Really need your advice please... no-show being abusive!


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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2010
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Hi ladies,
ive been thinking of posting this for a while,but alwyas just give myself a kick up the bum, and tell myself to get on with it,and not let it bother me,but its really upset me this time,
its going to be a long 1,but would really appreciate youre advice : )

firstly i had a call from a woman in lincoln wanting me to do her extensions,I explained that i do travel,but i also do a ladies hair that does hair extensions mobile,in her town,and i know shes really good,and does she wants her number, so i text the girl in question,and she said great,thanks,
anyway she called me back a couple of hours later saying she really wants me to do her hair,i did think of this as strange as she didnt know any of my clients,but i was flattered, so i booked to see her for a consultation,in the mean time she kept changing addresses for me to go to,and i was constantly trying to sort out directions etc,but she kept changing her mind as to where she was having it done.

anyway it came to the morning of the cons. and we had arranged to meet at the train station,as this would be easier for me?
I called her an hour before i was due to set off, no answer!

I then had a call from the other extensionist,and she had booked her too,and done a no show on her too!! and she had laid out money for hair for her,and moved other clients about!

then, that evening the woman started texting me really abusive things??
i dont know this woman,neither does the other hairdresser?

shes put a really bad review on my free index ad,and is now even setting up false email addresses and putting bad reviews on from silly names like tara banks etc........
she been threatening me,saying i know where you live retard etc.......

putting on my reviews that ive done her hair,was really rude, the hair melted when she straitened it??

ive just discovered that she has put a really good review on another mobile extensionists page on free index,and im just wondering now,if shes a friend of hers, or even works for her?
its really starting to get to me,what do you think???
Kate x
Hi Kate,

Oh dear, that does sound very unprofessional, if she is working for someone else !

The best thing you can do really is to just ignore it and let it blow over, as I don't think there are many other options unfortunately :(

It seems to me like this lady was definitely looking to stir up some trouble from the get go !

Don't let it get you down and hold your head high, as you have done nothing wrong. Also, I do think its very kind and courteous of you to recommend the mobile stylist to the lady.

Keep your chin up :) x
Just the advice i needed : )

thankyou x

Hi Kate,

Oh dear, that does sound very unprofessional, if she is working for someone else !

The best thing you can do really is to just ignore it and let it blow over, as I don't think there are many other options unfortunately :(

It seems to me like this lady was definitely looking to stir up some trouble from the get go !

Don't let it get you down and hold your head high, as you have done nothing wrong. Also, I do think its very kind and courteous of you to recommend the mobile stylist to the lady.

Keep your chin up :) x
Phone the police this is harrassment as well as her slandering you! what a nasty piece of work! if police wont do anything get someone to call pretending t be the police put the wind up her lol xx
I did actually call her when it all started,and said i would seek legal advice, as this is harrasment,and she started on that she was a solicitor,and she knows her rights,and shes free to say whatever she wants under the freedom of speech act,she must of forgotten that she told me 2 days previous that she was a stay at home mum,and was unemployed!!!
and she had the cheek to call me a bint,lol!!

but seriously i think the police will have to be involved if she carries on, its been nearly a month now!! : (

Phone the police this is harrassment as well as her slandering you! what a nasty piece of work! if police wont do anything get someone to call pretending t be the police put the wind up her lol xx
Sorry to hear you've had to deal with this. Im sure as you've said that she is connected with another business in the locality.

Personally, as I am mobile also, if a person keeps changing their location on me (especially if its so far away) I put them down to a timewaster and suddenly become unavailable for the booking. It might sound harsh but most people who want a real appointment know what they want, where and when. We are afterall walking into the unknown and I think its just good policy to be aware of what we're doing. For me, wanting to meet me at a train station would have been a MAJOR red flag.

Inform the police if she becomes too much, there really are some awful people out there. It always baffles me how these people think.

Put it down to experience and move on a bit wiser.
Thanks for youre advice lisa,baffles me too,she must really be messed up in the head, kind of frightening really,when i think about it : )

Sorry to hear you've had to deal with this. Im sure as you've said that she is connected with another business in the locality.

