Well Done Glo - 2nd in Photo Comp


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Beautiful.....nails, photo, model....all of it, just stunning.
Well done:hug:
Glo, your work is just breath-taking!!:hug:

That's IT!

You are coming to Montreal to do my nails and makeup and make ME look that gorgeous and then taking a pic of ME so that when I'm old and decrepit, I can look back and say "OMG I was a hottie at one time, aye?"


Seriously hun, you are so talented, it hurts the eyes.
Share some of that talent, aye?


I don't know how you didn't win,that image is amazing,you are a very talented lady xxx

Btw this would be an amazing cover,i'm thinking winter​
:wink2: :green: :wink2:​
wow amazing photo well done.
Glo - I told you yesterday and I am telling you again - when I have my own salon, I WAN'T THAT PIC ON MY SALON WALL!

Wow is an understatement! Stunning in every way! Congrats xx
Fab work as always Glo - you are truly and inspiration xx
OMG Glo, that pic is stunning xx:hug: xx

Glo that is fanbloodytastic - definite cover shot - I wish I had even half of your talent and imagination !!!!:hug: :hug:

Glo that is fanbloodytastic - definite cover shot - I wish I had even half of your talent and imagination !!!!:hug: :hug:
How many times do we need to say it before the mags take notice...YOU DESERVE A FRONT COVER.
:hug: FANTASTIC:hug:
Wow Glo they are brilliant the photo is so professional well done xxx:hug:
I reckon we should make her put up the other pic that she did - I couldn't choose between them, first one was my favourite and then the other one was and then I'd go back to my original choice!

C'mon Glo......... show 'em the other piccy cos that's just as gorgeous as this one! :)
Wow congratulations, what an amazing pic. It makes fab desktop wallpaper too. :D :biggrin:
Well done your work is fantastic you are an inspiration to us all.
How do you get the shape of those nails?

That is such an amazing picture. It is definately worthy of a front cover, no if's or but's about it.

WELL DONE ! :hug:


That is such an amazing picture. It is definately worthy of a front cover, no if's or but's about it.

WELL DONE ! :hug:


Completely agree. Absolutley stunning pic. Well done xx
I reckon we should make her put up the other pic that she did - I couldn't choose between them, first one was my favourite and then the other one was and then I'd go back to my original choice!

C'mon Glo......... show 'em the other piccy cos that's just as gorgeous as this one! :)

Glad it wasn't just me Jackie, I kept too-ing and fro-ing and couldn't decide. And yes I agree with the others, it's about time Ms Mason had a front cover and had her talent recognised in print!
As always .. stunningly perfect work in every detail. I can tell your touch a mile away Gloria. Beautiful. Congratulations!!
Glo, in my humble oppiniun if you wanted to you could be a professinal photographer...........or are you one already:eek:

If I ever need some photo's doing, can I hire you. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese:hug:

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