How many forums are you a member of? ( it isn't a poll lol )


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This one of course :)
I am a member of quite a few others but only use for info they include, Hysterectomy association, fancy rats forum lol yep quite a varied mix
This one, Most Haunted..:eek: and a cosmetic surgery site, Im addicted to this one tho..xx:hug:
Only this one - I never knew what internet forums were til I found this one, and there is no time in my life for any others....... I do have a husband and kids you know - and they want feeding to and talking to and everything.....:lol::lol:
I'm on 2.

This one, and a forum for goths. I like this one for keeping in touch with the industry, and there are some lovely peeps on here, some of whom I am now good friends with (in fact me and Amethyst Angel had a fantastic night out on Saturday!), but if I tried to talk to most of you about my fashion & music choices you would wonder which hole I've just crawled out of:lol:. On the Gothic forum I can talk about black eyeliner and screamy industrial music amongst fellow weirdos!!:lol:
Just here for me, I spend far too much time on here as it is!!!! :lol::lol::lol:
I'm part of 5..
  • Salon Geek (My Homepage, and personal bible HAHA!)
  • Estetica Design Forum (Used to be active until I changed Career to Nails!)
  • Scrub Radio Forum (I DJ for them!)
  • Cygnus Radio Forum (I want to DJ for them!)
  • Daily Strength (To help cope with all my probs...)
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The forum I am most active on other than this one is the face painting chat one, Face Painting Chat

Sonia is on quite a few animal-related ones though...
only this one:)

i love the way its like one big familey:hug:
In the past I have joined various forums but never get time to check them all LOL.

I currently only actively frequent 2 - this one and a bead one.

I'm the same as naturalnails

I know the beady forum you're on about hun ;)

Sarah. xx
this one and

love this one better though... but i find both that one and this are primarily ppl from th uk, cannot find one that is just for beauty and Australia.
i find so many things on here that u are talking about, we don't have/use here in Australia... like tantrick.

I'm only on 3 others:
Beauty tech - but I never post, just look at all the pictures
Vogue Australia
E21 BMW Community

Since I found this forum, I don't seem to have much time for the others though:)
It seems as though this is the main forum for most peeps....

Interesting to see what everyone elses interests are....quite diverse!

I will often join a forum for what I am going through/relate to at certain times...

for instance the Big Brother forum I am only going to be involved with while BB is on....but I will post regularly....

I am a member of a Disneyland Paris forum...but again that is more when I am planning a trip....but I do pop by regularly to read trip reports.....

The other is trichotillomania forum....but that depresses me to be honest :lol:

I have been on dieting...pregnancy...Wales....etc etc forums....

This is the only one I have stuck around on though....which is a shame for you lot :lol::lol::lol:
I am currently a member on 2 forums, this one and a baby one. The baby one is the reason I have been lurking rather than posting on here recently!

I have joined other forums before for particular reasons and only been on them for a short time. Salon Geek is the forum I've been a member of for the longest time. :)
Just this one. I didn't know there were so many forums. Must join the Big Brother one. I did belong to a tiny waxing forum in the US. It was really great as posts were just about waxing and nothing else. However, the owner of the site deleted all of my posts when she felt I'd disagreed with her. Good job the mods don't do that on here eh!!! LOL Still, several of the members email me from the states now in support so we still have serious wax discussions. How sad is that..........I need to get out more.
Just this one. I didn't know there were so many forums. Must join the Big Brother one. I did belong to a tiny waxing forum in the US. It was really great as posts were just about waxing and nothing else. However, the owner of the site deleted all of my posts when she felt I'd disagreed with her. Good job the mods don't do that on here eh!!! LOL Still, several of the members email me from the states now in support so we still have serious wax discussions. How sad is that..........I need to get out more.

How nasty is that to delete all your posts because they didn't agree with you!!! Especially the sad and stupid :irked:

I think there are forums for just about anything and everything....but I haven't come across one quite like this site....

I was an active member of an American Christmas forum ( you think you need to get out more Kim!!!! lol ) and it was quite a friendly forum....but I got fed up of them writing DH DS DDIL DW etc would drive me bonkers...!!!!
Exactly!!! lol....

drove me mad for ages and then I figured it out ( I didn't like asking as everyone did it and I thought I should probably know what it all meant )

DH = dear husband
DDIL = dear daughter in-law

etc...etc... basically Dear...followed by family member

Their posts would be like this....

I got DH a watch for Christmas...DDIL chose it.....
My DS wants a new bike but because we have bought a computer for DD I don't think we can afford the one he wants so his DG(randpa ) is going to put some money towards it....

My posts would be

My RH (rotten hubby) gets me nothing for Christmas and my SMIL (stupid mother in law ) always buys me knickers too small etc etc etc :lol:

I got ignored 100% of the time....but I did enjoy the forum for some reason...until all the DD DH DDBBBDDDD got on my nerves :D
lmao that mde me laugh Jo. I belong to a few forums but only am really active on two. Geekdom and a fish keeping forum. Another one I go to from time to time is a Mum's forum I got involved with after Noah was born but its changed and dwindled and now has a very close knit small membership. I go sometimes now say Hello but not as much as I should. They are all still having babies though, I've moved on from that :lol: Its all abreviations as you say but mine for my husband turned into 5 or 6 letter affairs they all used to spend ages guessing. Usually too foul mouthed to type in full but at least I knew what they meant which is more than can be said of most of the ones they use!!
Member of quite a few

Salon Geek
Look your best (cosmetic surgery site)
Most haunted (only go on it when theres a live show)
Autism (ebay group for parents with autistic children)
Scooby net Subaru forum (me and hubby kinda like cars)
Jap cars forum (again subaru being a jap car)
So Fem (another beauty cosmetic surgery site)

i don't post on all of them only the geek and look your best are my favs!
i'm more of a reader than a poster.

"I have many friends, their all in my laptop!
i love this forum and love beautytech too.
i was priviledged to meet debbie doerlamm who runs the beutytech forum and some of the members too when i went to orlando for the premmiere beauty show this year.

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