Personally, as I am mobile also, if a person keeps changing their location on me (especially if its so far away) I put them down to a timewaster and suddenly become unavailable for the booking. It might sound harsh but most people who want a real appointment know what they want, where and when. We are afterall walking into the unknown and I think its just good policy to be aware of what we're doing. For me, wanting to meet me at a train station would have been a MAJOR red flag.

Inform the police if she becomes too much, there really are some awful people out there. It always baffles me how these people think.

Put it down to experience and move on a bit wiser.
You poor love! This is horrible, I know. I was the victim of anonymous harassing texts a couple of years ago.

It is illegal. It is bullying. And it's harassment! Get in touch with your mobile network provider & seek help immediately. She shouldn't be allowed to get away with this.

The least they should do it check the call logs & block her phone. I would also ask the police for advice also.

I know it's delving into this deeper than you probably want to but where will it stop? Who will be the next one?

Good luck!
Do you not ask for a deposit for any hair ordrered? This discourages time wasters and ensures you are not left out of pocket. Also i always ask for a land line contact no that i will be phoning back to confirm the booking. I always ask for this as i put my personal safety paramount. All these things help to dissuade idiots like her!!!!
Sending a big hug :hug: out to you keep your chin up and report this to the relevant authorities.Keep a log of any contact xxxxxx
Do you not ask for a deposit for any hair ordrered? This discourages time wasters and ensures you are not left out of pocket. Also i always ask for a land line contact no that i will be phoning back to confirm the booking. I always ask for this as i put my personal safety paramount. All these things help to dissuade idiots like her!!!!
Sending a big hug :hug: out to you keep your chin up and report this to the relevant authorities.Keep a log of any contact xxxxxx

I really agree with the above post. I am sorry that you experienced this. There are so many posts from mobile operators about time wasters etc. If I were to go mobile again I would sign up for a card payment terminal ( I have one for my home business) as a priority. Take payments before you leave the house. The amount saved in lost revenue by time wasters would pay for it plus clients spend more if they pay by card. Genuine clients would only be glad to give payment on booking and give you confidence.:)
I can't believe this is happening to you. Like has been mentioned before, I would report her to the police for harrasment. You should also be keeping a diary/log of ANYTHING that happens in connection with this eg. texts, when, where, what was said etc. as the police will want to see this.

Hope things work out for you x
I feel for you coz i had something very similar to this where she did mess me about while i was mobile (and got her mates to keep calling regarding treatments i didnt do) but rather than writing via websites she worked at a very well know dragons den gym.... kept slandering me to my clients, all because
a) she wanted to work for me and i turned her down when i had opened my premises
b) an ongoing dispute with her racist uncle, who happens to be my neighbour to my premises. (who wanted to buy my premises so tried everything for me to leave, from criminal damage to racial aggressive behaviour)

i called the police, the pcso's got a log book, gota asbo booket, called my solictor and relayed info back to my clients of her & her familys evil nature... HOWEVER my business want affected how they wanted it to be! threatening behaviour is harrassment and no matter what you do dont derserve to be called names. call the police and say hows shes being verbally abusive, see where this will get you.

Unrelated but i watched hotel inspector the other day and the woman basically says if someone writes a bad review you should be able to defend yourself (ie) stating that she isnt your client! HTHs xoxo
Thanks to everyone thats replied : )

shes only getting worse,
shes put even more bad review on my free index page,so have had to delete it,didnt really get that much business from it anyway,just dont like to have to do it on principal.

Ive since found out where she lives,so im just going to pay her a visit, I have got in touch with the police, they gave me a log number,and dont seem to be interested atall, probably because im a hairdresser,and they think they have better things to spend there time on!

