I'm getting bored ... are you?


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Why dont we have a simple "rating" system (with comments) for all pics published like other websites do. That way we could see at a glance some of the top rated pictures submitted. All Geeks could then see at a glance the best rated images and learn from good submissions.

Contrustuctive criticism can be directed back to those posting where appropriate.

I agree that everyone from the newest Geek through to Geeg should post photos where possible but the best and the worst should be shown and everyone (Premium Geeks and all) should be able to "look and learn".

Please dont make this a private club for those who are "considered" the best to have the only right to post pictures.


ps - Im not bored with these photos.
Why dont we have a simple "rating" system (with comments) for all pics published like other websites do. That way we could see at a glance some of the top rated pictures submitted. All Geeks could then see at a glance the best rated images and learn from good submissions.

in the gallery you can see top viewed and rated images


I see what you are saying Eva, but how would you feel if your pics were in the worst rated? It wouldn't do much for your confidence (well it wouldn't do much for mine!).

BTW whatever happened to that Creative makeover thing that happened quite some time ago that geeks went to as models to show how to transform all different types of nails? Those kind of pics would be cool!
I see what you are saying Eva, but how would you feel if your pics were in the worst rated? It wouldn't do much for your confidence (well it wouldn't do much for mine!).

Sassy - It would make me work harder and long to be among those with the skills that appear in the top ratings. They say that you only learn by making mistakes, and this can so true of our industry. I love to see new photos, bad or good. We all have something to learn I guess - learning never stops (regardless of age) just because of a Certificate, or a "Premium" tag.

In reply to the other post, yes we have top rated posts but it is not interactive enough to be informative. Lets have a proper un-biased "rating" system where we can free from the old girls club and back slapping from mates.

Sassy - It would make me work harder and long to be among those with the skills that appear in the top ratings. They say that you only learn by making mistakes, and this can so true of our industry. I love to see new photos, bad or good. We all have something to learn I guess - learning never stops (regardless of age) just because of a Certificate, or a "Premium" tag.

this is so true and I learn something new every day, but do you not think that it would actually stop some of the very sensitive souls that are on the board from posting pics? I know how much courage it takes to post a pic amongst your peers, and I'm not a shy geek!


What is "spitting the dummy"?

sorry, crazy canuck here from Canada doesn't understand



What is "spitting the dummy"?

sorry, crazy canuck here from Canada doesn't understand


It's similar to having a hissy fit. I think you call a dummy a pacifier, at least they do in the States! It's what you put in a baby's mouth to stop them crying!
Well I have to say Gigi that I agree with you 100%. I have been a member on this site for a little over year and the whole feel of the site has changed ATM. When I joined I would log in and day after day I would read threads that taught me new things and reinforced things I was a little unsure about. This site was invaluable to me and I would not be where i am now without it (although I still have such a long way to go).

However lately I come on skim through pages and pages of thread saying Look at my new nail art, or even worse IMO all the threads about nothing! IMO these are on the wrong site. I am all for a bit of chit chat, BUT this is a nail/beauty site. So I too have been bored, I skim through click on a few posts that seem interesting and may have either something I can learn from, or which I love now a question that I might know the answer to.
It's similar to having a hissy fit. I think you call a dummy a pacifier, at least they do in the States! It's what you put in a baby's mouth to stop them crying!

:rolleyes: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

LOL The :idea: has turned on now. :lol:

Ok, the crazy canuck now understands, and will toddle off after having had her 'english' lesson for the day.:lol: :lol: :lol:
well you wont see my glitter tips on show.. even after six and a half years in the business i'm still not confident enough to flash my talons to the lovely geeks here.

having said that I am a very busy nail technician so i must be doing something right.:green:

I do however love to look at all the other work that you guys and gals do because i get inspiration from it.

debbie the not so confident x x x x x
Wow. Go off for the weekend and come back to a novel :)

Let me comment on a couple of points:

The nail art forum was merged into the Main forum because:
the lack of activity overall in there
the fact that people are still discussing nails!

There is still around as much nail art talk as there was before (and Layla is right... tis the season and so there is a bit more than normal) and as such, I am not going to re-instigate ANOTHER forum for seldom discussed nail issues no more than I will start another forum for system discussions. If the thread doesn't interest you - don't read it.

Saying that, I have been working on a review forum for Nails - so this should take the problems of people wishing criticism and isolate it in a way that is 10x's better than submitting a thread. It will allow people to rate the various aspects of the submitted nail (even if they don't respond). I am just working on a potential option to allow people to post the critique anonymously - however I am not sure if I will do this in the end because of some technical limitations.

