I'm getting bored ... are you?


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I don't think those are very fair comments.

Why should it always be the same old geeks who come up with the meaty/juicy threads?

In the Geek Commandments it says that we should try to post at least one thought provoking thread per week.

How many of us can hold our hand up high and say that we do that?

this is true i do not post one thread a week but i am a premuim geek and i'm not board by the mix of nail threads on the nail geek forum

also i can think of something to start a thread, search and it has already been covered

i am also sometimes nervous at starting threads but i will only get better at that with time.

my comment about getting more geeks to sign up for premuim status, was what sprang to mind when i read the start of this thread, i was just saying what i thought, and will continue to do so.

love and hugs tricky xx
Didnt know you had a web site - whats the address?

3 - Thou shalt Private Message if thy post is for one person.
Posts like 'hey sally, give me a buzz' is like texting 10,000 people in hopes that one of them will be the person you are trying to talk to. If your message is for 1 person, PM it. If its for more, post

A contridiction of a post but valid i hope
3 - Thou shalt Private Message if thy post is for one person.
Posts like 'hey sally, give me a buzz' is like texting 10,000 people in hopes that one of them will be the person you are trying to talk to. If your message is for 1 person, PM it. If its for more, post

A contridiction of a post but valid i hope

Apologies Louise - should have thought - must read read and read the geek commandment again! :lol:

Can I come off the naughty step now?
Well said Geeg,

A really good thread that though hijacked once or twice has stayed fairly well on the topic.

I have never posted pictures for critique, I dont feel good enough yet, but when I do one day in the distant future, I would want critique not pacifying. I have been shot down in flames in the past for some of my normal postings, but if I am wrong I am wrong I would never learn anything if peeps didn't put me on the straight and narrow and I thank all you experienced geeks for that.

I have to admit that I am also sick of seeing the "look at my nail" postings so much so that I have given up looking at them, hardly any get proper critique or critisms just "Beautiful, Gorgeous etc etc just so the tech can preen her feathers and pamper her plumes.

I am as guilty as the next of posting on the trivial non nail related postings, why because not much else is being posted at the moment.

Lets get some juicy topics going again like it used to be when I first joined Geeks a few months ago.

Joan :lol:(preparing to be shot down in flames):lol:
But thats what I'm talking about, why wait until you are good to post for comments? Surely one of the points of posting a pic is to help get better?
But thats what I'm talking about, why wait until you are good to post for comments? Surely one of the points of posting a pic is to help get better?

AND if someones nail art/enhancements are truely lovely what else are they supposed to say ..
But thats what I'm talking about, why wait until you are good to post for comments? Surely one of the points of posting a pic is to help get better?

I am not waiting till I'm good I am waiting till I feel proficient I know where I am up to, I can see faults in my own work as I can in others I have friends on geeks that I email for critique rather than bombard the whole community with them.

I am not waiting till I'm good I am waiting till I feel proficient I know where I am up to, I can see faults in my own work as I can in others I have friends on geeks that I email for critique rather than bombard the whole community with them.


unfortunately some of us other geeks are new to it all and havent made friends yet and i wouldnt call it bombarding the whole community..
unfortunately some of us other geeks are new to it all and havent made friends yet and i wouldnt call it bombarding the whole community..

I had no friends on here either when I joined Geeks, but you can easily make them. If someone says something you want to know more about just PM them all the experienced geeks are only to happy to share their knowledge with you.

kutiekats, i think you are taking this far far too personally. As it has been said, this thread was aimed at NOBODY in particular. I understand that you are upset as you think ppl aren't interested etc etc etc. But seriously, this thread isn't all about you.

I think we should have another commandment. people should be willing to give and recieve constructive criticism without ppl taking offence. if they post pictures people should feel free to give it an honest answer. What does everyone think?

I think sometimes people are so frightened of causing offence that they don't dare to say anything out of line.

Anyway this is a good thread. Are you still bored Gigi?!:lol:
kutiekats, i think you are taking this far far too personally. As it has been said, this thread was aimed at NOBODY in particular. I understand that you are upset as you think ppl aren't interested etc etc etc. But seriously, this thread isn't all about you.

I think we should have another commandment. people should be willing to give and recieve constructive criticism without ppl taking offence. if they post pictures people should feel free to give it an honest answer. What does everyone think?

I think sometimes people are so frightened of causing offence that they don't dare to say anything out of line.

Anyway this is a good thread. Are you still bored Gigi?!:lol:

Bet she isn't I can just see her sat there with a cuppa lapping it all up rightly so. edited to clarify I mean lapping the thread up not her cuppa

kutiekats, i think you are taking this far far too personally. As it has been said, this thread was aimed at NOBODY in particular. I understand that you are upset as you think ppl aren't interested etc etc etc. But seriously, this thread isn't all about you.

I think we should have another commandment. people should be willing to give and recieve constructive criticism without ppl taking offence. if they post pictures people should feel free to give it an honest answer. What does everyone think?

I think sometimes people are so frightened of causing offence that they don't dare to say anything out of line.

