ear piercing babies/children


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I think we have to be careful about what we say and how we are saying it girls!!

If we, as professionals, have chosen to offer a treatment then it is not our right to judge. If you don't want to pierce babies, then don't. I don't because as I said earlier I don't want to make a baby cry! :rolleyes: But thats all, not a moral judgment on anyone else's parenting or beliefs.

And remember it is culturally the norm, in fact expected for some people, so who are you to say whether or not it's right or wrong?
some great opinons here geeks!! keep em coming.

For the record my daughter is 2 1/2 and i recently pierced her ears, i told her it would hurt but she said she wanted ears like mummy. she did really cry and i felt very guilty but now after 6 week or so she loves them and is always showing them off to visitors. im glad i did them now.

Always make sure you check with your insurance company, as many will have minimum age limits for treatments like this.

What age does the guild cover from then????
What age does the guild cover from then????

Guild policy states that minors under 16 must have parents/guardians written consent for this treatment.

Not all policies are the same, so make sure you check with your individual insurer first.
I have used a piercing gun in the past,
I only body-pierce now (that does include ears, but the method is the same as with a navel for e.g)

I have gun-pierced my nieces ears, she was about 3 months at the time, & although it was a little nerve-wracking, it was ok for all concerned.
imo, insurance issues aside, it is up to the individual.

But to throw a new cat amongst the pigeons...
I would never again use a gun, for the reason that they are re-useable, yet cannot be sterilised :irked:
Which means theres gonna be micro-spray from the lobe you just pierced still on the gun, all hidden from the naked eye.

I didnt know about microspray back when I used a gun for lobes,
& thats one reason why I wouldnt use a gun again.

Surely for gun-piercing to be totally hygienic,the gun should either be disposeable or autoclaveable.

I'm in no way having a go at any of you :hug:,
but I think that this is a good example of the law not taking the whole picture into account.

Sorry if that was too far off topic :hug:
I don't offer ear peircing, but both of my girls have their ears peirced.
They were done at 6mths of age.
Young enough that as soon as they holler, in goes a bottle and they forget about it.

I did it because it looks pretty. I did it so people would know that they are little girls. I also did it because I remember my sister getting them done around toddler age, and she went through all sorts of problems because she kept yanking at them. And so later had to have them redone.

At 6mths, they didn't yank at them or try to pull them or anything and they healed up very nicely.

There's nothing criminal about it.
I don't hear anyone yelling how criminal it is to cut the foreskin off of little boys WHICH to my mind is a LOT nastier than little earrings. While some say it's a religious thing, many do it simply for aesthetic reasons and because it's easier to keep it all clean.
Yes it's comparing apples to oranges in 'some' ways, but little boys aren't given a choice either. And as I said, not all do it for religious reasons.

I appreciate everyone has opinions, but let's be reasonable.
We're not talking about anything major here. It's hardly criminal and to say so is grossly exagerating.
It's no more torture for them than when they get their vaccinations.
I have yet to meet a single grown woman who said "I wish my mom hadn't peirced my ears":rolleyes:

I couldn't get mine own done until I was 12 and I would beg and plead and beg some more. My mother didn't give in. I wish she had done them sooner. Some of my baby pictures, you gotta wonder: boy or girl?
And little girls with cute tiny hoops, or little dolphins or little ladybugs in their earlobes are very cute.
Ok i don't do ear piercing but if i did i wouldn't do anyone who wasn't old enough to say "i want my ears pierced please"

Principally it is a matter of the rights of the individual.

No parent or guardian has the right to put holes into or mark their child's body in any way if the child has not been able to give their consent.

Obviously a baby of six months is totally unable to make that decision and it should certainly not be made on the baby's behalf.

Just my opinion on why I wouldn't do it or have my own babies ears done.
I agree with Angie on this one.
I would never put a child through any pain unless nessecary. I always say that if my little girl wants hers done then fine as long as she is old enough to understand the pain and that she'll be left with marks if she ever decides she no longer wants them in.
Why in gods name would anyone do a 4 week old baby its criminal.!! Good god.

In India, it is standard practice to pierce a baby girls ears at 4 hours old. The nurse just pushes the earing through by hand.
Ok i don't do ear piercing but if i did i wouldn't do anyone who wasn't old enough to say "i want my ears pierced please"

Principally it is a matter of the rights of the individual.

No parent or guardian has the right to put holes into or mark their child's body in any way if the child has not been able to give their consent.

Obviously a baby of six months is totally unable to make that decision and it should certainly not be made on the baby's behalf.

Just my opinion on why I wouldn't do it or have my own babies ears done.

My thoughts exactly.
By the time children of today grow old enough to have an opinion to what they would like to cut or stick on em attitudes to human choice would have significantly changed...

therefore I most certainly would not want my son or daughter to give me seriouse agro when they were old enough to do so for something I did to them at a time in their life that they could not express an opinion as to weather or not they would like one....

call me old fashioned but just because you might be into ear peircings doesnt mean your baby will grow up to like em...it should be their choice made at a suitable age when they are worldy enough to make that choice.

My 12 year old lad has asked if he can have an ear peircing...now he only wants it cos his mate is having one so he is simply following trends...a trend he may live to regret when older..

I have therefore put a block on it until he is 16 when he can have it done at an age where he is old enough to fully weigh up the pros and cons
My daughters ear were pierced when she was about 9 months old I was young myself and thought that baby girls looked cute with earrings in, My daughter is now 18 and now as 5 earrings in each ear so she loves them.

