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I can't add to what's already been said except thanks Gigi for wakening us up - I've been snoring too long xxx
well a lot has been said hasn't it. the reason y i posted pics was for opinions.. good or bad..
but at the moment financially i cant become a premium geek to post pics(they dont fit in the gallery) so where am i supposed to post them???

As for perfecting the cake first before the icing for me it just happened that way for me i love art whether its on a canvas or a nail and i will continue to do so.. the rest will come later when i save enough money to go and do a creative course or some thing.....oh and my art supplies don't have a shelf life as far as know acrylic paint doesn't go off neither do my brushes
Wish i never started..
I think I feel another yawn coming on :zzz: :)
I think half the reason there are no juicy Q's at the moment for some time is that same old problem of people being embarassed to show a lack of knowledge etc

It always amazes me when attending any class, seminar etc how some people keep quite during and after when surely they must have a question for what they've seen or learnt? Or even if they disagree with a point but don't have the courage or conviction to ask - and i suppose this also is apparent on the board.
I think half the reason there are no juicy Q's at the moment for some time is that same old problem of people being embarassed to show a lack of knowledge etc

It always amazes me when attending any class, seminar etc how some people keep quite during and after when surely they must have a question for what they've seen or learnt? Or even if they disagree with a point but don't have the courage or conviction to ask - and i suppose this also is apparent on the board.

I sort of agree, as I'm quite shy and don't like to put myself "out there" with people I don't know. If I was really stumped I'd ask, but so far all my questions have been answered using the search facility. The advice from all the experienced geeks has been invaluable to me, and I'd like to thank you all for helping all us newbies. :hug:
I actually think it's easier to ask a question on a website where hardly anybody knows you rather than in a room full of people, especially if the person wanting to ask the question is shy.
well a lot has been said hasn't it. the reason y i posted pics was for opinions.. good or bad..
but at the moment financially i cant become a premium geek to post pics(they dont fit in the gallery) so where am i supposed to post them??? being a premium geek costs very little...compaired to what a good nail art brush or pot of paint costs...:)

As for perfecting the cake first before the icing for me it just happened that way for me i love art whether its on a canvas or a nail and i will continue to do so.. If you was to buy a cake that looked great but tasted terrible would you be dissapointed...??.the rest will come later when i save enough money to go and do a creative course or some thing.....oh and my art supplies don't have a shelf life as far as know acrylic paint doesn't go off neither do my brushes when i said shelf life i was referring to how long things stay in trend...nail art now isn't as popular as it was....sorry i should have explained that better. .
Wish i never started.
please please don't take this as a personal attack on yourself...no-one from what i have read has named you as being the person in mind with this thread...it was just an observation.

if your happy doing what your doing then carry on being happy.. :hug:
if your happy doing what your doing then carry on being happy.. :hug:

Originally Posted by kutiekats
red writing was bagpuss well a lot has been said hasn't it. the reason y i posted pics was for opinions.. good or bad..
but at the moment financially i cant become a premium geek to post pics(they dont fit in the gallery) so where am i supposed to post them??? being a premium geek costs very little...compaired to what a good nail art brush or pot of paint costs...:) all my equipment i bought when i was working(not doin nails i must add)but at the mo no money no honey:cry:

As for perfecting the cake first before the icing for me it just happened that way for me i love art whether its on a canvas or a nail and i will continue to do so.. If you was to buy a cake that looked great but tasted terrible would you be dissapointed...??. And i don't do enhancements on people i just do the art on perfectly lovely natural nails so the cake tastes lovely the rest will come later when i save enough money to go and do a creative course or some thing.....oh and my art supplies don't have a shelf life as far as know acrylic paint doesn't go off neither do my brushes when i said shelf life i was referring to how long things stay in trend...nail art now isn't as popular as it was....sorry i should have explained that better. .
Wish i never started.
please please don't take this as a personal attack on yourself...no-one from what i have read has named you as being the person in mind with this thread...it was just an observation.

sorry if it seems like that and yeh i love what i do
all my equipment i bought when i was working(not doin nails i must add)but at the mo no money no honey:cry:
This is what we mean by nailart not being our bread and butter... not harsh words, just truthful.

