work there is so much to do ,but worth every secondx
well must go its my shift again now for the next few hours feeing pups,
we were all prepared for it but when they just kept popping out it was like omg :suprised:,, this is huge VERY rare.
2 of them sadley were still born and a couple are very small but fighters.
daisy is feeding them her self but we are with her 24/7 , we need to make sure that they are all having equal feeds and dont get squished,
so between 3 kids house work and 16 pups there no sleep been had here, , but i can bet thats nothing to how daisy must be feeling:zzz: allthough she is been looked after very well,
we are trying so hard to help these pups survive, so we really are giving are all:hug:, and must say this is very demanding and hard work there is so much to do ,but worth every secondx
well must go its my shift again now for the next few hours feeing pups,