I think it all depends on the views of the parents to what is right or wrong I think I may have double standards if I am honest because a girl in my sons class had her naval pierced at age 10 and I was like whyyyyyyyyy.
hi would love to know geeks views on this??

do you do it? yes

whats the youngest you've pierced? not a child under under 16 and definitely not a baby ,it's just i feel sometimes the child may regret it when older and i feel it's done against their wishes.also babies\toddlers pull at their ears and get infected easily..I've seen a few ear disfigurements in my time caused by ear rings.I had my ears peirced quite young but that was because i wanted them done

do you offer it but wouldn't let your own kids have it done?? i do offer it as long as they have parental consent\proof of age as long as they are over 16.it's just my opinion due to a similar experience with my own lad when younger he wanted because his friends had them..i personally didn't agree because it was a trend thing.

have you pierced your own children's ears?? i did my lads ear as he is now 18 and it was his decision for himself.
I saw this programme once when a lady in her thirties said that she had a tatoo when she was in her early teens and now she regretted it. My point is that ear piercings, tattoos etc have been out for centuries and when an adult makes a decision for a minor, it is done with good intension. The way the world is going now will not have a drastic effect on people's lifestyle eg the pierced ear becaue I know a lot of people who are in high positions sporting piercings. I understand what you are saying about making decisions but ear piercings do not scar and the whole can easily close up. I pierced my ear when I was in my early teens and because I didn't keep it open it has heeled up completely :)
Not me i agree its horrible. :irked:
...I think I may have double standards if I am honest because a girl in my sons class had her naval pierced at age 10 and I was like whyyyyyyyyy.

Nah, not a double standard at all.

Obviously there are different opinions re: ear piercing, but to pierce the navel of someone under the age of 15 is extremely irresponsible of the piercer in question.
With the navel, growth, exercise etc. can (& generally will) contribute to the jewellery 'growing out' & leaving a thick & ugly scar.
But I should keep out of the discussion now, or I'll be killing the thread with all my talk x
I'm curious.....

In response to those that think it's criminal because the child has no voice nor choice in the matter...

What of the boys that get circumcized?
What of the children that are baptized/christened?
What of vaccinations? Vaccinations hurt. Maybe they don't want the pain and the discomfort and side-effects from those. YES, it's to protect them. BUT who gave them a choice????

Who asked them what they wanted?

I'm just curious where the difference is, and where the line is.
I'm not talking about the hole or the discomfort really.
I'm asking about the "choice" taken from them, and why it's ok to take away one choice and not another?

Frankly, I wish my mother hadn't baptized me. I'm not christian BUT I'm certainly not aggravated over it. No big deal. It's done. whoopty doo.I wish she hadn't cut my hair short when I was 11. Oh well, it grew back. No hardship. But thank god for the earrings because I looked like a boy with my 60-70lb stick figure.

All this broo-haha over lack of choice and whether it's criminal surprises me.

My daughters ear were pierced when she was about 9 months old I was young myself and thought that baby girls looked cute with earrings in, My daughter is now 18 and now as 5 earrings in each ear so she loves them.

I think it all depends on the views of the parents to what is right or wrong I think I may have double standards if I am honest because a girl in my sons class had her naval pierced at age 10 and I was like whyyyyyyyyy.

:eek::eek::eek: I know i know i totally agree here that 10 years old for a navel piecing is too young.Call me old fashioned but MY GOD,what is the world coming to? I know girls round here who are 12 that have their belly button's pierced.:eek::eek::eek:...Next we will let kids as young as 13 have tats for gods sake.

I'm curious.....

In response to those that think it's criminal because the child has no voice nor choice in the matter...

What of the boys that get circumcized?
What of the children that are baptized/christened?
What of vaccinations? Vaccinations hurt. Maybe they don't want the pain and the discomfort and side-effects from those. YES, it's to protect them. BUT who gave them a choice????

Who asked them what they wanted?

I'm just curious where the difference is, and where the line is.
I'm not talking about the hole or the discomfort really.
I'm asking about the "choice" taken from them, and why it's ok to take away one choice and not another?

Frankly, I wish my mother hadn't baptized me. I'm not christian BUT I'm certainly not aggravated over it. No big deal. It's done. whoopty doo.I wish she hadn't cut my hair short when I was 11. Oh well, it grew back. No hardship. But thank god for the earrings because I looked like a boy with my 60-70lb stick figure.

All this broo-haha over lack of choice and whether it's criminal surprises me.


But we are not talking about religion are we....religion is completely different to "i think it looks pretty"....religion is about culture.
I had mine done when i was a baby (and that was just with a piece of string and a needle!) and my daughter had hers done when she was 3. Didn't cry or make a fuss and loved it.

But we are not talking about religion are we....religion is completely different to "i think it looks pretty"....religion is about culture.

I wasn't talking about religion.
I was talking about the "lack of choice" that some people objected to (don't remember who to be honest, I just scrolled quickly through the posts).

As in "my mother chose to baptize me, I did not choose to be christian".
My mother chose to cut my hair short.
My mother chose to send me to english school instead of french (while we live in a french province)

My question is about the choice, and or lack thereof, and not personal beliefs or preferences.

We all do it. None of us are saints lol:wink2: Every day, all day long, we make choices for them according to our own opinions and/or beliefs, cultures, etc. We're all different.

I'm just wondering how some arive at their decision as to where to draw the line that makes it acceptable for a parent to make choices on their child's behalf AND what makes one choice criminal and not another when the question is about the child's own lack of choice?:confused:

Not trying to argue, just trying to understand some of the opinions a little better.
Lets not get overheated on this one like I said I chose to have my daughters ears pierced as a baby some people may see this as wrong I dont want to shout at them WE all do different things and WE all see different things as right or wrong thats what makes us unique :hug:
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