In the end, my key suggestion is that these forums are shaped by the users and the contributers. The commandment about posting 1 thought provoking thread a week is to help to keep topics meaty and interesting while still being able to have a great place for discussion about the things that may not be so meaty but still ultimately shape the members as a whole (nail art, chit-chat, jokes, etc...).

I guess what I am saying is that if there is a lack of meaty and thought provoking threads, then we have no one to blame but each other. If you feel that the threads are boring, start one that is interesting and skip reading the ones you think suck.

Maybe that should be a new commandment :D
Thank YOU Geeg!!

This has been the best thread I have read on here in absolute ages!!!!
I have given out rep for a lot of the comments....not all agreeing with each other...but very interesting all the same!!.

Personally I would like to say.....I get very nervous when critiquing nails on here...as the person I am critiquing DOES NOT KNOW ME...and my way of wording things....Yes, Yes it is easy to say as long as you kiss, kick, kiss...but that still does not always work....and folks get offended.

I critique ALL THE TIME in class...but by the time I reach this stage I KNOW my students...the ones who can take a blunt approach....the ones who need the kid glove approach...but all the flaws still get addressed and the good points praised....and I know that improvement is going to be attained as a result of what I say!!!!

On here it is different!...but I still have to say what I think!!

As for the main theme of this thread...I can't say I am bored with the pics posted...but yes it has been a fad of late...
HEY I almost joined in...I am planning Bling nails for me this Xmas...and thought OOh I should post a pic!!!...
So maybe it is contagious......and yes Geeg you are right..I would have been doing it as an ego trip....wanting everyone to say....Gorgeous, Lovely, Fab.......So again Great Thread!!!...... & noted!!!
Hi Guys/Gals:

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

I have been a member here for a very long time. I don't post often, but I read the forum every few days. Before I started doing nails, I had a passion for looking at nail art (even if it was on natural nails). It is what got me started in the bus. almost 11 years ago and no matter my clientelle, I always have a few who demand art in some form (simple stripes to intricate flowers).

We either love nail art and can't get enough of looking at it, or it could pass us by without us caring, but there are those two types of people here.

I LOVE to look at other people's nail art, that's just how I am. No fault in that, and certainly no fault in not liking it much. Here in the US there are sections of the country where nail art is VERY lucrative and some where it's not.

I guess all I am saying is that some of us could stare at a set of glitter tips forever, and some don't get a thrill.

I would love to see the Nail Art section come back, only because for those of us who do have clients that like nail art, we can get so many creative ideas from seeing other's work. That way, we can still get in our "look at me" threads while those who don't much care for nail art don't have to see the posts. (EDIT: Just saw Sam's post and think the critique section is a wonderful idea, forget my "bring back nail art section" idea!!)

JMO, and I love you ALL.

a result of what I say!!!!

HEY I almost joined in...I am planning Bling nails for me this Xmas...and thought OOh I should post a pic!!!...
So maybe it is contagious......and yes Geeg you are right..I would have been doing it as an ego trip....wanting everyone to say....Gorgeous, Lovely, Fab.......So again Great Thread!!!...... & noted!!!
Well I want to see your work izzy so please dont let it put you off, post it in the gallery, You have not posted any before:)
Well I understand Geeg's point. However everyone begining is looking for a bit of praise, it's a boost to one's confidance. Being told that your nails look nice makes you want to continue to please and strive for more. As far as people getting upset by an honest critique then that's their fault for posting a pic. I have posted a couple of pics but with full intention of hearing honest critiques. I want critiqued on the nail itself generally but I tend to do nail art on my nails simply because I get bored easily.

Personally I love looking at nail art. It's so cool to see what kind of creative minds are out there. Especially being young and doing mainly my friends nails who are also young nail art tends to be the thing and it is always nice to stay on top of the latest trends.
I think Geeg's original points have still been missed a bit.

As an 'old school' Geek I am throwing in my opinion:

Showing off your nail art is fine if that's what you like to do and others like to look for ideas/inspiration. I do agree that a separate place would be better.

Geeg is exactly right with her comment of 'not bringing in the bacon' but, if you like doing it...........and you are confident you have spent enough time of perfecting your skills that will earn you a 'bob or 2'............

I personally, cannot see any real value in wanting a genuine critique in enhanced nails. It is a 2D image of a 3D creation. The smiles may be seen and some arches but the point is consistency on every nail. When can you ever look down the nail to see the free edge and the 'c' curve, on every nail.

The threads are getting boring. So many questions are repeated when they could be found on a search.

There are so many questions where the answer has been "you should have learnt that on your course'. This seems to frighten people off. Don't let it! The critism is of the course not the one who asked. Someone has said here somewhere, the most stupid question is the one not asked. Ask!