Anyway this is a good thread. Are you still bored Gigi?!:lol:

Absolutely !!!!....walking on eggshells springs to mind. x
I am not waiting till I'm good I am waiting till I feel proficient I know where I am up to, I can see faults in my own work as I can in others I have friends on geeks that I email for critique rather than bombard the whole community with them.


Well said Joan, I am with you on this one, I would post once I thought my nails were okish but as I see too many faults in my work I want to get them sorted before I send any piccies and then as Joan I would send them to someone I thought would give me proper constructive critique rather than just saying nice, beautiful etc.

I have in the past done this myself and just nice, lovely etc and then thought afterwards - well that was helpful (NOT)!

To be honest I am with Geeg on this one and I have become bored and I tend not to look at these postings now unless particular geeks have posted and then I might take a look.

I feel another brain storming session coming on!
I'm not meaning anything I say to come accross as nasty, I'm just trying to fight the corner of those who love looking at pics for ideas.

I'm sitting here looking at my nails picking up on things that I'd like others to help me rectify. Theres no point asking the bloke in the office as he doesn't know what i'm on about. Thats why I post and I sure its the same for others to get help.

As I said before whats the harm in posting a fab set of nails or a perfect example of art, if no one ever knew what good enhancments/art was supposed to look like how would we compare?
The reason that I don't bother looking at the nails on here is that some people aren't always honest. I've seen nails that look like shovels get "Way to go" and "Gorgeous". It would be far more beneficial to the poster if there was constructive criticism such as " Just taper them in at the sides and they'll be gorgeous" or "Bring your smile lines up a bit but way to go for your first attempt".

Of course it's very brave of geeks to put their nails up for all to see but what point if they continue to make the same mistakes because they've not been told the truth?
I haven't made any friends on here yet either, but that's my own fault for not getting involved. :rolleyes: It's a two way street... you get out what you put in.
I've got an experienced nail tech friend who gives me a lot of critique (too much sometimes!), hence I don't feel the need to ask on here.
I think sometimes people are so frightened of causing offence that they don't dare to say anything out of line.


I feel like this most of the time and if I ever do say anything critical - two things happen - it comes back on me and bites me on the bum and it also knocks what little confidence in myself I have!

I'm not on about constructive criticism or good debating - I am always open and flexible with other peeps opinions even if I do not agree with them - what I mean is when peeps make it personal!

I have also had nail related posts which have had only one or two replies if any. I try and post an interesting thread each week - but sometimes when it receives less interest than some of the non interesting threads (see I dare not say what I think is boring:rolleyes: for fear of being attacked for bullying or giving out personal attack) then I for one (and I am sure many others) find it disheartening and demoralising.

Gigi is so right when she says that she is a big girl (as we are and the also the big boys) and we can choose what we do and decide, what we want to say - what we can't do is estimate what other peeps reactions will be! if they react in a negative way then it is very unlikely (but not always) that they will think things through and come to the same conclusion even if it is written in stone or said by someone who has more knowledge and experience!

I know imho I will always listen to geeks like Gigi - Sass - Sandi - Fiona - Joanne - 1999judy - PeterPan - Jess - Oceana - Little Angel - Heather Davis Jeni Giles and there are so many more names I would like to add but I would be here all day. Also notice I am not jumping on the Creative Bandwagon - some of those named do not use Creative but other brands :wink2:

Remember the site is already stacked with a wealth of knowledge and that all the written word in the world can not in itself can make you a fab nail technincian - it can point out your flaws or mistakes but it is practice and experience that makes you a fab tech whether it includes nail art or not :hug:

So now I have written War and Peace and probably bored you all to death I had better go and fetch my hubby from the train station :lol:

love n snuggs Deb xx
kutiekats, i think you are taking this far far too personally. As it has been said, this thread was aimed at NOBODY in particular. I understand that you are upset as you think ppl aren't interested etc etc etc. But seriously, this thread isn't all about you.

I think we should have another commandment. people should be willing to give and recieve constructive criticism without ppl taking offence. if they post pictures people should feel free to give it an honest answer. What does everyone think?

I think sometimes people are so frightened of causing offence that they don't dare to say anything out of line.

Anyway this is a good thread. Are you still bored Gigi?!:lol:

fine it wasn't aimed at any one in particular. but just expressing my opinion and how i feel about geegs post, but please everyone say what you feel other wise whats the point.... but i still think pics should be allowed to be posted here and its up to who ever to have a look and comment
I think yet again the point of this thread has become muddied. The way I see it is this:

1. Feel free to post pictures to ask for constructive critique, but you must be able to accept it for what it is and not spit the dummy if it doesnt get the reaction you hoped for.

2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the constant "look at how fantastic my nail art is", is not necessarily the opinion of all - some just dont like nail art and they should be allowed to say, sorry not my cup of tea or whatever, without someone spitting the dummy and feeling picked on.

If you dont want constructive criticism then dont post pictures asking what people think.
I think the point is being missed here. Geeg isn't saying don't posts pics, it's just becoming an increasing trend, rather than keeping them in the main galleries which until recently they have always been. But I have also noticed that she is right, It does seem to be some people are me, me ,me and never bother to respond in any body else's threads but expect everyone else to look at theirs. So let's given and take and not just take, take, take!

Again not pointing the finger at anyone in particular... but if the cap fits and all that! :lol:
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