One thing I've noticed is how some have taken this thread to heart, as if the original comments were intended for them personally instead of reading it as it's meant to be read, ie with no hidden messages between the lines :wink2:
i like your nail art:hug: and even though clients don't have it offen they like to see that I can do it

mabe a seperate forum for this is a good idea
but then it is xmas mabe geeg if you come up with some threads that inspire us to do stuff that you want to see then you might not be so board (
or is this just a bulling tactic to get more primium geeks )

example i love the dress a nail thread and will be entering. this is what makes the salon geek great for me xx
This is what we mean by nailart not being our bread and butter... not harsh words, just truthful.

One thing I've noticed is how some have taken this thread to heart, as if the original comments were intended for them personally instead of reading it as it's meant to be read, ie with no hidden messages between the lines :wink2:

ok for me its a hobby i love doing nail art whether it brings me money or not i like doing it, but when i do do it i charge accordingly.
but then it is xmas mabe geeg if you come up with some threads that inspire us to do stuff that you want to see then you might not be so board (or is this just a bulling tactic to get more primium geeks )
I don't think those are very fair comments.

Why should it always be the same old geeks who come up with the meaty/juicy threads?

In the Geek Commandments it says that we should try to post at least one thought provoking thread per week.

15 - Thou shalt post at least 1 thought provoking thread per week
The best threads are those that stir up discussion and constructive debate. We all have different tastes and we don't always agree with one another. A thought provoking post should encourage our differences and champion our individuality without making someone feel bad because you do not agree with them.​
How many of us can hold our hand up high and say that we do that?
do you know what guys and gals, guess what im going to have done tomorrow a nice set of BLACK GLITTER TIPS and SILVER STARS just in time for chrimbo.

even though im not even 'that keen' on nail art i know they are going to look JUBBLY (cause i also know who's doing em)

You'll have to 'imagine' the finished result though :green: :green: :green: :green: :green:

AMb xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
do you know what guys and gals, guess what im going to have done tomorrow a nice set of BLACK GLITTER TIPS and SILVER STARS just in time for chrimbo.

even though im not even 'that keen' on nail art i know they are going to look JUBBLY (cause i also know who's doing em)

You'll have to 'imagine' the finished result though :green: :green: :green: :green: :green:

AMb xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You'd better put a piccie of them somewhere girl or you will have me to answer to! (perhaps your gallery - let us know when you do).
good idea i'll put em on my website!

Gallery needs topping up !

amb x
good idea i'll put em on my website!

Gallery needs topping up !

amb x

Didnt know you had a web site - whats the address?
I appreciate the geek commandments.
I think they're great! And urging people to post one thought provoking thread per week is good in theory.

But, to be honest.... as I sit here....I can't for the life of me think of a topic that will get everyone provoked. Know what I mean? I can't think of one solitary thing that hasn't been discussed already.
If I have a question, I post it OR search for the answer. And truthfully, I haven't had many questions of late that were worth posting as the answers were in my books, or already answered somewhere else.

Add to that, we are all guilty, We all say REPEATEDLY "use the search facility".
well, with a site this size and of the age that it's at, PLUS all the lovely tuts and such.... all the answers are already here.. somewhere. So if other geeks like myself, do a search, whoops there's an answer... If it's already been posted, and then when we do post again to be told 'use the search'
So, what do we do then?
It's a catch 22. :confused:

(and as I write this... I'm still trying to think of something through provoking... and haven't come up with it yet)

I do try. I try to bring something new. But it really isn't as easy as one might think.
UNLESS those in the know, that have many years of experience on the rest of us, and many more hours of education under their belts... maybe post a "topic of the week" with a task/goal set for us newbies? Ok, example
"This week - PERFECT your smiles" and post a tut right where everyone sees it without using a search. Offer some tips and tricks, focus ONLY on that for the week....and if one must, then repeat onself as opposed to saying 'use the search. Tell them Ok,post a pic of your effort at the beginning of the week, then post a pic at the end after all your practice... see where the difference is? And the person responsible for the thread can judge and tutor for that week. Know what I mean?

I dont know... .just an idea?

With regards to the galleries... now that they're a lil more complicated to get to, I hardly bother. I used to love to be able to access galleries via clicking on someone's username and that lovely little drop down menu. It was so simple. I hate having to leave the page I'm on, click click click.... oh there are the pictures.. then click click click and some more clicking to get back to where I was. All that clicking UGH :lol:

And yup, I did prefer it when the nail art had it's own forum. Then those of like minds could post away, and no one had anything to complain about. If you don't like it, don't look. Freedom of choice:hug:

Anyway, just tossing ideas around in my head. I'm going back to finish my dishes and tackle the laundry. YUCK lol
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