I look on here every now and then but, these days, rarely see a thread that I feel like answering. Shame.
80% of the Posts on the first page of the main forum are 'look at me and tell me how wonderful my work is' posts and I can't see the benefit to anyone but the poster and everyone is doing it AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. If I actually did respond and say what I really think it would not go down well.

Many of the posters have just finished a 3-5 day course and are wanting critique before they have done more than a few full sets (IF THAT) and frankly the work looks just like it should at this stage ... nothing outstanding and I just want to say, "do your time and pay your dues like the rest of us have had to do and get you head down and work at improving. Sorry, but you asked.


Just my opinion...

Perhaps you should give your opinion, I mean, why not ?

I only do natural nail care at the moment as I'm saving up to do my enhancement course. Until then, natural nails are just going to have to do.

I've wanted to learn nail art for a long time as I've seen some amazing pictures. I am not artistic at all and will never be able to achieve some of the nail art that I've seen, but you know what, I'll try.

Recently Chiodi posted some nail art pics that really spurred me on. Yes, maybe she won't win any Nail Art comps with them, but as a client, I would have been more than happy to wear them !

Since speaking to Chiodi and getting some advice, I've been having a play and have been really excited about what I've been able to achieve.

Even basic things like flicks that have always been a nightmare to me, I've mastered ! It sounds really silly, I know, but to ME it's an achievement.

I suppose it's like the first time you manage to do a smile line perfectly.

I am intending to post my pics of my nail art and I won't be posting them to get praise, it would be to get critique.

If someone turns around and says "They look like crap and this is why", I will take that on board and try to improve where I went wrong.

If someone says they look good, then I will be happy with that too.

I am not part of this board to go on a Ego Trip, I'm here to learn.

As to the second part of your statement, when people have just qualified, they are really excited and I'm sure that 95% of them practice their little sock off.

And once the enhancements start to resemble something that looks like a nail, frankly, I can't blame people getting excited and posting pics.

I honestly think this is a good thing as people can then say "Look here newbie, you still have a long way to go, but this and this is good".

There is no point practising for months on end, thinking that you are doing just great, to then find out that actually, you are pretty pants !

I think it would be more productive for techs to go and study the work of the techs they respect, I find myself not posting sometimes for fear of hurting someones feeling, no matter how constructive my post is- Alot of these threads are looking for PRAISE, not real constructive criticisms. If they were, they would PM a possible mentor and get cracking... I'm not saying ALLLLLL.
(last bit is for those that only read the last 2 lines in every sentence) :)

Same as for Gigi, why don't you post your opinion ? If it's always the same people giving critique, how will we ever see different views and "eyes" on the work that we do ?

I do p&w, but, to be honest I prefer creating colour, glitter enhancements, they're fun, eyecatching and different. Maybe it's because I'm young that I prefer a bit of funkyness over tradition ;) It's refreshing to do nail art and glitter after doing tons of p&w in the salon.
I'm proud of my work and I will show my work to other techs cos I know they like looking at something that's a bit different :) I'm known for my nail art on here and in my working area and intend to keep up my reputation :D

I totally agree LayStar.

Eventhough I adore a beautiful P&W set, they can get so boring. I just love some glitter or a different take on enhancements, I think it keeps it alive and interesting.

I also think the younger generation appreciate the look of a more "funky" set than just "boring" P&W.

go to chit chat and have a vote for your geek of the week guys !!!!!!
No need to be bored xxxxxxxxx:hug: :hug:
I see some nail art sometimes and I think it looks c*ap, this doesn't mean a client of mine will not ask for it one day. If I had never seen an example I might not be able to do what the client asked. Somethings my clients ask me to do are not to my taste but they are paying me to do it at the end of the day.

I agree that nail art is never going to make us millionaires but for those of us who are having to fight quite hard to tear clients away from the NSS sometimes nail art is a way of doing this. The average client lacks knowlege on what is a great enhancment (smiles, shape, form etc), some are drawn to sparkles and attachments, tacky as I think they can sometimes be. However, if thats what they want and it'll keep them paying me then i'll get on with it. Like I said before the nail arts not making the money BUT if they are comming to me every two weeks for re-balance AND nail art surely thats better than them not coming to me at all and paying the next nail tech to offer them the service they are after?

Whether someone is posting pics to: show others an example, for critique or just because they are proud and they'd like to share their work with professionals I really see no harm. After all those who are bored of looking at threads titled "pics" "new pics" "my nails" "what do you think to these?" don't have to click on them do they?
Agreed and I think Im bored of this thread now. If people want more interesting and meaty threads - they can make them. I am always keen for more! :D
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