So im just going to see her, when she sees that im a professional,and she knows i know where she lives, she might stop?
well its worth a try anyway, if she is a solicitor like she says,and her husband is a lawyer, he might even be able to get her to stop it, i dunno, but its worth a try, its really starting to upset me now,
saying things the hair that i installed for her turned into a birds nest,despite paying £600 for it,and me claiming it was virgin hair! my customer service is atrocious etc,ive never had 1 complaint from a customer,well nothing out of the ordinary that cant be immediately rectified.
so anyway,im just going to see her,and see how it goes,
thanks all for your kind words : ) xx
She's quite obviously not a solicitor as she wouldn't be quoting "freedom of speech" She would know that if something untrue is put into written format (Including websites, email etc) this is, in fact, libel, Proper definition:
a false and malicious publication printed for the purpose of defaming a living person"
Tell her this and threaten her with court action. The law states that the onus would be on her to prove her statements are true. It's not up to you to prove that they are not. The fact she is libeling?? (not sure if that's the right word) your business reputation is a matter that would be taken seriously.

Obviously you don't need to follow it up but it will let her see you are serious and know your stuff (Unlike her). If you have a citizens advice bureau, they can advise you in more detail and give the legal jargon to scare the beejeezus out of her.
Sounds like she's a bit nutty and thinks this is an acceptable way to behave. She may even get a bit of a buzz out of bullying. If you know where she lives you could even get a solicitor to send her a warning letter advising her of your intention to pursue the matter. Think it may cost you about £40 but will hopefully let her know you ain't taking this lying down!!

Hope it gets sorted or she gets fed up soon......She sounds like a right beeatch!
I really wouldnt advise paying her a visit! If she is a nut job it may just make her worse and she may turn the tables on you and report you for harrassment!!!
Send a letter via solicitor to her home address!!!!
Keep a log of ANY contact ( phone , feedback , in person etc.), the police will only act on any harrassment cases after 3 serious reported incidents so dont give up.
I know it's hard but try contacting freeads and report her leaving feedback that is slanderous and tell them you are contacting your solicitor as she is harrassing you. It's worth a try .
Please dont lower yourself to her level as i really think turning up at her house may be a red rag to a bull!!!!:hug:
I agree to all of this.

Do NOT call on her, this could end up with you both screaming at each other on her doorstep. she sounds like a nutcase so don't fan her flames, turning up on her door would be very unsettling for her.

contact freeads and tell them you have got the police involved and are in the process of seeing a solicitor.

under her comments write down a well worded and thought out response (but reall think of what you are going to write).

you have never seen this woman professionally, so perhaps put something like that on.

keep a log of everything and go back of everything, keep text messages saved, etc.
Just to add one more thing....follow your instinct with bookings in future. Just remember you don't have to grab every client that's willing to book tho it is easy to feel that way. So as well as taking essential.... if you feel you're being messed about just abort the booking. You needn't be rude or even specific, can just say I think it would be better if you book with someone else. If you manage to do this at an early stage you may avoid future difficult clients.
In this case it does sound like the lady is 'not quite right' lol! So you may have been in trouble no matter what.
So, police, consider legal action, block her on your phone, learn from this and move on.
So sorry you've had such a nasty experience.
Just wanted to send you a hug :hug: you poor thing, this is awful what you are going through.
I am surprised the police were not much more help - last week I had a situation involving an annoying late night caller (1.22pm) & I found them helpful.
I cant understand why this girl would be so horrible, why would she text you abusive things? You havent even done anything!
I dont know if this is just me - but I wouldnt arrange to meet any clients at a train station.
Some great advice given as usual, just to echo everyone, dont go round to her house, get a professional letter drawn up & posted to her, get her number blocked from your phone, contact phone company quoting reference number police gave you, log everything, date, time & what was said.
Keep us posted in any updates, take care xxx:hug:xxx
Thanks ladies, your all so lovely!
thank god for salon geek,lol!!

And im not going to go to her house, think that was a moment of madness.
god knows what i would find?

I did a ladies hair last nite, who is an actual solicitor,and she said she would help me write a letter,
should kick the nut job into touch,also will be blocking her from my phone,and just hope she packs it in,
thanks again to all of you : ) xxx
im sorry to hear youve been going through this!!
Please keep us informed at the outcome of the situation now you have someone that has kindly offered to help you out with the letter! I think this is a valuable lesson to us all its just a shame that anyone has to go through it at all :hug:

I hope it all works itself out for you now xx :)

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