Your tree, fun or stylish?


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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2005
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The South West
After seeing the gorgeous tree that Bagpuss has, and then comparing it to mine which is a mishmash of things made by the kids, chosen by the kids and all different colours etc, I was just wondering what all of yours are like.

Do you have a beautiful tree which is colour co-ordinated and done by you....or do you have a tree decorated by the kids in goodness knows what with a mass of baubles in one place and then bare bits in another :lol:. Oh and not forgetting the choccies :lick:

I have the second choice, BUT when the kids are decorating it I do have to just leave the room and let them get on with it otherwise I can't keep my nose out and I am saying 'oh no don't put that one there, not 2 the same next to each other' etc, and I never change it once they are finished.

SO what is yours like?
mine looks a bit bedraggled really , olivia keeps pulling everything off it :lol: theres more baubles on the floor than the tree :green:
Mine is a mix of the 2 stylish in some areas and a mishmash in others!
The kids have their own tree but they had the muscle in on mine aswell, oh well!! It still looks fab! xxxxxxx
not even got mine up yet! :( its in the attic in the attic (i have an attic thats actually in the attic if that makes sense) and theres no light in there, but it might be full of spiders and dead things and I am too scared to go there and my stupid bf keeps saying "yeah i'll fetch it later" and later never comes! BUT! when it eventually is in my grubby little hands it will look as if a two year old decorated it, but it will be meeeeeeeee! I've about as much style as a compost bin!
mine is lovely....i have artificial tree with snow and cones....then i have decorated it with just babbles but this year i added ribbon....i have 3 twisted bits from top to bottom!!....

got the idea from garden center!!! :green:
mine is childish.

it alread has lights on it which are tiny and really funky.

i have multicoloured baubles (red, green, yellow and blue) and all the decorations are either santa, rudolpf, parcels, stocking or snowmen and they are all in the same colours.

It is topped with a proper funky green star with red around it and red pom poms.
Mines trying to be's a pre-lit slightly frosted tree which cost me £120 last year (mad i know!).

I changed my colours to silver, red & white last year & it looks nice. I also have 2 sets of white lights & 1 set of cherry red lights this year.

Here's a pic of it from last year......


  • xmas tree 2006.JPG
    xmas tree 2006.JPG
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I braved the loft and the giant spiders all by myself this year...and put the tree up!!

Usually hubby and I do it together, I now realise getting the tree out the loft is a 2 man job!!
We usually play crimbo music whilst decorating it...but I didn't miss that too much as I had scraped my arm and banged my head whilst getting said tree out of loft so I wasn't feeling too Christmassy!!!

Anyhoo.....It is a pre lit one too...and I have decorated it all in gold,except for 1 little robin hiding!! oh and a reindeer in amongst the presents.

Stylish or pretentious choose :lol:

I am sad enough that I took a pic on my phone and it is my Christmas screensaver!!
Might take one with the camera later and upload and use as laptop screensaver too!!

OOh...It's starting to feel a lot like CHRISMAS!!


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I am sad enough that I took a pic on my phone and it is my Christmas screensaver!!
Might take one with the camera later and upload and use as laptop screensaver too!!

OOh...It's starting to feel a lot like CHRISMAS!!

I've got mine on my phone as well so party of two in the name of sad case!!:lol:

Before we had our kids it was all posh gold, silver and white, now it's a multi coloured mess but the girls did it and I love it.
when my kids were younger I had a fake tree that was a mish-mash of everything.....and they would decorate it ....and as the days went by I'd move an ornament here and there to get it evenly arranged again.....
Now that they are grown and gone.....I have a beautiful has white lights with crystal ornaments and white snowflakes....I've already posted a pic of it in the gallery...
Mine is a bit of a mish mash but its getting better as the years go on and my daughter gets older, it has more red and gold this year than any other colour. She did'nt put any of the decorations that she made in the past on it this year as she said it looked messy with them on, but I miss them, it means she is growing up:cry:. I'll try to sneak some on when she isnt looking, maybe at the back.

Trish :hug:
Mine is still in the blood loft:irked::irked::irked:
mish mash decorations but a real pine tree, love the smell of christmas in our place. lol
Always used to have a green tree but around 5 years ago decided on a white one and to this day i still use it along with the same colour accesories.
When my kids was young i had everything on it from cookies on a string, cardboard santa faces, fluffy pompoms etc but now they grown up and grandkids are here i have a feeling they might have a say very soon lol.

I place my tree in the summer house out of the way as i only have a smallish room and dont have a corner free to place it.
This year i had to compromise and place it on the table near the window and block the door up (thinking my 8 month old grandson wouldnt get to it but hes surprised us by walking early!):irked:
Anyhoo here it is, my tree!
I have just bought a new tree I wasnt very sure about it but its turned out ok.
It is a corner tree so has no branches at the back I was pleasantly surprised to how full it looked once the branches were all pulled out at the front.
The decoration of it was left to my 11 year old:hug:
Corner Christmas Tree.JPG
i have a fibre optic tree - but ive added gold balls and wooden (creme) decorations to it. - will post a pic when i take one...............
i have a fibre optic tree - but ive added gold balls and wooden (creme) decorations to it. - will post a pic when i take one...............

Oooh Id love one of those,
I just have a plain spruce green one with just silver and light purple dangly stars, baubles and silvery blue ones too ,
oh and some white cherry bulb lights too.:hug: x

As you bloggers will know mine went on the tip earlier this year. As I'm going to the UK for Crimbo I haven't bothered to get a new one so really enjoyed seeing everyone else's. Happy Christmas everyone xxx

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