The Geek Gazette


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The Geek

Grand Master Geek
Premium Geek
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Starting... er, Tonight - I am starting a semi weekly newsletter with some of the more popular topics of the site since the previous version. Since there is no previous version availible, Ill settle on the more popular titles over the past week.

This should gives those that can not frequent the site some opportunity to see whats been kicking off as of late.

If you do/do not want to be part of the mailing list, edit your profile options and tick/untick the Newsletter box. Make sure that you also choose the format you want the email to come in (HTML is the coolest, but you may be using a crap email program that wont read it). As a matter of ease, I have made sure everyone active in the last couple of months is already set to get one in HTML ;)

Also, make sure it doesnt end up in your spam folder as these things are famous for being SPAM flags.

I look forward to any feedback you might have on the system.
Sounds like an excellent idea Sam.
Be interesting to see the new toy in action.
As you say for those that dont/cant visit as often as the 'truly, madly Geeky' it will be an excellent way to keep abreast of things without trawling through all our goss!

Well done that man!

P.S ... is the the Geekmolian shop price increase funding this, rofl! :wink2:
hehe, someones gotta pay the bills eh? I just need to get the tax man to consider taking them too ;)

The Geekmolian cost was raised more in line with the people that spend them. I started everything off cheap to get everyone going for it... now they are, its time to put them back up to a realistic value.

Better bank your Geekmolians as I think the Theif option will be far more poular now!
The Nail Geek said:
Better bank your Geekmolians as I think the Theif option will be far more poular now!
A-ha! as Monsieur Partridge would say!!! :rolleyes:
Me thinks you have just put the cat amongst the pigeons, oh wise one! :wink2:
Sooooooo if you 'theif' someones geekmolians, do they know who' dun it or not. (my mind is ticking over here) You can tell I am saving up for something cant you.

As for the newsletter, I think its a brill idea. Will it go out on the same day each week or what.

thanks for the brill site, I love it.
got mine and its brill...loads of stuff on there....great idea but surely it means even more work for ...? xxx
just got mine too, looks fab!

I didnt know you could steal geekmolians? lol

When are you gonna fill the shop up GMG? I am still waiting for a pressie.... sob sob....

you got a pressie hun i gave you soem geekmolians the other day.

your blind as a bat love
LMAO!!! didnt even notice!!! was expecting a bit of cake or a beer or something! PMSL

Thanks Lucia.

Anyone wanna buy me a bit of cake?? lol
Can We Have Some More I Missed It!

I freaking filled it today! Maybe I need to look at some supply and demand economics here and up the cost of the pressies ;)

Thief is open to all. But make sure you read the fine print... it can cost you in the old reputation department ;)
Please Sam have a heart xxx
Can you refill the geeky shop shelfs in the evening
Because when I get home from work, the shop is all empty, just shelfs and g*e*e*k*y all on them....and any chance of some Haribo's in the shop, because they make a cool gift or failing that I can buy some for home incase I run out........
Haribos is my Voddy and Orange replacement, when I need to keep a sober head lol

LOL as if you aint got enough to do xxxxxx
Get it while its hot (and if you can afford the price increase ;) ) I have succumbed to partially restocking!
(waits with baited breath.......... lol)

thanks GMG.... i have bought a couple of pressies for people...but its with stolen money! is that bad?? pmsl
The Nail Geek said:
Get it while its hot (and if you can afford the price increase ;) ) I have succumbed to partially restocking!

Blimey GMG, just brought you a beer lol............... for that amount of geekmolians I hope its a barrel....and very special brew.......
Enjoy xxx
Got mine thanks enjoyed it!

Straight to my inbox too.
HI Dr Geek!

Got my Geek Gazette

Great idea!!!!!!

It is fantastic - I read loads and was really impressed to find it highlighted so many great threads.



Just a quickie!
I checked my mail and looks like I can't read HTML, so I changed my options as directed, does this mean I will not be able to read this weeks news-letter?
All my boxes are ticked but didn't get the Newsletter, probably still whizzing round cyberspace??

Newsletter recieved fab idea :cool:

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