I dont mean to sound rude but I am not even qualified yet and I am fully aware of the risks of overexposure from monomer...it is not just about using a lid and opening windows and checking for 'the signs'....most importantly you should be doing everything to PREVENT overexposure from ever happening in the first place.....which means not letting 'neat' monomer touch any part of the nail and surrounding skin.
I almost get the impression by the way you talk that you aren't aware that overexposure is something that develops over time from repeated contact of the monomer...it isnt usually something that just happens 'there and then' . You talk like its just another product on a list..its nothing to worry about...you just need to keep an eye out for the signs of overexposure...that is the impression im getting.
To be honest I personally would be worried if I was being taught bad practices like this by my educator...as a student I want to know that I can fully trust my tutor to teach me correctly and have thorough knowledge of everything.
You have posted this method in quite a few places on this site which tbh I find a bit worrying....there are a lot of new geeks on here with varying degrees of knowledge...some have little or none...if they keep reading that post everywhere then they will most likely think its a valid and professional method! These are the people that lay their trust in someone like you because you are an educator and tbh it makes me feel a little angry at the thought of how many new geeks will read and take on board your bad practices.