Well the recession is hitting here too and many ex-pats are just handing back their keys to the banks and moving back to UK - although a lot of our clients are more affected by the exchange rates of £ to as they get their pensions from UK. However with that said our salon is doing okay, and I get new clients each week through client recommendations. Only been there for a few months so still a long way to being fully booked, but I manage to pay the bills each month.
I think you need to push the Feel Good Factor of your teatments rather than promote them as discounted offers. Look at you all going out buying dresses for The Event and the buzz that is giving you, and I bet a lot of you can't really afford it, but you do because you want to look and feel great. Well I reckon that's how you should be pushing your treatments at the moment - look good and feel great and forget the dismal news that's being flung in our faces every hour of the day.